Chapter 4

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"Let's go ride our dragons!" Peter yelled. When Peter's voices stopped echoing on the walls, the headmaster appeared behind the two boys, startling them.

"I don't think so, you still need to go to class, even though you just got here." Headmaster grinned as he looked at the two faces of disappointment.

"I expect that you two make it to class, seeing as your already two minutes behind."

"But, we don't know our way around, so we might not get there in time, what a shame." Peter let out a dramatic sigh, putting his hand on his forehead to look like a distraught princess. "Whatever shall we do headmaster?"

"Oh my, this is horrible indeed," The childish headmaster, played Peter's little game. "I guess that I will have to give you an escort."

With those words, all of them turned to look for the brunette that was now missing. None had noticed that she had left a while ago, and the two boys felt a bit guilty that they had completely missed her.

"That girl can run away faster than a lightning dragon...." Headmaster sighed, pulling out a bag of candy out from under his black top hat. He ruffled his ] hair before munching on some candy, a nervous look in his eyes.

"Why did she leave so fast? I understand class is soon, but I would have liked to talk to her a little more." David said to the headmaster. Peter whined like a dog, jealous that his friend would choose a girl over him.

"She tends to avoid people because of many reasons. I had to send three sisters to the western academy because of their acts towards her yesterday." He said with a mouthful of candy. "Come, we must get you to your class."

After a few minutes of walking through the quiet halls, they stopped at a red door that led into their class. Headmaster twisted the door open the door and let the two students inside.

"Your late, sit down. I don't want any peeps coming from you two-." The history teacher, Mrs. Lennon's was cut off when he saw The headmasters hard glare. The headmaster was only a few inches taller then Mrs.Lennons, but his glare was like ice whenever he wanted to intimidate someone. The two students made their way to a row of empty seats, waving goodbye to the headmaster. Both Peter and David began their way up through the rows, spotting Emma in the farthest one away from everyone else. David glanced at Peter, who gave him a nod. The two boys sat beside Emma, who glanced at them with curiosity.

"Welcome new students! I will be handing out an assignment today. You will have to research about one of your original magic users," Mrs. Lennon's started handing out papers for the assignment. "You have to research about your own element, if you have two elements, choose one. These are due in a week."

Mrs. Lennon's stopped at Emma, looking into her Grey eyes with a cold feeling.

"As for you Emma, seeing as though you are.....different," She started talking in a hushed tone. "I'm going to get you to write about the first dragon riders, it's not very different from the original assignment, but it will focus on dragons more than the humans."

Once the teacher was done talking to Emma, she headed back to her desk and started going through previous tests. She grabbed her white fuzzy pencil, and began to sketch some dragons in her note book, trying to ignore David's attempts at conversation.

After a while, the lunch bell rang and Peter and David followed Emma to the cafeteria.

"Oh, the food smells so good! It's like my wife is calling to me!" Peter called out, smelling the air.

"So your going to eat your own wife?" David asked with a hint if sarcasm.

"Inside and out baby." Peter said with a laugh, David elbowed him in the side and muttered something along the lines of 'don't be dirty'.

When the three made it to the caf, the whole room went silent and looked at Emma. Once again, Emma brought a gloomy atmosphere with her, but this time she wasn't going to let them scare her out. She took a seat at one of the tables, Peter and David following close behind, and reached into the blue glowing ball hovering right over the table. These glowing balls of energy had just been introduced this morning, and it was a lot of magic to keep running.

When she pulled her hand out, a steaming hot plate of some fries and chicken stips were in her hand.

"I wonder if this work with people too, can I pull out my soulmate with this?" Peter asked jokingly. Emma laughed and shook her head. The jokes were non-stop, and it seemed to grow on the girl as she smirked at the boys.

"How does this thing work?" David asked, slowly trying to poke the floating blue mass with his finger, which ended up in his finger going right through.

"Just imagine your favorite food on a plate and it should appear, no batteries required." Emma said. David looked at her with a grin while Peter put his whole head into the ball. When he took his head out, it was covered in spaghetti noodles.

"The people making the food don't like me." Peter said. David and Emma burst out laughing, making Emma realize that the room was bubbling with conversation once again, just like she wasn't there.

'And they can't be like that when I'm by myself? What the hell....' Emma thought. Peter ate a plate of spaghetti, while David chose a chicken caesar salad. Once they all are their meals, the magical bell of hell rang, signalling that it was a study period.

"Study? Like, do whatever you want as long as you quiet time?" Peter asked.

"Pretty much, as long as we don't make to much noise, the teachers don't care for what we do, only for today though." Emma replied. Peter jumped up in the air, shaking his fist chanting the word freedom over and over again.

"Peter, is there something you want to do?" David asked.

"Aside from paint the whole school red, there is only one thing I want to do," Peter evilly smiled.

"Go outside?" Emma guessed.


"Clean your room?" David joked.

"Like that'll ever happen."

"Thought so, do you want to build a snowman?"

"Dude, I will burn you"

"Then what? We don't know! Just tell us already." David asked. Peter let out a small sigh followed by a smirk.

"Let's go test our powers."

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