Chapter 19

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"For the love of the white dragon stop this nonsense!"

David's scream echoed through Emma's mind as she struggled to break the barrier between them, punching the invisible walls with allege might. She could practically hear the crys of all the people she knew yelling in her ears, .

God dammit

Her own voice seemed to echo off the walls of her mind. She was basically killing one of her best friends and she couldn't do anything. Arms giving up on her, she leaned against the wall, watching as David clawed at her arms to make her let go.

Emma had a pimed face. It had only been a few months and she was ruining her first friendship in years, and killing them at that. How would Peter and Jasmine think of this?

She could just picture their faces distorted with disgust as they pushed her away. They would never forgive her.

I don't want to lose them too!

When she screamed, the black walls seemed to crack, leaving white light to seep out of the cracks of where the wall broke.

Emma smiled as she felt some feeling in her body return, her grip on the blue-haired male losen.

I can't lose anyone else! Not when I need them so much.

The cracks soon began to crumble, but the black walls were visibly sewing themselves back together.

Just let us have out way for once in out lives!

Two voices intertwined with each other in her head as they broke all the walls completely, the walls crippling down into dust. Before Emma could thank the other person, she was returned to strangling David, full controls over her body once again.

Emma immediately let go and collapsed with him, head landing on his chest as he took in a big gulp of air. He began coughing and sputtering as he slowly let down the ice barrier.

"Well, near death experience is off my bucket list now." David tried to lighten the mood. Soon, teachers began the swarm the two as the shot question after question to the two.

"What happened?"

"Who threw the snowballs?"

"Are you ok?"

All the questions were directed to Emma, but she had already fallen asleep from exhaustion from the mental struggle.


Emma had been put into the infirmary next to the headmaster. This only happened because of the three friends begging the doctors to put the teacher and student together.

The doctors were dumbfounded how Emma could have fainted just by being hit by a snowball, so they diagnosed Emma with a concussion, thinking She was hit in the head with great force.

David was fumbling with the black stone in a small leather bag. Once againthe, the bag had an enchantment to keep the magic inside the pouch.

"David, what's up with your neck?" Peter asked. David's head perked up at the sound of his name and gave his blonde-haired friend a qestionable look.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You have giant purple bruises on your neck. Did you get hit too?" Jasmine jumped in.

David put his rubbed his neck with his hand and quickly retracted them when he felt a sore pain grow from the contact. He quickly made up an exuse instead of telling his friends that a damn stone had possess Emma.

"I just got hit a few time is all, no biggie." David akwardly smiled and hung his head Once again.

A doctor walked up to the three sitting in the hallway chairs just across from Emma's room. Her clipboard was held tightly in her hand as she walked with purpose.

"You three should be in class right now." Her cold voice sank in the three, trying to make them leave as soon as possible; but Jasmine spoke just as the female doctor.

"She's out friend, and were not leaving until we make sure she's fine." Jasmines yellow eyes were boring into the doctors green ones as they both had a stare down. The two boys looked at each other akwardly as they slowly shuffled away from the two females.

Soon enough, the doctor let out a sigh and broke eye contact, Jasmine slightly proud as she won the small contest.

"She'll be fine, she need rest and should be good by tomorrow. Now please," The doctor took a peek at he clipboard before continuing. "Get to class."

Jasmine nodded, satisfied she got the answer, got up and walked out of the infirmary, the two boys following close behind.


Classes had went by normally for Jasmine. She talked to some other girls and even managed to get a few bits and pieces of what had happened to Emma before the accident.

Not many knew of the silver-eyed girl, let alone know her name. And yet many people that had been there the whole addmitted they had felt a sudden urge to help the one who had begun the fight.

They had also admitted that Emma put up no fight. She simply curled up into a ball to protect her head.

Jasmine was in the verge of slapping everyone in the classroom who had not tried to stop this simple wrinkle in the school's history.

"So your saying, you looked at her and you already had a snowball in your hand?" Jasmine asked irritated.

The yellow-eyed female had a green-haired student pinned against a wall, her fist ready to punch him if he dared to do anything.

"Y-yes! I swear! I didn't know what made me do it! Now please let me go!" Jasmine looked away to stare at the gathering crowd.

She let out a growl and a few students quickly walked away, eyes still glued on the scene.

Looking back at the green-haired male's eyes, she noticed the fear swimming in his eyes and she quickly let him go.

"Think next time, it's as simple as that." Jasmine spat. She walked away from him, a path clearing for her from the gathering group.

She heard the last bell ring, signifying that lunch had begun, and the familiar sounds of feet scrambling the got towards the lunch hall.

Jasmine hung her head low as she wandered off the find her two male friends.


When Your tired but you wanna please your readers.

Honestly I will never leave this book, 1.07K reads? Nope, never.

Remember, I update once a week but since it's summer, I have lots more time, so maybe I'll see if I can squeeze another update or two in there.

Until next time~


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