Shining Star

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June 14, 2023
Charlie's POV
"I CAN'T HOLD IT BACK ANYMORE!!" I shouted towards Bebe "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, CHARLES?!?!?!?" She shouted back "WHY?!?!?!?" she added "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!!!" I shouted and all of the words echoed in my head. How did it get to this? This point where no one can handle a sh*t about life?
6 days ago...
I wanna tell Bebe how I feel about her, but I don't know how. The reason why I can't tell her is because she keep hanging out with this dude, Andrew Holden and I just somehow get jealous.
She goes to him any time without asking for permission and comes home late. Why do I know so much about this stuff when Bebe's living with her parents in Staten and I'm living alone here in L.A., because I go to her house every 8:30am and I always hear the excuse "Bebe's not here, she's out with Andrew." From her parents when I go and pick her up.
I know, I know, I don't have the rights to get jealous, but I can't help it! I love her — That's the truth. I don't even think I can take this much longer. I need to tell her. ASAP.
Bebe stayed at my house since her parents aren't home, she escaped and went to my house. She escaped since her parents doesn't like seeing her with me cuz they think that she might get back with me and that would be a little odd for the fans, but I don't care what the hell they think because I love Bebe, and that's what's true. I do.
6 days later...
I saw Bebe well-dressed and ready to go somewhere "Where are you going?" I asked as I grabbed a can of beer and chugged on it "To Andrew's" She replied "At this hour?!?! Seriously?!?!" I asked raising my voice "What's wrong with that, huh?!?!?!" She asked back raising her voice too "I'M NOT A BABY ANYMORE!!!!" She shouted louder as I took a deep sip into my beer "FCK ANDREW!!!!" I shouted back "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND BECAUSE YOU DON'T CARE!!!!" she shouted back as I got offended on the words that came out of her mouth "I DON'T CARE?!?!?!??!" I shouted "You tell me I don't care after SAVING YOUR G****** LIFE FROM THAT FCKING A**HAT RAPIST!!!!!" I shouted as she started to cry "What's happening to you? To us?" She asked "I...just..." I said lowering my voice "YOU WHAT?!!?!" She shouted once again and cried even more "I CAN'T HOLD IT BACK ANYMORE!!!!!" I shouted "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, CHARLES?!?!?!?" She asked while shouting "WHY?!?!?!" she added "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!!!" I replied shouting as she went silent.
Bebe's POV
"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!!" He shouted as those word echoed in my head He still loves me?!?! I...I'm shookt.... I thought to myself as I went silent and sat down on the couch "You didn't hear it? I'll say it again — I'll say it a BILLION times if I have to. I. Love. You. Bebe." He repeated "No, I heard it loud and clear. It's just....I love you, too.♡" I replied as I wiped out my tears and Charlie sat beside me "I'm sorry if I hurt you so bad..." I apologized "Nah, I'm fine, but...why'd you do it if you still love me?" He asked "I wanted to make you jealous cuz I wanted to know if you still love me too..." I explained "You don't have to make me jealous to know if I still love you....You could always ask. I'm not afraid to tell you how I feel about you. And you don't have to do anything to know if I still love you — I always love you." He said as I started crying again "I love No One But You..." he added as I hugged him "I love you since then...." I said as he kissed my forehead "Your forehead is all I can reach." He joked as he laughed and I hit him and stomped "No, but, seriously you're so small." He said as I hugged him "I KNOW THAT!!! YOU DON'T HAVE TO REMIND ME!!!" I shouted as he continued to laugh on his own jokes "I'M SORRY I'M NOT TALL!!!" I shouted once again as we both laughed.
June 16, 2023...
Charlie's POV
I wore my best suit and went to Bebe's house to ask be my girlfriend.
I took my best car, Dan, my Lamborghini Aventador to look formal, casual and mostly rich.
I arrived there 42 hours later and I greeted  her parents but they didn't greet me back(BOOM, BURN(-nadette), SAVAGE 101!!!!). I got hurt, I guess.
And then there was Bebe, sitting beside Flo and chatting. She looks so stunning.
She wore this:

I slowly approached Bebe and she saw me and stood up and went me "Hey, Bab--Charlie!" She said as she slipped the word "Babe" out but realized that there's no "US" YET, but I know there will be "Hey, Bee!" I said and kissed her on the cheek and sh...

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I slowly approached Bebe and she saw me and stood up and went me "Hey, Bab--Charlie!" She said as she slipped the word "Babe" out but realized that there's no "US" YET, but I know there will be "Hey, Bee!" I said and kissed her on the cheek and she kissed my cheek back "Hey, Flo!" I greeted Flo "Charleston Puthington! What's up?" He greeted as he went to me and gave me a high five "Good, good. You?" I asked "Awesome." He replied.

I saw her parents look at us and as soon as they knew I saw them, they gave me their death glare.
Hours have passed and I don't know how to ask her since her parents are always there watching us. Though I don't know why...until I hatched up a plan; I'll take Bebe outside of their house and ask her.
Bebe came to me and sat beside me on the couch "Bebe, can we go outside for a minute?" I asked "What for?" She asked back "I wanna tell you something." I said as she nod her head "yes" and I pulled her outside in their front lawn "What do you wanna tell me about?" She asked as she flipped her hair Damn, she looks gorgeous...I thought to myself "I wanna ask you if..." I said "If???" She asked again "Do you...wa.....wa.....wanna be my girlfriend?" I asked as my heartbeat began to rise You got this, Charlie! There's no way she's gonna say no! I thought to myself "No." She replied as I got shocked and I felt my heart shatter "S-sorry..." I apologized as I turned back and ran, but before I could run, she grabbed my hand and turned me around to face her "Charlie....I don't want to be your girlfriend..." she said "....I wanna be more." She added with a grin on her face and pulled out the engagement ring I gave her on her birthday in 2018 and wore it on her ring finger "!?!?" I asked still shocked "*giggles* Yes, baby." She replied and kissed me on the cheek. We celebrated and told everyone when they got weirded out that me and Bebe were the only ones having fun and getting crazy.
When I was gonna go inside my car to go home, Bebe's dad stopped me "So you're back together with my daughter?" He asked "Yes, sir." I replied respectively "Fiance, right?" He asked again "Yes, sir." I replied again "Now, I wanna speak with you very frankly, if I may..." he said "...I don't want you for my daughter. She's too old for you and well, you're her ex and I can't let my daughter get a lot of criticism. So, if this relationship not real, stop it." He said and left He was right, he spoke with me very frankly....
I got inside my car and drove back to L.A. and got some rest. I had to sleep along the way since it was a day and 17 hours long.
Things change...they do, so you gotta accept those changes, or be the change yourself...sht happens....they do....I understand....but will someone do?
I'm tired of sht happening over, and Over, and OVer, and OVEr, and OVER AGAIN!!!! I'm done. But I gotta get my legs going, if nor, I'll be the last one to finish.

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