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Hey, guys! So I made a typographical error on the chapter "Fill In The Gap:Fit In". The date was supposed to be February 14, 2039 not 2038. See how advanced it is? It's 20 years from now. 😂😂

So, today, we went to Legazpi City and bought a ring/holder/stand for my phone and also a tempered glass for me and my mom's phones. Just this Friday, the case that I ordered on Lazada just arrived and it is AMAZING!! It has a stand for my phone (which means, if added with the ring for my phone, I have two stands for my phone, lol 😂😂) and it is a red and black armor case so that it is shock proof and the same mistake that broke my phone won't happen...again...#SuperSecured

3/16/19(that's a 13-day gap! HAHAH)
Sorry if it took me forever to upload! Ugh! Who am I kidding?! 13 days is not forever! Sorry, I'm just brain dumbed after everything.

For the whole week, I had to study study studys study for the pre-finals and fail fail fail fail on the test. We just finished it and boyyy...the results were baaaddd.

Also, I wasn't only having a pre-finals, but also, bad things started to stuff that interfered with the exams, but we handled it on the first half day of the exam. It was a reeeaaallly rough two weeks, but I'm glad things were settled down the way it should be.

So, there's my reason for not uploading for two weeks! Stress stress stresss stressssss, but summer is near, and in a week or two, so I will be uploading quite often during those times and maybe I will end this story during sumer...???idk
Bebe's POV
A couple days later...

Charlie's speaking to Xyphen about his illness via phone call...and it's on loud speaker.

*phone call*
Charlie: How's my big boy? Are you holding up alright and strong like a man?
Zy: Yep! I'll be out this hospital in no time!
Charlie: That's good to hear!
Me: Are you sure? Charlie, Xyphen's lying. He doesn't like taking the medicines from the doctor.
Zy: But they're injections!
Charlie: And they are good for you. Eat well and follow mommy and the doctor's orders. Or else...
Zy: Or else what?
Charlie: I won't give you any more pasalubongs.
Zy: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Alright, alright!!! You win! I'll take the shots and drink the medicines...
Charlie: Better. I won't be sending the gifts until I see the improvement! What gift do you want?
Zy: I want accessories for Bear and Brady...also a toy for Brady!
Charlie: I'll try to, since this is Australia. Now, may I speak to your mother?
Zy: Yes, dad.
*hands over phone to me*
Me: What do you wanna talk about?
Charlie: So, how are you?
Me: OMG, why are you asking? Are you possessed or something?! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!
Charlie: I'm your husband! What's wrong with asking if my wife is OK?!
Me: *laughs* I'm just fcking with ya!
Zy and Charlie: NO SWEARING!
Me: Wow, so easy for you to say!
Charlie: It's easy for me to say because I watch my mouth!
Me: Ha...ha! I'm fine! But I'll be better if you send me the money! *laughs*
Charlie: User 😑😑
Me: I'm just joking! Of course I'm great! Especially now that I saw you!
Charlie: Mm..hmm...and why is that so?
Me: Because you always make me laugh.
Charlie: I always want my family to be happy. So, where are the kids apart from Zy?
Me: At home. Sleeping. It's currently 8:27pm here in Sacramento, so, I put them to sleep so I could watch over Zy. But don't worry, I let Jared and Margot sleep at our house so they can watch over the kids while I'm gone.
Charlie: Wow, you're a professional!
Me: Of course! *flips hair* I don't know why Xyphen chose you over me!
*both laughs*
Zy: You guys know that I'm still here...
Charlie: Yeah, but we're just pretending you're not.  And Bebe, FYI, if Zy had not chosen me, you wouldn't be getting these!!
Me: Stop rubbing your filthy Australian money on the camera and send it!
Charlie: Hmm...will I...?
*hangs up*

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