Chapter 36 { Back Home }

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The Next Day 🌞 ( 2:30 PM )..


I took Kaylin out her stroller and she laid her little head on my chest. I kissed her forehead opening the door and laid her in her carseat. Aiden was buckling up his seatbelt and Malaya was buckling up her booster seat.

"You guys strapped?"

"Yes mommy." They responded eating their flavored popcorn. I closed the door and jogged over to the driver's side.

"Let me get that for you," A guy said opening the door before I could. He was cute, looked familiar, but I didn't see anything in him. He was just being polite which was sweet of him. But it was a little weird how he came out of no where.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"No problem. I'm Chance." He held his hand out.

He was cute with his little dimples into his cheeks. Im not gonna lie, i have a big thing for dudes with dimples.

"Cassandra." I said.

"Thank you, I like your husband's music." He said and he shared a little laugh. "I seen you had the kids and stuff just wanted to help. Where y'all headed?"

I shook my head starting the car. "We're going home. Might stop and get something to eat first, then home. I'm just tired." I yawned running my hand thriugh my silky hair.

"Well it was nice meeting you Cassandra. Hope to see you around." He grabbed my hand kissing it then winked. I nearly melted.

He was soo sexy in person and his smile was everything. But, I'm married and have a sexy husband.

"Mommy, who was that?" Malaya asked snapping me out my thoughts.

"Just one of daddy's friends." I answered pulling out the parking spot.

"Why did he kiss your hand? I thought only daddy suppose to do that." Aiden added.

I sighed. "Baby when you guys are older, you are going to understand. Right now, you won't. Mommy do not love that man. He was just being nice, like daddy." I explained to them. The best way I could.

I turned the radio up and rolled the windows up shut. I opened the top window thing that was above us and allowed the wind to come in blowing my hair.


I drove into the driveway and frowned seeing Jacquees's traveling bus in the driveway and the door opened.

I parked the car next to the bus and then Jacquees stepped out.

My heart dropped.

He's here?

I didn't think he was going to come home. He stepped out the bus looking at me.

"DADDY!!" The kids exclaimed jumping up and down in their seats. Literally , the car was bouncing.

I unlocked the door stepping out and opened their doors. They both jumped out like some animals running to Jacquees. Like damn, it only been a day.

I took sleeping Kaylin out her seat and laid her head on my chest covering her with her blanket. I put the diaper bag on my arm and closed the door.

I then locked the doors and walked past Jacquees finally admiring the kids. As I was walking past, he grabbed my arm.

"Y'all go see Uncle Jar nem," He told them and they took off to the bus. I sighed turning around facing him. "You was just gonna walk past and not say anything?" He asked taking off his glasses.

I rolled my eyes. "Jacquees I don't even want to talk to you so let me go, please." He let my arm go. "Thank you." I proceeded to the front door. Of course he was following me asking me why I left.

"Cassandra I know you hear me talking to you." He said stepping infront of me blocking the door.

I sighed annoyed. "Jacquees why aren't you back in California? I was doing just fine." I argued.

"Because you are my wife and this is out family. Yeah we got into an argument. We both said stuff, I apologize for what I said. I should've never said it and I was depressed when I got back home and seen y'all wasn't there." He said looking me in the eyes.

"You done?"

He smacked his lips. "Cassandra you aren't even listening to me, I CAME BACK HOME FOR YOU!" Kaylin jumped in her sleep. "I could still be in California not giving a shit and making my money but I'm not! I'm here trying to work things out with my wife, that I love, and don't want to lose!" He said grabbing my free hand.

I looked away feeling my eyes watering. He pulled me in his arms and I just started crying. "Shh, baby it's okay. It's okay." He said. "Look at me, Look at me," He raised my head with his finger. "I love you, you know that right?" I nodded my head. "I didn't mean what I said baby, I really didn't. It killed me when y'all left. Please don't do that again." He said.

"O-Okay." I said and he kissed my forehead.

"Lemme get Kay, y'all go inside and take a nap." He said taking Kaylin from me.

"Thanks." I said and walked in the house.

"Hey .." i turned around. "I love you." Jacquees said following me in the house.

I smiled, "I love you too."


It Didn't Make Sense For Her To Have Left California If She Was Just Going To Forgive Him This Fast..

Peeped The New Character? 😊

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