Chapter 52

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Emma hesitantly looked back, not knowing what to expect. The fire elite was right behind her, waiting for a reply. The brunette could feel the tension with every breath, the air getting thicker with each passing second. Her grey eyes met the man's fiery crimson ones. His eyes was like the colour of blood, yet it had a sparkle in them.

Mira cleared her throat, the heat in the room dropping once again as everything returned to normal. But no one dared say anything, not wanting to risk the attention on themselves. The fire elite smiled and took a seat, his fiery aura shrinking and slowly seeping into the man. His magic was overflowing, but it wasn't his, the injection wounds on his arm was proof.

David was the first one to talk, right directly to the fire elite.

"May I ask how you have you been fire elite?" David said, getting a slight stare from everyone. The fire elite smiled, pride emitting off of him as he stared right back at David with his dark crimson eyes.

"I have been excellent, David Tyrim, the trials are about to begin tomorrow, and I cannot begin to explain how strong all these contenstants are." The deep voice of the fire elite rumbled through the table, just like a dragons warning call to others far away.

David's conversation seemed to break the mould, as others started talking to one another again. David was soon taking to the female water mage beside him. Her black hair and dark blue eyes was like the sea, just waiting to drown anyone who went to deep into her waters.

Emma looked around the table, but everyone seemed busy with their conversations. The central headmaster have occasional glances at the Brown haired girl, worry in each flicker of looks, but Emma constantly gave the older man reassuring looks, whether it be a small nod or a smile, it seemed to ease the man.

Soon, food came out of the kitchen. Large, silver platters of tender, slow cooker meat, seasoned vegetables, and plump fruit was press across the table on a way that everyone could reach. When the last of the main course was delivered, everyone bowed their heads, except the fire elite.

I was custom when so much food was brought out before an even, such as the spring trials, to thank the goddess and her white dragon for the large meal, to thank her for blessing the land to provide so much for the consumers.

Normally, most people would bow their heads to give thanks, but of one did not show respect, they are supposed to be thrown out of the room and wait for scraps.

But in this world, when the highest don't follow the secret word, no one seems to care, for they can't do anything to force them.

It was all about power.

Emma gave the fire elite a hate filled glance, the building going silent as. Justin began the chant.

Holy creature of peace and light

Gave us powers so we dont fight

We thank you for this blesseded gift

And we pray that the balance doesn't shift

"Thank you Justin." The fire elite said. The light elite have a nod, and sank back into his chair. Many people began to eat, placing meat and food in their plate. Emma just sat their, listening to the chant play back in her head.

Once mostly everyone had taken their food was when Emma began, taking what was left front he giant platters of food. They are the food with manners of different kinds. The earth users seemed to eat as much as they could before moving on to the next thing, while the nature users seemed to eat meat more then vegetables. Most likely to respect their magic type.

Emma grew lazy studing the other mages, and focused on he elites. They too, hadn't touched too much food, like the magic they had consumed refused to let them eat anything. But the earth elite was a diffrent story.

The green cloaked man didn't have any injection wounds of any sorts, and seemed a bit chubbier then the rest of the elites. Mira once again cleared her throat, gaining Emma's full attention.

"He doesn't know about it Yet." She said, pulling up her own sleeves. The two began to communicate telepathically now.

'when Justin told me he took that vial, I realized you needed more explaining. When we gulp down a bottle like Justin, that's like a quick fix of depleted energy, and heals is faster then any dragon bond.'

Mira took a bite out of her steak before continuing.

'but when we inject the concentration into our body, the magic becomes permament, joining the rest of our mana. But if we try to inject ourselves with diffrent magic then what were born with, we end up.... Diffrent.'

Emma thought back to when she saw the creatures from earlier. They seemed to be flowing with not magic, but rather a strange substance that was still unknown to the girl. But the creatures had no signs of being able to use magic at all.

'Emma, in theory, the fire elite want to see if you can absorb all types of magic. That way, he can use you to attack the eastern kingdom, or so I've been told.'

Emma remained silent, building a mental wall to keep even Mira's voice out of her head. The brunette dodnt want to speak, she didn't want to be used any more. She wanted to go home to her mother that was patiently waiting for her retun after she graduated.

But now, she had to stay strong. If it meant keeping the peace that her home and the eastern kingdom had built, then she wouldn't let it happen.

When everyone finished their meals, they all stood and left, leaving the table a mess of plates and food. Emma left a small thank you note under her clean plate for the people who was going to clean the table.

Emma and David headed back out the door, the large group of people flowing out to the ball room. It was actually the gymnasium, but with the work of a few mages from the school, they tramsfomed the large room into a masterpiece.

The earth users had brought in marble and placed it along the floor, a polish making the ground slick and shiny. Water users had made crystal chandilers with enchanted ice, fire coming off of them without melting the hard ice. Nature users spread thousands upon thousands of flowers in a neatly decorated in vases, akimg the walls, and dangling from the roof.

It was beautiful, and the diffrent coloured dresses and suits seemed to only brighten the rooms atmosphere. Emma gasped as she walked in the ball room, her black flats making a satisfying clicking noise that was around out on the sound of laughter. Music was playing slowly, and many people were pairing up and joining the beat.

Emma felt a tap on her shoulder, but it wasn't who she was looking for.

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