A World Without No one But You

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Bebe's POV
A couple minutes later...

I've been pacing around, back and forth with my hand running down my hair, the other placed on my hip and my eyes darted to the ground. I am currently outside the ER waiting for the findings and so were Zy, Aub, Sean, Zach-Sam and Zion.

As we impatiently waited for what seemed like eternity, the doctor came out with a pen and paper.

"What happened, doc?" I asked.

"Well it, seems like he had a heart attack and now he is in under no circumstance of leaving this hospital." He replied and it made us gasp, "He might not have a long time in this platform..." he added, "What do you mean, doc?" Xyphen asked, "What I mean is, his days in Earth has decreased into countable numbers. He only has 1 year to live." He clarified.

I took a step back with my mouth open with shock and my hand cover it, "No..." I whispered and I started to cry. I cried on Xyphen's shoulder and he hugged me then we all started to cry.

"You will be able to visit him as soon as he is transferred to his room." The doctor said, "I'm sorry, please excuse me." He left with his head looking down not making eye contact with any of us.

"Your..father..." I struggled to say and continued to cry. Xyphen rubbed my back, "It's okay, mom. He's gonna fight, and we'll be there by his side, every step. 24/7 365." He comforted.

A little later, nurses came out with Charlie unconscious and on a bed with wheels. We followed as they transferred him to his room.

I took a chair and sat beside Charlie while our children sat on the empty seats by the corner.

"*sigh* please don't give up...I need you here...please..." I begged while crying and holding his lifeless hand, "I can't imagine a world without no one but you..." I said and looked down. I felt a tight grip on my hand so I looked up only to see Charlie staring at me with a smile on his face.

"I'll hold on for us long as I can." He promised. Our children pilled around us as Charlie sat straight and examined our children one-by-one, "This is what we built." He said then looked at me with the same smile as earlier. Warm and welcoming, "Thank you." He said and I got confused, "For what?" I asked, "For trusting me on having a family." He continued as I smiled back at him, "I guess we never really knew that we were ready until they came and we started piecing things and learning as we go....like..." I said as I started to think of a word to end my sentence, "...children..." Charlie completed my sentence and chuckled.

"Both of you are the best parents ever. You raised us so well and so right, that's why thank you because you never failed on anything regarding us siblings." Zach-Sam said.

"You showed us that blood was never a factor on having a happy family. Aside all of my differences from you guys, you still made me feel like I'm home and a part of the family. Thank you and I love you tons." Cypher added.

"Blood is not factorable." Zion joked and we laughed.

"Of course you'd say that! You're an 8th grader!" Zach-Sam pointed out, "And so are you!" Zion pointed back.

"Argue! Argue!" We all started chanting until Aubrey suddenly chanted a different thing, "Break na yan!! LAMPOREBER!!!" We all laughed.

"What was that?!" I asked while laughing.

"Some of my classmates assume that they're dating because they're so close to each other." She explained, "But they're twins!" Sean said, "That's what I said to them!" She added, "Ew!" Xyphen joked, "I said that, too." Aubrey informed and we laughed.

7 months later...
Charlie's POV

My wife and my mom is currently watching over me. I was drinking my medicine when I saw such a familiar face appear in front of me. He, yes, he was standing at the foot of my bed wearing a white shirt and white pants.

"It's been so long!" I greeted and my wife looked at me weird.

"It has. Do you want to go on a trip?" He asked, "Where?" I asked back, "It's gonna be one hell of a long trip and you may or may not come back. Ever." He replied, "Why? Where is it?" I asked again, "Let's just say it starts with the letter 'H' and it's beautiful." He replied and I started to wonder, "Let me think about it." I said.

"Think about what? Charlie, who are you talking to?" Bebe asked.

"My great grandfather. I thought he was dead!" I replied and my mom gasped.

"What's wrong?" Bebe asked.

"Ch..Charlie...your great grandfather died when you were 7 years old..." My mom recalled with a shaking voice and wide eyes.

"But he's here!" I argued pointing to my great grandpa's direction but now he was gone, "What? He was here a minute ago!" I complained.

"Charlie, stop fcking around!" Bebe got tired of arguing. I can tell.

"I'm not joking! He was!" I insisted.

"Charlie, just go to sleep, okay? Then, maybe you'll feel better." My mom suggested.

"But..but...!" I tried to explain but Bebe put her hands on both of my shoulders and slowly pushed me so that I could go to my sleeping position.

"Just go to sleep now, Charles." She said as I laid down processing what happened.

"Okay...goodnight." I said and they bid me goodnight as well.

Bebe's POV
A couple minutes later...

Charlie's already asleep and his mom and I are discussing about what happened earlier.

"T'was weird, wasn't it?" I asked.

"It was." She replied and she faced me, "What do you think was that all about?" She asked.

"I don't know, probably the side effect of his medicines." I replied unsure.

"Maybe. That was weird." She said again and there was that awkward silence between us. She broke the silence by saying, "I should be heading home and you should be getting some sleep."

"Okay." We stood up and hugged each other. Before letting go of me, she said, "Take good care of my son, okay?" I replied by saying, "Of course! I'd do everything for him - I love him."

After that, she went for the door, but before leaving, she left one last message, "Thanks for being such a good wife to my son." She thanked, "Get some goodnight sleep." She added and left.

I set up a bed beside Charlie's bed and slept. A couple hours later, I heard sobs and heavy breathing from beside me. It was Charlie. He's having a nightmare.

"Charlie?" I called, but he won't wake up. I started shaking him, "Charlie! Charlie!" I kept calling, but he won't wake up.

What the hell is he having nightmares of?!

Every second, my heartbeat rises having the thought of 'what if he never wakes up?'. I got a sight of relief when he suddenly woke up like a lightning.

"It's alright, it's alright...It's just a dream." I tried comforting him while cradling him in my arms. As of now, he's crying, "What did you dream of?" I softly asked.

"I...just...I...can't!" He struggled to say but I knew what he meant. It was terrible.

"You can tell me anything." I said while rubbing my hand on his bicep to comfort him.

"They're haunting me!" He shouted and cried even more. I didn't want to terrorize him with questions, so I think I'll just stick with that.

I wonder who's "they".

AYYYOOOOO!!!! So, I put in a small Iron Man 2 reference. Can you guess which part of the story it is?

So we're Chapter 88 out of 90/91. We're so close to the end!!! 😭😭 I'm gonna miss making this story! Thank you all so much for the love and support! I just...wanna hug y'all virtually!

Keep piecing things up from chapter 85 to 90.


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