The Confession

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Charlie's POV
It's been two days since our fight and I can't hold my feelings anymore! I have to tell her...but will she feel the same way in return and HOW will I tell her?
I don't care what happens...I just want to tell her how I feel...
I took out my phone and texted one of my best friends; Jared Leto.
I told him to come to my house Cuz I need to discuss something important with him.
It took him 2 minutes to answer and luckily he said that he'll come after their shooting for a new movie called 'Blade Runner 2048'.
3 hours later...
Jared finally came and he's with his girlfriend Margot Robbie.
"Hey, man..." I greeted him and he sat down on my couch "Why'd you call me over?" He asked as I uttered "Well...You already know that Bebe Rexha is here with me..." "Yeah...and where's she?" He asked again "She's in the mall..."
Minutes passed and Jared has no clue on what I've been trying to tell him.
I've been giving him clues that I'm in LOVE with Bebe, but he doesn't seem to get it....
"What the f*ck are you trying to say, Charlie?!?!?" Margot shouted to stop Me and Jared arguing "All I've been trying to say is that...I'm IN LOVE WITH BEBE AND I CAN'T SAY IT TO HER AND I DON'T KNOW WHY!!!! That's why I called you guys to help me set up a date for me and Bebe..." I replied.
"Well, you could always count on us!" Margot uttered "We're always on your back, dude! In good times and in bad times!" Jared added " let's start planning!" I ordered.
We planned the whole confession very detailed.
The plan goes like this: I'm gonna tell Taylor(yes the legendary Taylor Swift) to come over and tell her to tell Bebe that I'm on love with her, but the plan doesn't end up like that. Jared, Margot and I are gonna go to an expensive, fancy restaurant near a beach where me and Bebe are going to eat. Bebe is going to ask me if I like her and I'm gonna say 'No' and I'm gonna excuse myself to go to the bathroom and that's where Jared shows up to Bebe and takes her outside for a walk with Margot. While I am in the bathroom, I will go outside the small window in the bathroom and sneak my way to a huge cottage where Bebe will go and see me with one of her favorite singers, Ed Sheeran, there telling her I like her.
"How's the plan? Does it sound good?" I asked "You're really making a HUGE effort on this one...You're not even her boyfriend, but by the way you act..You're perfect!" Margot replied "Thanks...she really means a lot to me..." I replied.
The two went home and Bebe came and that's where the plan started.
"Hey, how's your shopping?" I asked "Good, I mean fans came up to me as usual, but other than that, I just window shopped." She replied and wen to her room.
"It's go time!" I whispered to myself as I started to call Taylor.
She answered it and I told her about the plan.
A few minutes later, she came and I told her that Bebe is upstairs in her room.
She went up and started to chat with her, following all the steps.
Taylor's POV
I opened the door to inside Bebe's room and I saw her laying on her bed posting pictures on instagram.
"Hey, girl!" I came inside and hugged her "Hey, I wasn't expecting you! How's it been?" She greeted me "It's been good!" I replied "Why'd you come here?" She asked "Well, Charlie called me and he said you needed a close friend to be with you." I replied "Awww, that's really sweet of him!" She uttered.
I sat down on her bed " to have a chat with her "Girl, I know a guy that is IN LOVE with you. Seriously, girl! I am not kidding you!" I told her and that's where the plan started.
She put her phone down and sat properly and stared at my eyes "You're not lying. I can tell by your eyes, you're not lying. Who's the guy?" She asked "Well, when I came, Charlie and I had a little chat and he told me that he is IN LOVE with you. No kidding!" I replied "Wait, what?!?!?! So, that explains why he cares SO MUCH about me!!!" She shouted "Well, do you like him too?" I asked.
She leaned closer to me and uttered "Well, promise me that this secret is just between the two of us.." "Of course! We're best friends!" I said "Well, I do feel the same way for him....I LOVE him too.." She said as my eyes grew big and I jumped around the room and shouted "OH MY GOSH!!!".
Charlie's POV
What the hell are those two doing? Why do they keep screaming? I don't care what they do, I just hope the plan is going well...I thought to myself as I scrolled to my Instagram feed and saw Bebe's new post so I liked it and commented on her post.
Bebe's POV
I heard my phone ring. I had a new notification. It was from Charlie. It says '@charlieputh liked your post' and I completely freaked out cuz it was a selfie of me outside his house.
He also commented on it. He said 'Damn you're one hot b*tch..keep it up! lol'.
I screamed and jumped up and down on my bed "Bebe, what's going on?!?!?!? Why are you jumping up and down on your bed?!?!?" Taylor asked as gave my phone to her and continued to freak out.
I stopped freaking out cuz I got tired. I sat down beside Taylor and saw her eyes grow big "OMG!!!! HE COMMENTED THAT?!?!?!? I AM SO PROUD OF YOU, GURL!!!! I'm literally one proud mama!!!" She said as we both freaked out on my bed.
"Hold on, girl. I've got a plan!" She said as we both stopped "What is it?" I asked "Let's celebrate! I know a place! It's the PERFECT place for an occasion like this!!!" She requested "Let's go, girl!!!" I said as I prepared for a celebration with Taylor.
When I was done preparing, Charlie knocked on my door.
"Come in!" I said as Charlie entered my room "Hey, I heard you and Taylor are gonna hang out." He said as he walked in my room standing right behind me in front of the mirror "Well, yeah, Can I?" I asked nervously "Why not?" He said as he giggled "Thank you!" I said and hugged him and left.
Charlie's POV
"Everything is going my way!" I said as I prepared myself for 'The Confession'.
I drove to the beach where the whole thing is going to happen.
I arrived there to see everything all set and ready to go.
"We're all done. All that's left to do is wait for Bebe to come!" I said to Jared "Dude, you put so much effort on you better get that chick!" He saud and laughed.
Taylor's POV
I was driving Bebe to the place where Charlie told me to bring her.
She's sitting right next to me on the front seat using her phone. Probably reporting this to her family.
We were driving at 80kph which was at a normal speed for me.
We turned left and there we saw a motorcycle going really fast.
I shouted and Bebe freaked out on her seat.
I jumped out the car while Bebe was still in the car.
The motorcycle hit the car on Bebe's side which left me to tears wondering if she'll still be alright.
I got a wound on my arm my legs and on my cheek, but it felt nothing compared to the pain that I let Charlie and Bebe down. All I felt was guilt.
I pulled out my phone and called 911 for help and texted Charlie everything that happened.
Charlie's POV
I heard my phone ring to which I assumed that their near, but I read something worse. Far from what I was expecting.
I knew that the plan was done for. That all I've worked for is worth nothing. That she...well....she....might not make it.
I sat down in the corner and cried. Jared came near me and sat down beside me. All I did was I gave him my phone for him to read.
After he read it, he patted my back to try and calm me down.
"I lost her....she was all that I had..." I said as I continued to cry "Charlie...I'm so sorry for what happened...look maybe she's gonna make it...let's not loose hope!" He said trying so hard to cheer me up, but at that moment, all I could think about was Bebe...All I wanted was Bebe...but she wasn't there "You have hope? Well, I don't. The vehicle hit her head, Jared! It opened her HEAD!!! And you're telling me you have HOPE?!?!??! How is SHE supposed to survive THAT?!?!?!?!?" I said raising my voice, standing up and sitting down again.
At that moment, I was lost. I was losing myself. I was nowhere to be found.
"Look, let's go to her, let's at least say goodbye and see her for the last time..." He said as I stood up and Jared, Margot and I went inside my car and drove to the hospital.
A few minutes after, we finally arrived and I asked the nurses if they have a patient named Bebe Rexha and they said she's on the 3rd floor, Room 5C, so I quickly rushed to the stairs and to see her leaving Jared and Margot behind.
The last words I heard from them before I left them behind was "GO CHARLIE! HAVE HOPE!!".
I know they were trying to give me hope, so I used it as strength to go to Bebe.
After running up the stairs, I finally arrived and looked for Room 5C.
I saw the door and quickly opened it. I saw Taylor sitting and looking down with guilt on her face, while Bebe was laying on the bed with a cover on her head.
"How is Bebe?" I asked and sat down the chair closest to Bebe "I'm so sorry...I was so scared to die and I-I-I let Bebe do-" Taylor said as I interrupted her "Shhhh....It's not your fault. You didn't mean it. It was the driver of the motorcycle's fault. He's the one at fault. He's the one to blame. Not don't.blame yourself..." I calmly said as Bebe's doctor went inside to talk to us. It was Colin. Bebe's personal doctor.
"Uhh. Mr. Puth. I wasn't expecting you to be here." He said as he took off his mask "Always expect the unexpected. That's what always seem to be happening to me." I back-fired at him "Sorry for the misundersta-" I again interrupted a person's dialogue "Just tell me what you want to tell me." I ordered and stood up "Well, Bebe's not in great condition. Her brain was damaged too much. There's a 90% chance of her losing her memory, while the rest, she might still have her memory. That's why we need to perform complicated surgery on her to fix her brain. If we don't then she might completely die or just loose her memory. Do you want us to perform surgery on her?" He asked "Do what you gotta do to make her live." I replied as Taylor and I went outside so that they could start.
Jared and Margot finally came and sat down with us "So, how's Bebe" Jared asked "Not very good." Taylor answered "What do you mean?" Margot asked "They're performing complex surgery on her right now, so we don't have to worry about that too much." I replied "Doctor said that there's 90% chance of her losing her memory and the know it.." Taylor added "Oh my gosh! That's terrible!" Margot said.
Hours passed and Colin finally came out rushing Bebe to her permanent room so we all followed.
We finally arrived and I quickly asked Colin "How's Bebe?" "Well, there's good news and bad news. The good news is: Bebe survived the surgery and will be living normally. While the bad news is: she...lost her memory...I'm sorry we did our best..." Colin replied and walked out.
"This must be a lie!! He must be kidding us!!! She can't lose her memory!!! Not now! Not ever!!!" I said as I freaked out "Dude, chill. Just look at the bright side. She's safe! And you know, we might actually bring her memory back! Just trust Dr. Quack Quack Leto. That's me by the way." Jared said "Yeah, just look at the bright side! Yeah! She'll be fine! In fact, she'll be awake in no time!" I said trying to cheer myself up even though it hurts me a lot.
More hours have passed and it was already 11:10 in the evening.
I slept at the hospital on the chair cuz I was so excited that she will be awake when I wake up.
At 2 a.m. I woke up to hear a loud long beep. I saw everyone asleep and Bebe's _____ beeping. It meant that Bebe was dying.
I was frozen. I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything to stop her from dying. I felt nothing as if I were a lost soul. I felt numb as I watched her die.
I heard the beep stop "She's dead sorry for keeping your hopes up..." I heard a deep calm voice whisper in my ear "What? Who said that?!?!" I shouted as I looked around still unable to move "Death..." he whispered as I lost conscious and died.
I woke up again at 2 a.m. to see everyone still sleeping and Bebe still alive. I was so relieved that I let out a deep breathe and went back to sleep.

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