Disaster Date

36 3 25

September 21, 2017
Charlie's POV
Bebe and I were already going to the five-star hotel I told her where we'll have our date.
Everything was so silent during the ride, until Bebe broke the silence "Sooooo...How much did you pay for this?" She asked "WHAT?! I don't wanna tell you that!" I said laughing a little bit "Come on, babe, tell me!!!" Bebe forced me like a child wanting to have a new toy so bad "No way! That is in no order of regulations!!" I joked as we both laughed  "Well, if you won't tell me that, then, can you at least describe the place?" She asked "Okay, fine! It's a five-star hotel near a beach. Is that enough?" I replied "Yes. Another question: When do you want to have a child?" She asked as my eyes grew big so I drove the car on the side of the road and stopped it "Why did you ask that so early? Are you pregnant?!" I asked getting excited as I held her belly "I'm not pregnant, silly!" She replied laughing as I looked down and my eyes turned to sad puppy eyes and lost my appetite for dating, so Bebe continued to laugh so I, continued to drive.
Bebe, then again broke the silence "Cats or Dogs?" She asked "DAWGS!" I replied gaining my appetite on dating "Can I bring Bear at your place?" She asked giving me the puppy eyes "How can I even resist those eyes?!" I said as she started to celebrate "Wait, did I say yes? No, didn't I?" I told her as she got sad "*laughs* Nah, I'm just messing with yah! Of course she can! She and Brady can be our children for the mean time!" I added as she began to celebrate again "Hey, Char---" she said as I cut her off "Hey, Bebe can you please let me ask?" I asked "Yeah, sure." She said looking down "Hmm...Who is your favorite Avenger, and why?" I asked "Black Panther, cuz he has really sharp claws and some sick bada** moves!" She replied "What about you?" She asked "Thor, because I like thunder, and, plus, It's Chris Hemsworth!!! One of my all-time favorite actor!" I said as we already arrived at the place "We're here!" I said as we both stepped out of the car and went into the hotel "It's so beautiful!" She complimented the place.
I went to the counter to get the keys to our room "Good evening, Sir! How may I help you?" The girl on the counter asked "I made a reservation here. The name's Christopher Kevin Cordon." I replied "Yes, sir you're here." She said handing over the key to our room and giving it to me, but, instead of her letting go of the key, she held my hand which made her blush.
Bebe's POV
I was sitting on the chair near the counter and I saw CHARLIE HOLDING HANDS WITH THE GIRL ON THE COUNTER.
I went to check what the hell is actually going on. As I came near them I could hear their conversation "Hi, Baby Boy, my name is Andrea Loski!" She said introducing herself to MY BOYFRIEND still blushing "Are you single?" She asked in a flirty accent STILL holding Charlie's hand "Listen, I'm not a baby boy, and neither single. So, will you please let go of my hand?" Charlie said as the girl let go of his hand. Then, I knew it was my cue.
I went to Charlie and hugged him "What seems to be happening here?" I asked "Hi ma'am! How may I help you?" She asked "Ummm...I think you already helped my roommate!" I joked "Where's our room, babe?" I asked Charlie as I saw the girl roll her eyes "Room 243" he replied "Let me guide you to that room!" The woman said excited as she guided us to our room holding Charlie's arm "You're SO Muscly!" She complimented Charlie's arm "This is getting uncomfortable..." Charlie said as I giggled "Here you are!" The woman said walking inside our room "Ummm...I think it's about time to leave me and my girlfriend alone." Charlie told the woman as she rolled her eyes and went back to work "Geez! I hate being attractively irresistible!" Charlie joked as he locked the door "*giggles* Assuming!" I whispered "What was that?" Charlie asked getting near me and holding my waist and looking into me "that was nothing!" I said blushing while looking into Charlie's eyes. Then after that, he finally let go of me.
A couple minutes later, "Let's eat?" Charlie asked wearing his black coat "Sure!" I replied and we went downstairs to eat.
I wore this:

While, Charlie wore this a black coat, black pants, black shoes and a white polo

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While, Charlie wore this a black coat, black pants, black shoes and a white polo.

e were the only ones there, so we were safe if I accidentally shout Charlie's real name. We sat down on our own chairs and took the menu "So, what do you wanna eat?" Charlie asked "Oooh, I don't know which! They all look so delicious! Hmm...I guess, I'll go for--" I was gonna order when suddenly a group of robbers busted in and pointed a gun at me and Charlie "GIVE ME YOUR WALLETS!!" He demanded "Wait...Rodrigo?!" Charlie asked "Charlie?!" He asked then removed his mask "Hey, man! How are you?" They asked each other. I was in the corner face-palming myself "*sigh* What a disaster date!" I said to myself.

The two stopped greeting each other "Hey, man! What are you doing here?" Rodrigo asked "Having a date with my girlfriend." Charlie replied as Rodrigo looked at me "Wow, that's your girlfriend? She is looking fine! I mean, like, CRAZY stupid fine!" Rodrigo complimented me while making this:👌 gesture every time he says "fine" "I know, right? I got lucky!" Charlie said "Now....don't wanna offend you, nor hurt you, but you ruined my date." Charlie added as Rodrigo got confused "Charlie, what are you talking about?" He asked "You messed with the wrong couple!" He replied as he punched Rodrigo and the cops arrived to arrest him.
Charlie went near me "Are you alright?" He asked "Seriously, you know him!?" I angrily asked "I'm sorry, babe, he's my friend since high school." Charlie tried to explain, but I rolled my eyes with anger.

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