Chapter 77

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"It's been stolen."

Jasmine turned away so she didn't have to look at her friends ashamed face. Emma was shocked, and she didn't know what to do.

"Jasmine....why did you just give it to him?" Emma asked, a bitterness lacing her voice. Jasmine flinched, still turned away.

"I wanted to help while you were gone. I thought that if you came back with an open book waiting for you, it could help this mess of evil that's comeing to attack us. I thought that maybe I wouldn't be so useless and do nothing while you were gone. I wanted to help." Jasmine said with a shakey voice,  fear clear in her tone. Did that didn't stop the rage build up in Emma, the brunette gritting her teeth.

"Well thanks Jasmine, now we lost one of our only possible solutions to this war that's happening. You've just possible doomed hundreds of dragons and riders to the death of these hellish creatures!" Emma began to shout in an attempt to get the anger out, and she felt the urge to hurt the girl to teach her for her actions.

"You know I didn't want to do that! I wanted to be important! I wanted to help too you know! And while you were playing with David in the spring trials, we've been here helping the people who've been attacked! And you're prancing around having fun with elites that may never even help!" Jasmine puffed, standing tall against Emma's short height. The brunette growled, her eyes searching for a weakness in Jasmine's defense.

"You're foolish, thinking you can possibly help. If anything, you there are a dead weight to my future, and if only I could drop you right here." Emma said while a painful headache took over. Her thoughts were cloudy, distorted, and her mouth were forming words she didn't mean to come out anymore. She desperately wanted to take it all back, to stop the pain she was causing to Jasmine.

"Right in her left knee, she has a bit of if arthritis you can use to your advantage. Take her off her left leg and take her by surprise." The voice called, and this time, Emma listened to it; running behind Jasmine with breakneck speed, sweeping her leg to step on the silver haired girls foot. She gasped and lifted her left leg, getting ready to lift the other one. But Emma was too quick, kicking Jasmine's right knee in and listening to it groan and crack as the girl collapsed in pain.

Jasmine landed on the ground with a muffled scream, clutching her leg as her knee continued to make popping noises as it shifted against the girls bone. Emma winced at the sight, then looked at Jasmine's face. The girl's yellow eyes took a while to look at Emma's grey ones, but when they did, they widened in suprise and fear.

"Y-your eyes....." Jasmine began, muttering to herself. Emma felt the rage flow through her again, waiting with the little patience she had to wait for Jasmine to finish her pathetic sentence. "You're one of them, your one of the hellish creatures! You're a reborn!"

The shouting brought spectators in the area, and when they saw Jasmine on the floor in pain, they all looked at Emma, some screaming as they saw the girls pitch black eyes. Emma froze, realization of what she had done freezing her in shock.

"Jasmine, I'm sorry-" Some students looked at the brunette with fear, while others had revenge written all over their features. Jasmine looked at Emma with fear; along with a bit of remorse as she mouthed'run' to the girl.

One of the kids shouted.

"Get her! Kill her before she reincarnates as one of the reborn!"

She took that cue to run.

Some hands tried to grab her arms as she ran; grasping her shirt and pants, but they weren't prepared for her to run away so quickly, causing their grips to slip. Emma tore through the crowd, pushing any foolish students trying to stop her to the ground. Being on the second story of the building wasn't the best idea, seeming as how students were running up the stairs to see what the yelling was all about. Some teachers were also running up the stairs, but as soon as someone pointed at Emma and yelled reborn, the teacher had a face of malice.

Emma's heart fastened in fear, and the girl ran through the hallways she knew was going to be empty. Some students were throwing magic at the girl, a few embers and sparks hitting their clothing as she ran. She was running out of places to go quick, as students began to block certain hallways with their bodies and some magic.

Emma remembered the girl that injected herself with another's diffrent magic, not fully reborn, but still a chaotic monster that jumped out a window to escape the clutches of the enemy. Seemed as if both Emma and that creature had the same fate. The brunettes eyes spotted a window, and she began to pick up speed, adrenaline flwowing though her veins as a last resort to help the girl. She ran down the hallway, feeling as though the earth was trying to hold her back as she tried to run.

It was like a dream, where no matter how fast she ran, she didn't go anywhere, and yet she knew the window was close, thin glass separating her and freedom. A spike of water flashed by her face, speeding past her and into the window, shattering the glass.

Glancing back, she saw David also now being held back by students, Peter kicking many in the balls to get out of there grasps, only to be knocked out by a fist in the face. David nodded, preparing to seal the window with one more blast of ice magic once she was safe. 

Emma smiled before she leapt out the window, falling through the sky then tumbled to the ground.

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