Secretly Pregnant Chapter : 12

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This evening, Que and I decided to take the kids to get some ice cream. It's their favorite snack and so we decided to treat them since it's been a few days since we last seen them. Plus, I miss my babies. Especially my KayKay.

"Daddy, Help me!" Malaya squealed trying to get out her booster seat. I giggled taking Kaylin out and have her, her teething toy and clipped her paficer on her shirt.

"You guys ready for some ice cream?" I asked them as we made our way to the entrance.

"YEEESS!!" They squealed and I smiled kissing Kaylin's cheeks and she sneezed.

Good thing my face wasn't close.

"Cassandra Broadnaux?" Someone said. I turned seeing a officer walking up to us. "You guys can go, I just have to ask her about a few things." He told Jacquees.

Jac put his arm around my waist, "This is my wife. Whatever needs to be asked can be asked infront of me." He said. The cop looked at him and wanted to say some thing but decided to keep it to himself.

Great choice.

"Like I was saying, Ms. Broadnaux, are you familiar with this man?" He showed me a mughsot of Nicholas.

"That's my daddy!!" Malaya said cheerfully and the cop grinned at her.

I looked at her and faked smiled. When really, I was a little hurt.

"Yeah..." I answered.

"Don't mean to come up all in your business but this question is necessary, did Mr. Smith used to rape and beat you?"

"Why are you asking her about that?" Jacquees asked beofre I could respond.

I touched his hand. "No no no baby its fine." I said. I looked at Malaya and Aiden and they were watching us. "Baby do you mind taking them in? I'll be there when we're done." I said and Jacquees looked at me.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Here take Kaylin too." I said handing him Kaylin and she looked at me. I kissed her cheek and watched as they went inside. "Wanna sit?" I asked the cop as we sat at one of the tables.

"Now, back to what we were saying with Mr . Smith."

I sighed. "Yes. He used to rape and beat me. For 2 years. It was crazy because he wasn't like that in the beginning. We were going to get married, we had our little family. Everything was perfect... Until he started his new club and doing drugs and drinking.." I said thinking back to those times.

"Did he use to touch your daughter?"

"Oh no sir. Thank God. I would've died if he would've touched her like that. Like yeah he's her father and everything and you know spankings and stuff but Malaya never got a spanking or ever caused us problems. She's a sweet good girl." I said grinning a little looking off to the side.

"Mmhm, well do you know where he is now?"

I shook my head. "I don't care where he is but his brother told me he was looking for me so I'm pretty scared about that."  I looked af Nic's mughsot pictuee. It was weird because he told me he never went to jail before so why does he have this & when was it? "When was this mugshot?" I asked the cop making him lockup from his notebook.

"Oh yeah, this was last night. Mr. Smith is in jail and waiting for a trail date now. His brother turned him in after quote, " beating his ass " he was funny ." He said laughing.

"Beating his ass, Why?"

"He confronted his brother about the situation and said they weren't raised that way. Poor Nicholas was so upset that his brother turned him in."

I looked away thinking about Kingston. The fact that he never knew about it and was coming to the house to scare me.

"But, don't worry Mr . Smith won't be able to even see you any more because he'll be spending some time behind bars." I sighed of relief

"How long?" I asked as we got up from the table.

He shrugged. "Ion know." He said. "Well thanks for giving me some information, really helped and appreciated it." He said shaking my head.

"My pleasure, and thank you for getting that man away from my environment. I can actually breathe again" I said smiling

He smiled walking away and I walked inside joining my family at the table.

"Well.. how did it go?" Jacquees asked. I looked over at the kids playing the game on the iPad that had at the table and eating their ice cream.

Jacquees was allowing Kaylin to lay on his chest. She was dozing off.

"It was great, he's in jail." I exclaimed. Jacquees laughed handing my ice cream to me and I smiled. My baby thought about me.  ❤

"That's great baby. Now we can get the kids back." He said eating spoonful of his ice cream.

"I knowww! I'm so excited!" I smiled saying.

My day feels alot more better knowing that I don't have to worry about anyone watching me.

: :


Ever since Cass came inside from talking with that cop, she's been smiling.

Im happy for her. I didn't even have to touch ole boy and he gone. I hope his ass gets life or death because he doesn't deserve to be back around here in this city like that.

•  •

I love my wife and my kids and just want to see them all happy.

: :


"That's who he was going with? Damm she fine." My brother said looking at his camera.

"Nigga shut up and lemme see the picture.:" he showed me the picture of Cassandra talking to the officer.

"What you think they were talking bout?"

I shrugged. "Probably Nic. They can enjoy their little freedom because my dude won't be in that jailhouse for that long. Already took down Tommy and they damn sure ain't finna take me down." I said starting my car.

"Where we getting this money from man?" My brother asked.

I shrugged again not thinking this through. "Maybe its time to go steal from the white folks again." I smirked saying stopping at the red light.

My brother looked at me and smild rolling up a blunt.

"Count me in." 

•  •

Now that Cassandra and Kingston got Nic behind them bars, they think they the shit. They not

And when I bail Nicholas out, we gunning for they asses. Especially Cassandra. I know she miss this dick. She can act all she want but I know she do.

Won't be long before my boy be back home so she better enjoy her freedom with her cute was family.

And Kingston, he better enjoy the time with his precious daughter cause she ain't gonna a daddy's girl for long either.

We coming back. For Revenge.


Who's The Mystery Person? 😮

Nicholas Getting Bailed Out ..😣


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