Lonely Traveler pt. 1

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Charlie's POV
After the past few days, I started to realize that I am somehow so attached to the Filipinos. Not only to the looks of their people but also the culture, the personality their hospitality and most of all, their camaraderie.
But, I ask myself; Am I really happy?
I am, but....Bebe......is this what happiness is supposed to mean? To sacrifice others feelings just to make yourself happy? Isn't that just....selfish?
As a punishment to myself and a little exercise, I climb the same hill that they have there and when I reach the top, I shout to the top of my lungs all my problems, wishes and feelings.
At 6:09 am, I am done packing my things, so I started climbing up the hill and I remembered something.
We arrived at Chicago Swallow Cliff and started climbing "Charlie....I'M SO TIRED!!!!!" Bebe complained "Come on, we haven't gone for too long!" I said as she took a seat "For how much have we been walking?" She asked "Like, we literally just started." I replied "Oh." She said "You know,   you really need a diet." I suggested and gave her a bottle of water "Yeah, I know, but sadly, I can't do it." I said and drank the water.
As soon as we arrived at the cliff, Bebe ran towards the edge and shouted "I NEED A DIET!!!!!" and I laughed.
*end of flashback*
"Wooh! Wow, what a flashback! I guess I'm starting to really miss Bebe so bad." I said as I wiped out the sweat on my face and continued to walk.
I arrived at the cliff and ran to the edge "I WANNA GO BACK, BUT I CAN'T!!!!!" I shouted "BEBE, I'M SORRY FOR LETTING YOU DOWN!!!!" I shouted once more as I heard footsteps coming from behind me "So, care to explain who Bebe is?" Michelle asked "Oh, Michelle. You're uhhhh, there. Ummm...Bebe is *sigh* she's uhhhh....a very , VERY special person to me. She means the world to me, and I miss her. I've missed so much time with her. *sigh* If only I could go back to the past and fix everything..." I replied while looking down "Hmmm....why? What'd you do to her?" She asked again And so the interrogation begins...I thought to myself, "I didn't do anything to her. I, uhh, I messed up with my job, but I didn't get fired. I just, uhhhh, I, uhhh, I've been branded for life. And you know, I just needed a break from stress...and by all means, leaving her." I replied "So...by the way you said "special", how exactly special is this woman to you? Ano ba siya sayo?" She asked once again "Like I said, Bebe means the world to me. I'd completely lose myself if I lost her. She's...like my life energy. Hindi ako mabubuhay kung wala siya." I replied thoroughly "Ahhh...ok. Good luck with getting her back!" She said as she turned around and walked back.
Michelle's POV
"Special person", huh? What could she be in Charlie's life? I thought to myself as I walked back down "Teka, ano nga ba ang pinunta ko dito?" I asked myself "AY, OO!!! Yung kahoy!!!" I said to myself as I looked for some firewood.

After searching for firewood, I accidentally fell off a cliff, but luckily, Charlie was there to save me.
He grabbed my arm before I could fall into the depths of the cliff "CHARLIE!!!!" I shouted "Michelle....DON'T WORRY, IMMA GET YOU OUT OF HERE!!!!" He shouted back as he pulled me up using both his hands.
After saving me from a cliff, we both laid on the ground and let out a deep exhale "Thanks!" I thanked "No problem!" He said "So....uhhh....I gotta go now. Kailang ni itay ang kahoy para makapagluto!" I said "Yeah, ok." He said ad I sprinted back down. WOOH! That was a weird moment!
Hours later...
Bebe's POV
Bebe: AT LEAST GIVE ME A HINT, just a little one, TO KNOW WHERE YOU'RE AT!!!
Charlie: *laughs*
Bebe: What's so funny?!
Charlie: No, it's nothing. *chuckles* it's just...you're cute when you're angry!
Bebe: Wellllllll....if you don't tell me where you are....Imma get REALLY FKCING ADORABLE!!!
Charlie: No! I never meant it like that! *giggles* Ok, you really wanna know where I am?
Bebe: Of course! That's what I've been asking from you for the past fcking month!!! Charlie...you're gonna be a father in like, 6 months! I need you!
Charlie: Bebe....Like I said, I'll be there after two months, and you only gotta wait for another month! You can do this! I need to think for myself...please?
Bebe: Ayt....now, tell me where you're at?
Charlie: I'm somewhere in the Philippines. Somewhere in Visayas.
Bebe: Ughhhh!!!!!
Charlie: *chuckles* What? Is that not enough? I mean, that's all I can give you!
Bebe: No, it's just...I suck at geography! You know that! Like, literally, I don't know what Visayas is!!!
Charlie: *WHERE Visayas is!
Bebe: Oh....that's a proof that I suck at geography.
Charlie: So do I but we have no choice.
Bebe: So...you're in Visayas in the Philippines?
Charlie: Exactly.
Bebe: Describe your surroundings.
Charlie: I am in a house made of bamboos that are varnished. Behind my house, there is a beach and I can see its great view at the balcony of my house.
Bebe: Ohhhhh...ok....I still don't have a fcking idea where you're at. Do you have friends there?
Charlie: Yeah, I'm very close to a family here. They're the Santos family.
The one I'm closest to is....either Michelle or Michael.
Bebe: How old is Michael and Michelle?
Charlie: Michelle is 29 and Michael is 12. They have an older brother named Arthur but I never saw him because he went to work. Somewhere in America...Los Angeles, maybe?
Bebe: What's his work?
Charlie: He is a guard.
Bebe: Where?
Charlie: At Nintendo L.A. Headquarters.
Bebe: I need to find him!
Charlie: What?
Bebe: Alright, I gotta go now, bye! Love you!
Charlie: Bebe...what?! Ok...love you.
*end of call*
I ran upstairs and changed clothes. I wore my all black attire. Just settle. Then, I started looking for a guy named Arthur Santos.
I went to the Nintendo Headquarters and asked the guard "Umm...Do you happen to know a guy that works here named Arthur Santos?" "Yes, mam...that's me." He replied "Umm...do you happen to know---" I tried asking, but I got cut off "Wait, you're Charlie Puth's wife, right?" He asked with a smirk "Yes." I replied "Well, he's at our house back in Cebu! My sister and my brother has been telling me about him! You wanna go and see him?" He suggested "Yes, most definitely!" I replied excitingly "Ok. I'll take you there when boss gives me a little summer!" He said "Thank you very much! Here's my number. Call me when we'll go. Thanks!" I said as I gave him my number and left.
I went home happy. I hugged Bear and jumped around "I'M GONNA SEE CHARLIE!!!" I shouted over and over again while jumping. I ended up jumping on the couch and falling on the floor.

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