secretly pregnant chapter : 14

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Later That Night ..


I heard Kaylin crying in the baby monitor. I groaned sitting up and pulled the cover off of me and moved Jacquees's arm. He put it back pulling me back in the bed.

"Where you going?" He groaned.

"Quees Kaylin's crying, move." I said grabbing his arm again.

"Nah you lay down and rest, I got her." He said getting out the bed and I watched as he put his shorts back on. I sat up grabbing my phone off the night stand checking it seeing notifications and emails.

I put my phone back down and turned on the TV. The door opened and Jacquees walked in with Kaylin laying on his chest.

"Hi my baby." I said sitting up smiling. She sat up looking at me.

"I'm about to wake the kids up, bath Kaylin for me while I get her bottle ready. I'm going make dinner." Jacquees said putting Kaylin's pacifier in her mouth and she stared at him.

I smiled at Jacquees as he walked out the bedroom. He's such a good person. A great musician, great father, and he's a great husband and family man.

If it's not about his money or family, he doesn't want to talk. That's why I love him. And our kids.

I looked at Kaylin and she yawned rubbing her eyes. I kissed her forehead and got up out the bed. I walked to bathroom drawing some warm water.

I'm gonna just bathe her with me because I don't feel like leaning over the tub bathing her. Plus, saves time.

"You ready to take a bath huh sweet pea? Yes mommy I'm so weadyy!" I cooed at her and she smiled.

•  •

I walked downstairs and seen Aiden and Malaya running around chasing each other. I made my way to the kitchen and Jacquees was on the phone and making dinner.

"Yeah man but I don't want to be away for my family for that long!... I don't know if I want to do this..." I sat at the table behind him and sat Kaylin in her sitting chair on the table. She sat up looking around. "Whateve man ima have to talk to my wife about this because I don't know what she's gonna think when I tell her this.. Aight, bye." Jacquees hung up the phone and mumble some stuff under his breath.

I walked behind him kissing his arm and wrapped my arms around him. 

"You okay? You sound pretty upset about something. Who was that on the phone?" I asked.

"My manager. They trying to get me to do this show in California." He responded.

"Okay what's wrong with that?" I asked. I was born and raised California and its really fun out there. I don't see why he doesn't want to do the show. "It's really fun out there and plus I'm from Cali, I can show you around." I said playing in his dreds.

He shook his head turning the stove down. "Baby that's not the point. They trying to get me to stay out there for a month. I don't to be away from y'all for a whole month. " He said and I awed pecking his lips.

"Awee how about you do the show and we all come along." I insisted. Jacquees looked at me.

"You for real? What about the kids , they --"

"They can come. It can be a little family vacation. Plus, I'll be able to see some cousins I haven't seen in some years and the kids will be able to see they're family." I explained. 

It's been a while since I've been to California and going on this tour with Jacquees for his performance is the perfect time to go out there and see some family. When I was 17 years old, my parents and I moved to Atlanta and started a new life.

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