Chapter 21

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I walked downstairs and everyone was downstairs watching TV. The kids were running around and Kaylin was playing with Borris's grill.

"Wassup, wassup!" I yelled.

"Daddyy!!" Ma'Leah screamed. Her and Aiden ran to me.

"Dad where's mommy?" Aiden asked me.

"Mommy's sleeping, she'll be up in a few. Come here princess." I said taking Kaylin from Borris and she smiled at me. I smiled back kissing her cheeks.

"Nigga I hope your hands clean." Borris said and they all laughed, except the kids.

"Nigga shut up. It was shower sex. I'm clean as a mutha'fucka." I said walking to the kitchen. "You wanna eat pumpkin?" I asked Kaylin as she played with my chains.

"She already ate! I fed her while you and Cassandra was getting busy in the bathroom." Tameka said.

"Oh, thanks." I said grabbing an apple and a bottle of water. I walked back to the living room sitting down on the couch and sat Kaylin in my lap.

I took a bite of my apple and my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out and Kaylin tried grabbing it. It was a phone call from my assistant, Tina. Yes, Tina is a woman but there's nothing but business between us. I trust her and I know she'll do her job.

Cassandra on the other hand, she doesn't really like Blake. Blake is MARRIED and Cassandra still don't trust her.

"Wassup Blake?"

"Jacquees, hey! Did you guys make it to California yet?"

"Yeah. We're just waking up, what's going on."

"Um we're gonna have a little change... The show that suppose to be Sunday, is going to be pushed back to tomorrow.. So that means that we need you got rehearsal like.. now." She explained.

I fronwed. "Whatchu mean the show tomorrow Blake?! What happened?"

"I don't know, they just told me they're rescheduling the show." I sighed.

"Aight man, lemme eat breakfast then I'll be on my way. Send me the address."

"Okay , great."

She hung up and I laid my head back.

"FUCK MAN!" I yelled throwing my apple across the room hitting Borris in the head.

Kaylin started crying. "I'm sorry baby girl." I said comforting her and she sniffed laying her head on my chest.

"Damn, I can't get a sorry either?" Borris asked and we all started laughing. Tameka was dying.

"I'm sorry man. I just got to go rehearsal today because they pushed the show to tomorrow." I said and everyone looked at me.

"Fuck you mean? We just got out here!" Jarvis said.

"I know man same thing I'm saying! Cassandra is gonna be mad because she was planning on going go the waterpark for the kids and everything. Because after tomorrow, ima barely have time for my family." I explained and everyone stayed quiet.

"Don't worry bout it Jac, we'll be here with her and is females with go somewhere." Tameka said.

"Thanks. She wants me to meet her family out here too but I don't know when I'll be able to.." I said.

"Jacquees you a grown ass man, tell them mutha'fuckers what you want. Don't allow them to keep you all day and shit. You know how Cassandra is. She'll cry the whole fucking day if she could. She a real cry baby, believe me."

I threw a pillow at him and Kaylin laughed.

"Stop fucking talking bout my wife like that." I said pointing at him and he laughed flipping me off.

I got up walkung upstairs to explain everything to Cassandra.

"Ahh!!" Kaylin said grabbing my chain. I opened the door and Cassandra was still sleeping.

I got in the bed and put Kaylin between us.

"Wake mommy up again." I told Kaylin. It's her favorite thing to do. I watched as she started slapping Cassandra's face.

"Kay Kay mommy's sleepyyy." Cassandra whined. I laughed taking my phone out recording them.  Kaylin started slobbing in Cassandra face and she wiped her nose.  "Kaylinnn." She said waking up. Kaylin stared at her and then looked at me. Her lip started quivering. I laughed again ending the video then laid her on my chest putting her pacfier in her mouth.

"Cassandra I need to talk to you about something." I said rocking Kaylin.

"About what Jacquees? I'm trying to sleep. I don't want to be tired while we're at the waterpark later. You should be packing some snacks." She said.

"Baby we not going to the waterpark.. There was a change of plans." I said and she looked at me frowning.

"Jacquees what are you talking about?"

"The show was pushed back to tomorrow. So that means that I have to be in rehearsal today. Actually in a few," I said looking at my Apple watch.

"The duck you talking bout Jacquees? We had the whole day planned out! I thought you said that we were having a free FAMILY day. What ever happened to that?!"

"Bae its not my fault! Blake just called me and told me herself. She don't even know why! I'll make it up to you baby, I promise." I said grabbing her hands.

"Jacquees this is so fucked up! You won't ever be able to spend time with us or meet my family!" She cried.

"Cassandra baby I said I was going to make it up to y'all. And I'm going to meet them, I promise." I said. She sighed

"Whatever Jacquees. I'm just fucking tired of this bullshit. And this better be a fucking rehearsal your going to. Because if Blake try any fucking thing, ima break ya fucking neck then fire her!" She yelled storming out the bedroom slamming the door behind her making Kaylin jump in her sleep.

Holy hell, she's furious. I'm gonna have to really make this up to Cassandra.


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