No One But You

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Author's Note
Hey, guys! Toastlet here! So, before I kick off or kick you guys off your chair into the chapter that you have all been waiting for ever since you read this story, I wanna give a big shout out to my best friend, lazycheek_bone, go follow her please. So, I wanna give a shout out to her for sending me this photo or the photo on top of Charlie Puth and Bebe Rexha. I also wanna give a huge shout out to Jaze_Alison, and whimsical_liar for supporting this story ever since! Thank you! Great, now that all of that is out of my head, let's get back to the story!

Charlie's POV
      "Dude, do you remember when I helped you with Taylor?" I asked Ed "Yeah, why?" He asked "Can you help me ask Bebe to be my girlfriend?" I requested "Sure, why not?" Ed and Jared said in unison as Jared came out of nowhere "I'm not talking to you..." I said to Jared while looking in his puppy eyes "Can I pweeeaasssee hewp?" Jared asked with his baby voice "Well...since you're baby voice sound so terrible, exactly like a puppy throwing up while growling, and a 46 year-old man does not suit his best puppy eyes and I JUST want this sh*t to end..then yes, you could help." I agreed "YES!!!" Jared celebrated.
      ‎I asked for a group cuddle meeting "So, guys, here's the plan..." I told them the plan while watching out for Bebe.
Bebe's POV
      I'm at the park with my aunts, uncles and my cousins(younger and older cousins). I am watching over my annoying little cousin which is by far the worst I've ever been through in my babysitting career. My little cousin Ethan ran towards me really sweaty(he's 4 by the way...) "Bebe, buy me ice cweem!!" He demanded "Fine!" I said in an exhausted tone "YAYYY!!!" he started to celebrate "What flavor do you want?" I asked "CHOCOWATEEE!" He replied "Awww you're so cute! You wanna meet my friend Charlie?" I asked again while buying him his ice cream "YES! is he your boyfriend?" He replied then asked "Uhhh, No! No, Ethan!" I replied God, I wish he was...If only he knew how bad I want him to be my boyfriend...I thought to myself as I gave Ethan his ice cream.
        I went home with Ethan, well I can't really call it MY home since it's Charlie's house. Ethan examined the place as we entered the gates and were greeted by the security guards, John and Bob, as we went out of the car. "WOW! BIG HOUSE!!!" Ethan said "Well, of course Charlie has a big house! He's rich! It's not actually a house, Ethan." I said "Then what is it?" He asked looking into my eyes "It's a MEGA MANSION" I said in an overly exaggerated voice "WOW!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET HIM!"
Charlie's POV
      I was ending the plan when all of a sudden I heard a little boy shout. It must be Bebe's cousin just like what she said in her text message.
      I went outside my house, I mean, my MEGA MANSION. The boy went near me with a huge smile "Awe you Chawie?" He asked in his cute tone "Why, yes!" I answered "Bebe, said you'w weally wich that you could affowd a MEGA MANSION" he said as Bebe and I looked at each other and gave her my 'Why did you tell him' face "Seriously?" I asked Bebe "I had to tell him!!" Bebe tried to explain "Well, moving on! Wanna go inside my house?" I asked the boy "Yes!!!" He answered "What's your name?" I asked "Ethan Mel Rexha!"  He gladly introduced himself.
       I took him inside my house and toured gin around "So, this is where I sleep." I said opening the door to my room "Wow! It's so big!" He said as we MOVED ON(lazycheek_bone u know what i mean...) to Bebe's room "And this is where Bebe sleeps." I said letting him in Bebe's room "I can't bewieve she sweeps hewe! When is Bebe coming home?" He asked looking into my eyes with his best puppy eyes "Well, Ethan, You're precious, beautiful Bebe can come home when she's alright." I replied as I looked at Bebe standing behind me "You make me blush, stop it!" Bebe said as her cheeks turned red " Bebe," Ethan called "Yes, Ethan?" I asked "Do you wove Chawie?" Ethan asked as Bebe and I looked at each other as our eyes grew big.
Bebe's POV
       Do I love Charlie? That's the question that runs up a 4 year-old's mind?! He doesn't know ANYTHING about love as much as I do! Cal down Bebe, it's just a question. Just be casual about it. I thought to myself as I tried to calm down. I kneel down the floor and took a deep breath "Ethan, where did you get all this love thing?" I asked "Nowhewe. It's just, the two of you seem to have a secwet wewationship(relationship btw) with each othew!" Ethan said in a teasing voice "You little midget! Come here!" I said as I grabbed Ethan and started to tickle him "AHH! BEBE IT TICKLES!!" Ethan shouted and started to laugh.
Charlie's POV
       I like the relationship between these's unbreakable. The bind between them is too strong. I wanna give Bebe back to her family. I thought to myself and took a deep breath "So, Ethan, you wanna play on my Xbox, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Switch, Play Station 4 or my Razor Gaming Laptop?" I requested "You have all those?!??! Heck yeah!!!" He replied jumping up and down and running down stairs quickly. I grabbed Bebe's arm to have a chat with her "Do you ever wanna go back home to your family?" I asked "Of course! I miss them a lot! But, like you said, I'll need to wait until I get better." She replied "hey, I'm sorry I forgot all about your feelings for your family. I promise tomorrow, I'll drive you back to your family! I swear!" I promised as her face turned bright and she smiled "Oh my, gosh. I'd love that! Thank you!" She thanked as we both went downstairs and played with Ethan.
     Bebe and I took care of Ethan as if we were his parents. Ethan got tired and went to sleep, while Bebe and I went to the dinning table to eat "Kids are hard to take care of, but it's kinda worth it!" I said "You'd make a great father!" Bebe blurted as I stopped eating and looked at her "What was that?" I said as I started to smile and blush a little bit "Oh, Uh nothing! I said You'd make a great father! If you had a son." She repeated as we finished our food and went to the living room to watch netflix.
        "Who would you want to marry when time comes?" Bebe asked me "Easy, you" I accidentally blurted and I tried play it cool "Oh, really? Cuz I want you to be my husband!" She replied as she went in for a kiss. But, before she could kiss me, I stopped it "Oh, uh! The show's starting!" I said trying to escape the kiss.
Bebe's POV
         What's his deal with a kiss? I mean we kissed before once! Howcome he's dodging this kiss? I thought to myself as I watched netflix with Charlie and ate popcorn.
        The more we watched netflix, the more my eyelids got heavier, until all I remembered was my head falling on Charlie's chest.
Charlie's POV
           Is Bebe really just fell asleep on my chest? I like it! I thought to myself as I turned off the tv and carried Bebe to her room and went to sleep on my room. Until I remembered to do one important thing: ask Bebe to be my girlfriend. (lazycheek_bone Jaze_Alison and whimsical_liar...FAN GIRL MODE ON!!!)
          I went outside of my house to prepare the whole thing without letting Bebe know.
         I went to this fancy restaurant and I saw Jared and Ed waiting for me there. I went near them "Dude, we've been waiting for you for hours!!! Where the hell have you been?!?!" Jared got mad "I was out spending the day with Bebe and her little cousin, Ethan. I forgot all about it!" I explained "Did you do your work?" Ed asked "Yeah. I just need to go get her." I said as I drove my car back home.
Bebe's POV
             I woke up and got up to look for Charlie. I called his name over and over again. I didn't see Ethan in the house also. I was all alone. I remembered that Ethan was supposed to go back home at 7pm with his mom. It was already 9pm. I went outside the house to continue looking for Charlie. I blacked out and realized that my head was inside a black bag and I was kidnapped. I didn't shout cuz I thought the kidnappers would kill me if I made a sound.
        We arrived at their location. My heartbeat grew bigger and bigger as they took off the bag on my head and was surprised by my friends in a fancy hotel with a suited-man namely Charles Otto "Charlie" Puth Jr.
        He went near me "Did you get scared?" He asked "Of course I did, you knucklehead!!!" I shouted at him "Well, worry no more, cuz YOU came here for a reason." I said with a smile "What is it?" Bebe asked "I remember when we first met. It was an unexpected faith, but I'm glad I saved you!" I said as an intro "Now, I've got this question stuck in my head for so long..." I added "What is it?" She asked as I kneel down to the floor and gave her a bouquet of flowers 💐 and asked "Will you be my girlfriend?" She started to cry and blush "Yes!" She shouted "I'VE GOT A NEW GIRLFRIEND EVERYBODY!!! WOOOOO!!!!!" I shouted and hugged Bebe.
      We ended the night with a huge feast and went home to sleep, only this time, Bebe slept in my room. PERMANENTLY.
       The only thing that kept me up all night was about what the future holds for us, but I said "Maybe, I'm just being too paranoid. I need to relax and just live the present." So I went to sleep.

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