Run Away

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Bebe's POV
I woke up still depressed about Charlie leaving, but I fully understand it. Charlie needs some space to think. He needs it more than I do, so all I can do for now is give him the time he needs.
I called 'The Clan' 😁😁 to help me get over this sick bastard called 'Sadness'. I got up from bed and covered my face using my hands "*sigh* It's all my fault that Charlie's away - I only gave him a lot more trouble and stress...." I said as I went downstairs and ate breakfast.
Charlie's POV
"KUYA CHARLES!!!!" Michael said running towards me "Michael!! Kumusta na?" I asked "I'm fine. Teka, parang may kailangan kang kumustahin??" Michael said with a grin on his face while looking at his sister, Michelle "Ano?" She asked with her arms crossed "Ummmm...nevermind na lang!" Michael said as he pulled me out of the house to play 'CatchBall'. I understood the game completely and....I still lost....embarrassing.
At the end of the day, we swam on the nearby beach and Michael almost drowned so I volunteered to save him and luckily, I did. After all the fun and love I found in this town, I still worry about Bebe Is she doing well? Is she hurt? Where is she? What is she doing? Is she eating well? I hope she's taking care of herself...That's what I always ask myself every night before going to bed.
Bebe's POV
I am currently talking to 'The Clan' about my problems with Charlie "Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait! Can we please stop with all the sad talk?!" Ed requested "Well, what do you want to talk about?" Margot asked "Mmmmmmmaaaaayyyybbbeeee consider making this 'The Clan' thing official?" Ed suggested "Ok!" Taylor replied "Like, signing?" I asked "Yep. So, if you could just right your name and sign over it, that would be great." Taylor explained as she handed Ed a paper and he passed to Jared then Margot, and lastly, me.
I read the words written on the paper and I was shocked to see something:
The Clan
Taylor Swift-Sheeran
Ed Sheeran
Jared Leto
Margot Robbie-Leto
[Blank Space]
Charlie Puth
Bebe Rexha-Puth
"Wait....Margot....Robbie....LETO?!?!?!?!?! Are you...??" I asked in a state of shock "Married? Yes." Margot replied "SINCE WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN AND WHY WAS I NOT INFORMED NOR INVITED?!?!?!??!" I asked shouting "It was when both you and Charlie were gone for a honeymoon....we got married...secretly.." Margot replied "Well, Charlie's missing a lot." I said as a couple hours of laughter have passed and everyone went home so I slept after dinner.
6 hours later...
I woke up early. Just about 3:23 am when I woke up from a bad dream. I heard a dripping water from my bathroom, but I just ignored it and cuddled Bear whom is sleeping right next to me. She helps me sleep well when I couldn't...just like how Charlie did...
I slept quickly afterwards and I again woke up to the same sound as I walked towards the bathroom to check, "Damn this mother fcker! Can I PLEASE sleep quietly?!?!?! PLEA---" My eyes grew big as I got cut off by what I saw inside the bathroom.
The sound of the dripping of the water was rather not a slightly-opened faucet, but rather the dripping of my prodigal husband's blood.
His wrists were slit open and his neck was tied up and hung to the ceiling. He was brutally murdered assuming to the writings on the wall: Is this how you wanted to see him again? :)
I nearly passed out seeing that. I puked 4 times and after that, I passed out.
I woke up once again and let put a deep gasp "*gasp* CHARLIE!!!!" I shouted as I held my belly securing my baby. I checked the time "3:22..." I whispered as I heard a loud thug coming from right outside my room. I assumed it was Charlie so I pretended that I was asleep, but, it was far from my expectations. It was a man in black.
The night was as dark as dusk, but I could clearly make out the figure of the man from the light of dawn. It wasn't Charlie, but a man carrying Charlie's dead body.
My eyes followed to where the man was going and he went to my bathroom, took a rope and hung Charlie on the ceiling and wrote the words: Is this how you wanted to see him again? :)
I woke up AGAIN and let out a gasp and quickly checked the time "4:30...." I whispered as a sight of relief visited me.
I looked at Bear who was sleeping next to me snugly.
Tears streamed down my face "I guess this is what happens when you're get paranoid..." I said to myself as I took the photo of me and Charlie from our wedding "If you were only here, you'd be here to tell me this; Sleep tight, Bee. I'm here. I always am. I'll protect you from those who try and will hurt you...I promise..." I said to myself as I hugged the picture "If only..." I whispered for the last time before putting the picture back to the table next to the bed, wiped my tears out and slept.

Author's Note
Hey guys! Sorry if I hadn't updated in AGES!!!! First of all, the internet at our house has NO FCKING SIGNAL!!! so I'm here at my cousin's house connected to their Wi-Fi so I can update. Then, second of all, School sht is terrible. Sorry if the chapter is short, that's all I can really type for this chapter. Oh, and btw, NOBY or No One But You is about to end, so stick around. If you read a chapter entitled 'Follow the Light', that's the second to the last chapter of NOBY...sorry if I couldn't make this story that long...this story contains 80+ chapters. So, 40 or less chapters, then you'll meet the destined end of NOBY. So, how did I predict the future end of NOBY? Well, I planned everything out. I have all the last few chapters saved on my phone. So sorry to say this. Love y'all, bye!!

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