Chapter 57

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Hours Later...


I picked up Kaylin out her stroller and rocked her on my chest. She continued to cry until I put her pacifier in her mouth.

"Mommy, come look!!" Laya screamed looking over the railing.

"I can't baby, rocking Kay to sleep." I said and she pouted.

"Go ahead, I got her." Jarvis said approaching me. I smiled lending him Kaylin.

"Thank you so much." I said and he winked at me kissing Kaylin's cheek and laid her on his chest. "I'm coming sweetie." She smiled grabbing my finger pulling me to the railing.

"Do you see it?! Do you, Do you?!!" She screamed pointing to the flamingos on the other side. "I have that in my room."

"Yeah baby you do. Aren't they pretty?" She nodded and continued watching them. "Where's daddy and Aiden?" I looked around and didn't see them.

"Daddy went being Aiden to the bathroom." She answered. I ran my hand through her curly long hair. "Mommy, are you mad at daddy?"

I looked at her, "Um .. a little. Why?"

"I heard you and daddy fussing in the car and ever since you and daddy haven't talked. Is daddy going to come home tonight?"

I kissed her forehead. "Of course baby girl. Just because daddy and mommy are fussing doesn't mean he isn't going to come home. Daddy can't go no where if he wanted to. Mommy has this and he can't leave." I showed her my ring.

"Will I get one when I'm older?"

I laughed. "Yeah, hopefully if you meet the right guy. Someone that's like daddy, but better." I answered and she looked back at the flamingos.

She has too much sense for her 2 year old. I removed my hair out my face putting it up in a ponytail and looked over at Jarvis and Kaylin.

He was staring at me, hard. I smiled and he smiled back then looked away. I had a feeling he's been staring at me for a while.

That's been happening a lot lately. I don't know what's up with him.

"Hey guys." I looked seeing Jacquees and Aiden approaching. Aiden was on Jacquees's neck.

"Hi.." I said bluntly and Jacquees put Aiden down.

"Look Aiden!!" Malaya said grabbing his hand and they looked at the flamingos.

"You good?" Jacquees asked kissing my cheek wrapping his arm around me.

I shrugged and he sighed.

"Baby I'm sorry. You've been avoiding me this whole time and I been really miss talking to my wife." He kissed my neck putting his arms on both sides of the railing trapping me inside.

I giggled, "Jacquees stop people are looking and there's kids here." I said pushing him away a little.

"So, I love you and they gotta do this one day " He said. I looked at Jarvis and seen him watching us.

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