Chapter 9

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"Alright class, now I need each person to grab a wooden sword," Everyone grabbed a wooden sword from a rack the teacher brought out with her. Emma and Jasmine had the 'sharp' ends of their swords on the ground, while other students were holding the sword by the 'blade'.

"Everyone's attention pease," Everyone stopped And looked at the teacher. "I want everyone to follow those two examples before we continue, that's a safe was to handle your sword, unlike Brandon."

Everyone's heads turned to Emma and Jasmine, then to Brandon who was clutching the 'blade' of the sword. He quickly looked at the two girls and corrected his sword, getting a nod from the teacher.

"Now, you and your partner need to stand opposite to each other, and I want you to practice swinging the sword to adjust to it's weight, and keep this in mind, real swords are heavier then these wooden ones, so if ya can't lift up these things, ya better choose some different weapon for the exams." Everyone stood at least ten feet from each other, and started to practice swinging their swords.

Some people stumbled, some others dropped their swords, while a few swung their swords with no problem. Jasmine's yellow eyes flashed as she swung her sword, making her sword let out some sparks as she swung it. Some students eyes widened.

"Jasmine, no magic yet." The teacher said, impressed. Jasmine rolled her eyes and the sparks disappeared as she slowed her swinging. Emma's arms were begging to sore when the teacher yelled out the next step.

"Now I want all of you's to spar against each other, not enough to knock each other off balance, but just enough to show each other what level of skill you have." Emma and Jasmine nodded as they both held their swords, locking eyes with one another. Jasmine was the first one to make a move, she swung her sword over her head, leaving her whole body open for Emma. Emma used the holy of her sword to stab Jasmine in the ribs, knocking the wind out of her and making Jasmine drop her sword.

"Not bad Emma." Jasmine groaned, holding her ribs. Emma held a hand out and Jasmine took it, using her as support. Jasmine grabbed her sword off the ground and got into stance again, Emma close behind.

This time, Jasmine went for a side swing, which Emma easily blocked. This left Emma's side exposed, so Jasmine aimed for her side, Emma quickly swung her sword out of desperation and hit Jasmine's sword just in time. The contact sent vibrations up the swords and into their arms.

"You guys really need to learn how to get your skills sharpened." A voice cut into the fight, causing both girls to stop what they we're doing and looked at the person who spoke.

Ashley stood in front of a crowd, wearing white gloves that matched with her shirt, so she didn't have to touch the sword. She smiled and spoke once again.

"You heard me, get out of the way so the real people can fight." Ashley said. Jasmine let out a huff and retracted her sword, moving out of the way. Ashley gave a nod her direction as she stared at Emma, who was not moving. "What are you, deaf? Move out of way way unless you want to fight!" Ashley yelled.

Emma simply stayed put, her eyes were glossed over like she wasn't paying attention to reality. Ashley furrowed her eyebrows as she swung her sword at Emma, aiming for her head. Jasmine screamed as the sword headed for her face, but just an inch away, Emma caught the sword with her hand, a few splinters entering her skin. Looking at Ashley with dead eyes, she took her own sword out and swung the sword over her head.

Ashley let out a high-pitched scream making most students cover their ears.

Ashley closed her eyes waiting for an impact, but it never came. When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was the sword impaled into the ground. She shuffled away quickly like the sword was on fire.

She looked up at Emma as she was walking away. Emma was clearly shaking, but from fear of anger? Neither of them knew.

"Leave us alone Ashley, or I won't hesitate to end this." Emma said, her voice a bit distorted. Ashley fiercely nodded her head and Emma let out a sigh before walking to Jasmine's side. Jasmine patted Emma's shoulder as they both headed in the school. Still shaking, Emma took a seat on the nearest bench, trying to calm down. Her head was aching, and her hands hurt from the splinters in her hand.

Jasmine took out a pair of full scissors from her bag, and began extracting the spinters from her friends hand.

"What happened back there, we could of just moved out of the way." Jasmine said. It was true, and Emma knew this. If she had moved out of the way, none of this would of happened.

"If I did, she would of automatically thought that she can get whatever she wants from me, so I stayed there, knowing if she was to attack physically, I would have won," Emma put her head in her free hand. Jasmine finished with the splinters in Emma's hand, and blood began to form in her palm. Jasmine quickly took out some gauze from her bag, and wrapped Emma's hand. "Why do you carry gauze with you?"

"Never left without if after I crashed here." Jasmine let out a soft giggle, but Emma noticed the saddness in her eyes. Emma have her a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"Hey, I know it's hard, no need to keep it all in." Emma started rubbing Jasmine's back. Jasmine nodded as tears welled up in her eyes. It was hard for her, leaving all her close friends behind, knowing that none of them survived. After a little bit, they broke the hug and looked at each other.

"Hey, it's lunch now, let's get a bite to eat." Emma said as Jasmine's stomach rumbled. The two girls laughed and got up, heading over the the cafeateria to meet the two polar opposite boys.

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