Goodbye, Bebe

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Charlie's POV
I woke up to see Bebe still sleeping on my chest. I looked at her and she looked so damn cute. I kissed here on the cheek and she woke up "Did I wake you up?" I asked "hmm? No" she replied  while stretching her arms as I got up and sat down on our bed "So, what do you wanna call each other?" She asked "Anything. As long as we're together, I don't care whatever we call each other." I replied "What about....babe?" She suggested "Sounds good to me!" I agreed "Good morning, babe!" I Greeted her "Good morning, babe!" She said kissing my cheek "I love you!" I said as she started to blush "I love you, too!" She replied.
     We got out of bed and ate breakfast. Bebe watched TV while, I sat beside her scrolling through my Instagram feed. I put down my phone and looked at her "So, when do you want to go?" I asked "Go where?" She asked "Back home to your family. I did promise you that!" I reminded her "Oh, yeah. Later at 3pm. I want you to meet my family when we get there!" She said "Well, I can't...I have a meeting at 4pm...I don't have much time. But, I could drive you back to Brooklyn." I replied "Well, can you meet my family when you're gonna take me back here?" she asked "Of course! Why not? I'm excited to meet them!" I said cheerfully "Well don't be absent, then! And I believe the term is euphoria!" (lazycheek_bone The Space Between Us😉😉) She demanded "Course I won't!" I replied and continued our daily work.
It was already 2:30 pm, and Bebe was getting ready. I opened the door to her room to see her putting lipstick on "You ready?" I asked "Not yet, but almost." She replied "Well, hurry up! Cuz Brooklyn ain't just next door!" I demanded "Yeah, I know! And I am trying! I'm a woman! It's normal for us to prepare for this long!" She explained "Now, please, Charles, go outside for a while..." she demanded "Ok." I agreed and went outside and waited.
I checked the time and it was already 2:40. I got up and stood in front of our bedroom door "Bebe, when are you gonna--"My words got cut when the door opened to see Bebe wearing some nice clothes
I stood there with my mouth opened "Wow! Yo-you look, *inhale* beautiful *exhale*" I said "Thank you...are we ready to go now?" She asked "Hell yeah!" I excitingly said.
I for one, was astonished by my perfect girlfriend by what she wore and looked. While we walked down the stairs I kept looking at her, cuz I...wore my terrible clothes.
"Why do you keep looking at me?" She asked "Well, you dressed so nicely while I....I dressed like a 2 year-old Stephen Puth just stretched my shirt a lot.." I joked "Come on, babe! Don't worry about it! It doesn't matter what you wear...I love you no matter what! Remember that!" She said "I love you too!" I said and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
We went outside and took my car, my Range Rover car, and drove to Brooklyn.
It was a quiet ride and luckily, it took us about almost an hour to get there. I stopped the car and got out.
Bebe came inside her house and I stayed inside "Come on in, babe" Bebe invited "What? No, no, I can't stay for that long." I replied "You don't have to answer the Q and A, I just need to announce that I have a boyfriend already, and you need to be there." She explained "ok, fine!" I replied in a whiny voice and went inside with her.
She was greeted by her mom, dad and his little brother "Hey, mom, dad, Flo!" She said as she gave them a kiss on the cheek "So, I want you guys to meet my new boyfriend, Charlie Puth." She introduced me as they went near me and gave me a hug "Hello! We've been waiting for Bebe to have a boyfriend for ages! My name is Bukie Rexha, and my husband,  , and the youngest of the two siblings, Florent Rexha. And we just wanna old are you?" She asked as my heartbeat began to rise.
Oh, no. I wasn't prepared for this moment. What if I told them my age, would they accept me? Bebe and I both know that Bebe's older than me for 2 years. Just calm down, Chunky Spunky Monkey, calm down. If they love Bebe, then they'll accept the fact that she's dating a man who's younger than her. I thought to myself as I quietly stood there "Charlie? Did you forget your age?" Bebe's dad asked "What?! Oh, uhhh...25. I'm 25 years old." I replied with fear "You're a lot younger than my daughter...." Bebe's mom said "Well, that's ok. As long as your love for Bebe is real." She cheerfully said "Thank you, Mr. And Mrs. Rexha!" I thanked "Oh, please, call us mom and dad! Besides, you're part of the family now!" She suggested "But, I already call my parents that. It's very confusing." I said "Well, that's no problem. We'll adjust! Call us Mama and Papa instead!" Her dad suggested "Ok, mama and papa! Well, sorry but, I need to go now. I've got a meeting to attend to." I said "Well, thanks for coming! We'd like to get to know you and your family some day!" His dad cheerfully said "Thanks! I gotta go now.." I said and left.
Bebe's POV
I sat down on the living room with my family to have a discussion "Are you sure about him?" My dad asked "What do you mean?" I asked "Well, isn't he too young for you? People are gonna judge you!" My dad asked again "Of course I am! Dad, you really need to get to know him better. He's not what you seem! I love Charlie....I don't wanna just throw it away! And f*ck what people say! Their just jealous cuz I have the most perfect boyfriend in the world!" I defended "Well, suit yourself! As long as you two are happy together, we won't get in your way..." my dad said "Thanks dad! I love you so much!" I said and hugged him.

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