Chapter 69 { No Time }

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Later That Night..

Jacquees's Pov

I was still mad at Cassandra from this morning. In fact, I haven't spoken to her all day. I just been stuck in the studio all day listening to old songs.

Someone knocked on the door. I looked back seeing Cassandra walking in the studio room. I sighed turning back around.

She sat in the chair next to me and I could feel her watching me. I glanced up at her and yup, she was looking.

"What Cassandra."

"Jacquees you've been ignoring me all day. You haven't kissed or you touched on me all day." She whined.

I sighed turning my music down. "Cassandra you acting like a fucking child right now."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm the child. Says the person that left the house because he was mad I didn't make him breakfast. Now that my friend, was childish."

"Whatever man just let me be. Please!" I yelled now. I didn't feel like arguing back with her because it would only make things worser than what it already is.

"Whatever Jacquees. You wanna be that way, be that way. I came to talk like an ADULT but you can't even do that!" She got up walking out and slammed the door behind her.

I shook my head rolling up a fat blunt then laughed smoking it. Cassandra can be mad all she want but I'm not. Ima feel good at that.

My phone started vibrating on the counter. I looked seeing Jarvis's name flashing on the screen. Yeah, I got his new number. 

"Wassup bro."

"What you doing Jac? Trynna hit the strip club tonight?"

"Really nigga? You really gonna ask me that after -"

"Listen man, I miss us hanging out and a nigga just don't want to go by his self. So I'm coming scoop you up in 10 so be ready."

With that, he ended the call. I smoked the whole blunt and dragged myself upstairs to my closet picking out something to wear.

I was high, wasn't fully high, but I was high. I can function and everything though.

Cassandra aint gonna like that I'm going tonight, to a strip club at that. But you know what, I'm a grown as man and I can do whatever the fuck I want.

She'll gon' aight.

Cassandra's Pov

I was bathing Kaylin in the sink when Aiden came running in the kitchen.

"Mommy where is daddy going?" He asked. I looked at him and frowned.

"Baby boy what do you mean? Daddy isn't going anywhere." I said laughing a little and he shook his head looking at the living room.

"Mommy!! Daddy just left, is he coming back home tonight?" Malaya asked running the the kitchen.

Okay, thats the both of them. I washed the soap off of Kaylin's body then wrapped her in her towel putting the head part over her curly wet hair.

I carried her in my arms and looked out the window seeing Jacquees walking to a car. I noticed the car was Jarvis's.

What the hell?

I didn't know Jacquees was leaving and I'm going to find out where he is going. I went upstairs lotioning Kaylin's body in baby lotion then put a diaper on her.

"Mmm, Mommy's princess smells soo gooood!!" I cooed kissing her chunky cheeks and tickled her making her laugh and  trying to push me away.

I slipped her onsie on and cute little socks then picked her up walking downstairs and put Kaylin on the floor. She crawled to her brother and sister that were playing on their iPads.

I sat down on the couch and let out a sigh of relief. The kids were clean, and now there was left was getting them to bed. But first, I have to check and see where the hell Jacquees was at.

I went straight to his contact calling him. The phone rung about 3 times then I heard him pick up. Music blasted in my ear.

"Turn it down man, Cassandra on the phone!" Jacquees yelled. "Wassup Cass."

"Wassup? Wassup? Nigga where are you?!! You left me and the kids here without telling me where you were going and then you -"


I frowned looking at the phone seeing Jacquees had done ended the phonecall. My mouth dropped. I couldn't believe what the fuck just happened.

He hung up.

Jacquees really just hung the phone up in my face. I swear it won't be pretty when he gets home. I tried calling again but this time it rung and he never picked up.

I sent a message to his phone because I know he's going to see it.

- " Jacquees I know you hung up on me because your mad for whatever reason but really? I'm your WIFE! When we're havin a disagreement, we're suppose to talk about it not leave! And wherever you are, you better hope and pray you have enough sense to not fuck up because if you fuck up this time, I swear to God on my kids' life, I'm taking them and were leaving. I know your reading this and you better believe me when I say this Jacquees. Try me. "

I sent the message and then called Beverley. I need to talk to my best friend right now.

Jacquees really pissed me off when he deicded to leave.

"Mommy where is dad?" Aiden asked.

I sighed looking at them, " Daddy's coming back Bubba. Don't worry , when you guys wake up , he'll be here alright?"

They nodded proceeding back to their electronics. I got on FaceTime with Beverley until then.


Will Jacquees End Up Cheating On Cassandra?

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