Happily Pissed Off

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Xyphen's POV
*beep beep* *beep beep*

My alarm beeped signaling that it was time for me to wake up. I don't have school today since it's sunday; daddy has no work today aswell; mommy doesn't work on sundays because...who would? So I decided to sneak up on them while they were sleeping. Time for operation 'One Happy Family Routine'.

I slowly crouched towards their bedroom. As I approached their door, I slowly opened it and the door creecked a little, but not enough to wake my heavy sleeping parents.

I could see the blankets covering their bodies, so I slowly stood up and that's when I knew it wasn't them laying on their bed. Do you want to know why? Because my parents, all along, were hiding behind the door and jumped right at me, scaring the life out of me.

"BOO!!" They shouted in unison.

"AHHH!!!" I shouted back as it made me jump 2.5 feet high. They cuddled me as soon as I realized it was them, "But how did you--when did you--wh-wh--whaaaattt?" I stuttered asking that one question. I knew they understood what I was trying to say, so I didn't have to repeat.

"Well, to my surprise, your mom woke up earlier than usual!" Daddy said as he laughed as mommy hit daddy on his elbow, "OU-UCH!!" daddy shouted, stuttering with laughter.

"WE woke up early an we decided to scare you." mommy replied "Those people who are sleeping are actually pillows covered in blankets." she added as I nod in failure.

"Don't worry, fella! You'll get us sometime! Or...at least your mother." daddy joked again "SHUT UP!" mommy demanded as we all bursted in laughter.

Charlie's POV
"Can we go to the nearby water park?!?!?"  Xyphen asked "PRETTY PLEASE?!" He begged.

"NO ONE'S PRETTY IN THIS HOUSE!" I shouted as Bebe looked at me with anger.

"THEN, WHAT ABOUT ME?!?!?!?" Bebe asked.

"YOU'RE NOT PRETTY!!!" I shouted back.

"THEN WHAT AM I?!!?!?!?!" she asked.

"YOU'RE HUMAN!!!!" I replied shouting.

"WHAT I MEAN IS, AM I PRETTY OR NOT!??!?!?" she asked.

"NO, YOU'RE NOT!!!" I replied STILL shouting, "You're flippin' gorgeous!" I lowered my voice as my voice cracked.

The only thing I saw Bebe do was blush and smile in the corner.\

"Thanks...babe." she thanked.

2 minutes later...

"So, are we going to go to the water park?" Xyphen asked again.

"Yes, in fact, let's go now." Bebe announced  as we went to the water park.

Xyphen's favorite ride was the fun log ride. He basically rode it like, 8 times. With me and Bebe. We both agreed to never come back here. We also agreed that it was retarded and boring AF. It was for kids, soooo...

We all got hungry and decided to eat at a nearby restaurant. We ordered food and half an hour later the food still wasn't being served to us, so I manned up and asked the waitress.

"Umm, miss, where's our food?" I asked.

"Excuse me, what food?" she asked then left with a smug attitude.

"Btch..." Bebe whisopered which made me chuckle.

I couldn't do anything so I looked up and started to count the squares on the ceiling.

1 hour later...

I was disturbed by the waitress giving me my food, "Oh. We can finally eat!" I rejoiced.

"Is there anything else you would like to order?" she asked.

"No. Nothing at all." I replied.

"I'm sorry, sir, but...have I kept you waiting?" she asked again.

"No..." I replied as I saw the sight of relief in her eyes "...but did you know that there are 3,128 squares on the ceiling?" I asked as her eyes grew big.

"Sir...sorry...what squares?" she asked again.

"There are tiny squares on the ceiling. If you look closely, you'd see it." I said as she looked at the ceiling while Bebe and Xyphen laughed.

"Oh, yeah!" she said "There are squares on the ceiling!" she added.

After eating, we went home late, because...you know. I put Xyphen to bed and read him a bed time story.

"...the end..." I ended the story as I stood up, but was stopped by my son's hand forcing me not to leave his room.

"What is it, baby?" I asked.

"Daddy, can you check if there's a monster under my bed?" he requested.

Bebe's POV

I heard the boys' conversation and when I heard the word "Monster". I had a flashback.


"I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed. Get along with the voices insid of my hea--" I sang as I got cut off by my manager, Martinez.

"STOP!" he shouted.

"How was that?" I  asked smiling.

"how was that?" he repeated as he chuckled while everyone else looked away "THAT WAS TERRIBLE!!! You think people are gonna listen to that sht?!" he asked as he just simply laughed at me and I looked down.

*******end of flashback*******

I leaned against the wall and started lip syncing the song. I got cut off when I heard my husband's reply.

"Well, enjoy it while you can son, because sooner or later, the monster's gonna be sleeping ON your bed." he said and laughed. And my son being smart, he knew what Charlie was talking about.

"Are you talking about mommy?" he asked.

"Yes, most definitely!" He replied still laughing.

"What did you just say?!" I asked jumping into their Xyphen.

"Nothing! There are no tiny squares! The waitress was blind!" Charlie replied fastly.

"Whatever!" I said and left.

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