The Wedding Pt. 2: Revenge From The Past

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Charlie's POV
"It''" I said nervously "Hello, Charlie Puth." He greeted with a stern voice and with a grin on his face as he walked closer to us "Yes, it is I, THE James L. (L. Stands for Lockhart) Barron." James introduced himself to the crowd as we all gasped.
Author's Note
Okay, so, before I continue, I wanna say that the guy on the picture above, the guy in the leather jacket is James L. Barron....I have no idea who he is in real life, so please bare with me. I searched this guy on google, like, literally. Just search 'American man with leather jacket' and you'll see him. Oh, and sorry for the random words on the picture. I couldn't find anything better. Okay, so now that that's all good..LEZ GO!


"How did you get out of prison?" I asked getting a step closer "I made a lot of friends there during my times there and when it was lunch time, we cracked up a plan. We one-by-one killed the cops inside and outside of the prison. Any more questions?" He replied "What are you doing here?!" Bebe asked raising her voice "To get you." He said as I got confused and obscured "I beg your pardon." I said "Both of us never announced that we broke up, so, we're still together." He replied "We're done. It's obvious! I thought you actually loved me, but when you became my boyfriend, you started to be abusive!!!" Bebe shouted "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. NO!! NO!!!" he shouted repeatedly saying no "YOU are still my girlfriend! Baby, I love you!" He said sounding like a lunatic "WELL I DON'T!!!" Bebe shouted "Do you even know what you're saying?!" I angrily asked "YOU'RE NOT IN THIS!!!" He shouted back "I AM!! CUZ THIS IS ABOUT BEBE AND I'M SUPPOSED TO PREVENT HER FROM THESE SITUATIONS!!! KILL ME IF YOU HAVE TO, JUST LEAVE BEBE ALONE!!!" I shouted "You wanna die, huh?" He asked "Well, I'll give you what you want." He added as he pulled a gun out of his jacket and pointed at me.
Everyone started to shout and go crazy "JAMES, PLEASE NO!!!" Bebe shouted "Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!!!" he shouted as he pointed his gun upwards and shot it twice and everyone started to shut up.
He came closer to Bebe "All I ever wanted was YOU, Bleta Rexha. No conditions except ONE...........always be my girl." He said as I held Bebe's hand "She's mine." I said seriously "She's not." He back-fired "I'm Charlie's." Bebe said "No one deserves you but me." He said "So, sorry I have to kill you in front of God." He said as he cocked his gun and pointed it back towards me "You're a devil." I said "Charlie, I'm so sorry I have to do this..." Bebe said looking at me and crying "What do you mean? You don't have to do anything." I asked then explained "I'm so sorry." She said again and ran towards James.
I followed Bebe as she already got to James "BEBE NO!!!" I shouted as "I'm sorry, baby..." He apologized as he shot me in the head and the heart and I fell down and blacked out. The last thing I heard was Bebe shouting "CHARLIE!!!!!".
Bebe's POV
"CHARLIE!!!!!" I shouted as I cried "I'm sorry, baby." James apologized as he held me "YOUR CONDITION WAS TO TAKE ME. JUST ME!!! BUT WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!?! YOU KILLED CHARLIE!!!" I shouted at James "Baby, it was a mistake!" He said "A MISTAKE?!?!?!? YOU WANTED TO KILL HIM ON PURPOSE JUST TO STEAL ME FROM HIM!!!! YOU THINK I WILL LOVE YOU AFTER YOU KILLED CHARLIE?!?!?!? YOU JUST PUSHED ME AWAY!!!!" I shouted even more as he grabbed me and pulled me all the way to his car "JAMES LET GO OF ME!!!" I shouted and he disobeyed.
He brought me inside his car and drove like a complete lunatic "JAMES, YOU GOTTA SLOW IT DOWN!!!!" I shouted as I held on to the seat and kept shouting.(🎶Girl, you gotta slow it down, I'm not tryna fall for you🎶)
He stepped on the brake too hard when a car passed by so my head hit the front seat and I blacked out.
James' POV
A couple minutes after, we already arrived to my hiding place in Miami.
I stepped outside of the car to get Bebe. I opened the door to the backseat and saw Bebe unconscious on the seat.
"*sigh* This is gonna be hard..." I said as I lifted her "AHHHH!!! Why is she's so heavy?! I think Charlie's been feeding her what she wants....unlike me....I guess they really love each other...I feel really bad ruining the most special day of their lives...." I said to myself as I put her inside my penthouse.
Bebe's POV
I woke up on a very comfortable bed in a room.
The door to to the room started to open. I started to think about Charlie.

woke up early in the morning to find myself in a king sized bed.
"Hello? Anyone here? Where am I?" I shouted in the room. I heard a knock on the door and it slowly opened. I saw Charlie walk in with some food.
"Here's your breakfast!" He said as he put the tray of foods on the table near me.
"Thanks...where am I?" I asked "You're in my house." Charlie replied.
"YOU HAVE A KING SIZED F*CKING BED?!?!? YOU'RE F*CKING RICH!!!" I shouted as I held his arms and shook him.
"HOLY SH*T PLEASE STOP SHAKING ME!!" Charlie screamed at me "*cough* sorry...." I said as I let go of him.
*end of flashback*
I started to cry and the more I think about Charlie, the more I cried.
The door opened and I saw James come in "Why are you crying?" He asked with a tray of food "I just remembered Charlie...when you beat me up and he helped me then I woke up in his house and I saw him coming in with a tray of food...." I replied respectively while crying "I'm so sorry for what I did and kept doing to you back then...I promise I won't do it again." He said as he sat beside me and wrapped his arm around me as I continued to cry.
Ed's POV
Charlie got shot by James and James took Bebe and ran away.
Most of us like Jared, Margot, Taylor and Elyza ran after the car while some of us stayed and called the ambulance "CHARLIE DON'T GIVE UP!!!" I shouted as I shook him trying to wake him up.
5 mins. Later...
"WHEN IS THE AMBULANCE EVER GONNA COME?!?!?" Jared asked "F*CK IT, HE'S LOOSING TOO MICH BLOOD. I'M GONNA TAKE CHARLIE TO THE HOSPITAL!!!" I shouted as I prepared my car "Get Charlie in!" I demanded as they followed.
I drove really fast so I made sure I press the horn every second.
When I got to the hospital, I asked for people to help me bring Charlie to the E.R. for an emergency operation.
They took Charlie in the operating room and started the surgery.
I kept walking around getting so messed up. I kept calling Bebe but she won't pick up. For some reason....

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