Empty Seat

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Charlie's POV
6 days later...
After remembering everything, I decided to go back to New Jersey to go back to my childhood.
As I arrived there, fans kept greeting me and asking for selfies.
Memories fresh and were brought back as I walked in and out of our house. I remember the stupidness that I did; I was 2 years old playing in our yard when I saw a dog's tail. I assumed it was our dog, so I pulled it. I realized it was our neighbor's dog when it tackled me and bit my eyebrow leaving a scar that made me iconic today.
When I went inside my house, I was greeted by my dog, Brady Oliver Otto Puth. He ran towards me, tackled me and started licking my face "BRADY!! DOWN!!" I demanded while chuckling. He obeyed my order.
Bebe's POV
"Baby, it's our 2nd anniversary. What do you want to do?" James asked as he cuddled me "Surprise me." I replied in a husky tone as I kissed his cheeks and he kissed mine back "Wanna go to New Jersey?" He asked "Hmmmm....Ok!" I replied as we packed our things and prepared for the flight.
As we were riding the plane, I remembered something. Sh*t! Charlie lives there! What if he's there? I thought to myself as I sat there looking at the seat in front of me.
When we arrived there, James had so many friends there. No wonder why he chose New Jersey!
We went to buy burgers near the park when his best friend, Chloe McKibben came "James! It's been so long since we've seen each other!" She greeted James as both of them shook hands and hugged "It has, hasn't it? The last time we saw each other was...Junior High?" James said "Yeah!" She replied "Who's this?" She asked looking at me "Oh, that's Bebe, my uhh, friend! Yeah, she's my friend!" James replied as I got curious and paranoid What's his problem?! Why doesn't he wanna introduce me as his girlfriend?! Unlike Charlie...I miss him so much. God, why did I push him away? I'm so stupid! I thought to myself feeling stupid "Let me show you something. Can I borrow him for a sec?" She asked "Yeah, sure, go ahead." I replied.
I took my phone out, connected it to my phone and started playing songs while leaning against a wall. One song marked in my head. It was 'Somebody Told Me' by Charlie Puth.
I started to get emotional as I remembered something James told me.

years ago...
I was crying on the floor unable to move on from Charlie.
James sat beside me "Bebe...if you're gonna cry, then tell me...tell me why...I'm always here..."
*end of flashback*
I decided to go to James, but I couldn't find him anywhere.
A couple minutes of searching, I finally found him, but what I found was more than just James. I found him making out with his best friend. I got torn. I got broken. I died inside. I cried and ran towards an empty seat. Until I knew I wasn't alone.

When I sat down, at the exact moment, Charlie sat down there. Beside me.

harlie's POV
I went to a park where I can be alone. Where no one knows me.
I saw an empty seat, so I sat there and at the same time, a girl sat there too, and guess who sat beside me? That's right, the one and only, the love of my life, Bebe Rexha. F*CK, MAN!
She was crying and I felt so guilty doing nothing, so I did do something "Bebe....what happened?" I asked "James cheated on me." She replied "*sigh* Why would he?! I mean, you're a perfect woman! You don't deserve to be treated that way!!" I said "Thanks for your concern..." She thanked "You know I could always be your crying shoulder...I'm here for you.." I told her as I pulled her closer and let her cry on me.
She let go of me and wiped her tears off "I'm sorry.." she apologized as I started to get confused "For what?" I asked "For leaving you. Believe me or not, I thought it would help save you...but it only got things worse..." she explained "Bebe...I believe you...you don't have to say sorry because I already forgive you..." I said as I held her hands and looked into her eyes "But I did something really really bad..." she said "No matter how bad it is, I will always forgive you." I told her "Why?" She asked "Because I love you..." I said as our faces came closer and we kissed.
We stopped kissing and Bebe pulled me all the way to my car, took my keys and drove all the way to my house.
We arrived there, "Bebe, what are you doing?!" I asked raising my voice "Help me cheat on James." She said as she started making out with me once more.
She took me to my room and I pushed her away "Bebe...I can't do this!" I told her as I held her back "But I need your help!!" She shouted "I DON'T WANT TO BE USED AGAIN!!!" I shouted back as she stopped forcing me "...all my life, I've been used...I'M SO SICK OF IT!!! I'M  SO SICK OF HOPING THAT PEOPLE WOULD ACTUALLY LOVE ME THE WAY I AM!!!! I'm just looking for someone that wouldn't look at my profile....someone that would look at me..." I said as I started to cry "Charlie...I'm not using you..." she tried to explain "You're not? Then why are you so into cheating on James with me? You didn't even ask me if I wanted to...you just thought about yourself..." I said "But, Charlie. I actually love you!" She explained as I pointed at the door "GET. OUT. NOW." I demanded "Charlie..." she said my name so softly, that it made me go back to the memories that we once had left "GO!!!" I shouted once more as she walked slowly towards the door, downstairs and outside.
I sat there getting mad at myself I HAD A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO BE WITH HER AFTER SO MANY YEARS!!! AND I BLEW IT?!?!?!?! FOR WHAT?! KATIE?!?!?! I thought to myself as I started to spend time with my trusty friend; alcohol.

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