Chapter 71 { Explaining }

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The Next Morning 🌞...

Cassandra's Pov

I put Kaylin in her swing and put her bottle in her mouth and she started feeding herself. I'm so glad she knows how to hold her own bottle. I went back to the kitchen and grabbed my breakfast plate and then went back to the kitchen sitting witb the kids eating my breakfast.

"Mommy did daddy come home last night?" Malaya asked looking at me.

"Yeah baby but daddy isn't feeling good right now. When he takes his medicine and feels better, you guys can go see him alright?"

"I want to see him nowww!!!" They whined. I sighed.

"Alright guys, you can go see daddy." I told them and they jumped up running to the stairs. I continued eating my breakfast and watching Kaylin.

Mintues later, the kids came back downstairs and Malaya was crying. I put my plate down looking at her.

"Princess what's wrong," She climbed in my lap laying her head on my chest and continued to cry. I looked at Aiden. "What happened?"

"Laya and I went to see daddy and when we tried waking him up, he yelled at us and told us to get out." Aiden explained.

"Daddy mean mommyy!!" Malaya pouted crying. I rubbed her back kissed her forehead.

"Don't worry Princess, mommy will take you guys to Auntie Nae's house so you guys can play with Kam nem while mommy talk to daddy alright?" They nodded and I say Malaya next to me. I grabbed my phone calling Nae.

After she agreed to watch the kids because I had to explain to her everything, she understood and took them for a little while. 

I don't know what the hell has gotten into Jacquees. Him yelling at the kids because they wanted to spend time with him does not give him a reason to be a dick.

Jacquees's Pov

I woke up with a big ass headache. My head was pounding. I don't remember shit that happened last night really.

All I remember is me leaving with Jarvis to go to the Strip Club, smoking and drinking my night away,  and some chick dancing on me. Ion remember shit after that.

I looked over and seen Cassandra's clothes still here. I must've didn't fuck up because if I did, she would've been gone by now.

I got out the bed walking to the bathroom. I grabbed some pills out the medicine cabinet and then swallowed that. After , I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

After I was done, I through my clothes in the dirty basket and changed went to my closet changing into some shorts and fresh socks leaving myself shirtless.

I went downstairs and seen nothing but the T.V. on. I frowned and noticed the house was empty. I turned of the TV.

I grabbed my phone going to Cassandra's contact about to call Cassandra but then the door opened. I looked up seeing Cassandra walking through the door 

"Where the kids?" I went to kiss her but she pushed me off and mugged the hell out of me.

I frowned following her upstairs.

"Cassandra talk to me. What the fuck is wrong witchu?"

She looked at me taking off her shoes and tieing her hair to like she was bout to box me up.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me really? YOUR WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!" She yelled pointing at me.

"What? How?"

She started laughing then put her hands together.

"Jacquees please tell me your joking right now. You screamed at the kids and Malaya was crying. Then ontop of that, you came home at 2:30 IN THE MORNING! 2:30 JACQUEES! WHERE WERE YOU?!" I sighed looking away.

"Cassandra bro, just chill out I dont have time for thism" i went to walk to the door but she blocked the door.

"NO! We're a married couple Jacquees, not boyfriend and girlfriend anymore! We have to talk about things like this and get past them. Now I'm going yonask this one time. Please tell me the truth and don't make me repeat it." She begged praying her hands together again.

I frowned running my hand down my face. "What Cassandra?"

"Did you cheat on me last night?" I smacked my lips looking at her.

"Are you serious right now? That was a dumb as question to ask me. What makes you think I cheated on you!"


"LISTEN! I went out with Jarvis last night to the Strip Club and -"

"WOAH! HOLLUP! SAY THAT AGAIN!" She held her hand up. "You went to a strip club? YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT THAT PLACE! I know you fucked some bitch last night that's why you came home late as fuck. So, I'm going to leave and take my kids with me." She pushed past me.

I grabbed her arm stopping her and pulled her in my lap. "Baby I didn't cheat, I promise. Plesee don't leave me, I swear I don't know what I'll do without you. Please baby don't go." I begged.

I really love Cassandra and don't want to lose her.

I know for a FACT, I didn't fuck another woman. Where I was until 2:30 in the morning, I don't know. I don't remember.

"I believe you.. for now. But if I find out your lying, I swear it's over."

"Well we don't have nothing to worry about because your husband is very faithful. Even though I went to the Strip club, i didn't cheat."

"How do you know that?" She asked folding her arms scores her chest.

"Because I don't have no marks of scratches on me." She looked me up and down.

"Mmhm, stand up." She said. Already knowing what she bouta do, I stood up turning around.

Cassandra's Pov

I have to go with Jacquees's word this time because I didn't have any proof that he actually is cheating on me.

I was serious about leaving too. If I find out that Jac is actually cheating on me, I'm going to leave and take the kids with me.

I don't know, maybe I'm just overreacting or something.


Okay So, Jacquees Did Actually Cheat On Cassandra. He Was So Fucked Up, He Didn't Remember Waking Up To The Same Woman That Gave Him That Lap Dance.

I Just Wanted To Actually Make That Clear Before Questions Start Rolling In About It.


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