Left Arm

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Charlie's POV
Bebe and I went home at 8:46 in the morning. When we arrived, it was just as quiet as we left it "I miss this place!!" Bebe shouted as she dove right into the couch and fell on the floor. I laughed at her and she laughed too "You really do miss this place! Maybe next time we won't go on a date!" I joked "WHAT?!?! NO!!! I want more DATES!!! In fact, I don't miss this house. Let's go somewhere else!" She took back what she said and we both laughed.
I went to our room and dressed up then laid there.
I heard my phone rang, so I took it. I saw that someone had texted me.
*text message*
???: Hi, do you remember me?
Charlie: How am I supposed to remember you if I don't know who the hell you are...
???: Oh, yeah, sorry, my name's Liza Soberano, remember? We were supposed to exchange phone numbers, but it ended up just you giving your phone number to me.
Charlie: ooohhhhh, hey Liza! How's life been going?
Liza: it's good! You?
Charlie: It's nice, we're actually home. When are you gonna go home?
Liza: Later at 3pm. I'm actually on a hunt for an apartment.
Charlie: Well, why don't you stay here in my house. We got plenty of rooms here. And best of all, you don't have to pay anything!
Liza: I think I shouldn't interrupt anything you and Bebe has.
Charlie: Don't worry about it! Bebe will understand, she's a pro at that! That's why I love her!
Liza: Do I even have a choice?
Charlie: Nope! I'll pick you up at 3.
Liza: Thanks!
*end of texting*
Bebe opened the door and came inside our room "Who are texting?" She asked "Huh? Oh, Liza. I forgot I gave her my number." Bebe said as she laid beside me and read my text message with Liza "You're picking her up later?" She asked "Yeah, you wanna come?" I asked her "No, I can't. I'm gonna hang out with my friends later at the park." Bebe replied "Ok. She's gonna stay here with us for a while, by the way." I informed her "Yeah, that's fine for me. But just as long as you know that you're mine!" She said kissing my right cheek and standing up "What are you doing?" I asked "I'm gonna dress up. So, stand up and and get out of here." She demanded "Yes, your majesty!" I joked then left the room.
I was dressing up cuz I was gonna bring Liza here.
When I was done preparing, I went to the hotel where she was.
I was listening to a song on the radio. It was called 'Bedroom Floor' by Liam Payne. I was singing to it while driving, and I learned a very important lesson from it: "Never sing while driving" because I almost hit a car when I was singing while driving. I almost got into a fight because of it, but wooh! Thank goodness the guy noticed that I'm Charlie Puth, and he's my fan, so, instead of going to jail, he wanted to take a selfie with me, so yeah, case closed. He knows that I'm alive, so I had to bribe him to shut his mouth up. I don't wanna talk about how I bribed him cuz there was a hell lot of bribery.
I finally arrived to the hotel and there was Liza sitting and waiting for me. She didn't notice that I was there because she was listening to music, so I sat beside her and tapped on her phone repeatedly "Woah, hey! Stop tapping my--" she got cut off when she looked at me "Charlie! You're here! I didn't know--" she got cut off again when my phone rang. Todd Lopez, my security was calling. I answered it
*phone call*
Charlie: Todd, why did you call?
Todd: Sir, someone broke in your house and had beaten all of us up! I managed to escape cuz I hid. I called the police first before you did.
Charlie: Where is he?!
Todd: Sir, he just passed by me and left. I couldn't stand up cuz he terribly wounded my leg.
Charlie: That's ok. Is the police coming?
Todd: Yes, sir, in five minutes.
*hangs up*end of call*
I grabbed Liza in the arm and pulled her all the way outside then she stopped "Where are we going?" She asked "To my house. Someone broke into my house and escaped." I replied in a hurried voice "Okay, I'm coming with you!" She volunteered "Of course you are! I already told you that you're gonna stay there for as long as you want." I reminded her as we rushed into my car and drove really fast.
When we arrived, I saw my three securities laying on the ground. The door was broken...everything was a mess.
I ran towards my guards who were laying on the ground wounded "John, Bob, stand up! We're gonna get you to the hospital. Where's Todd?" I asked as they stood up in pain "He's inside the house. He tried to stop him, but he was far too strong!" He told me "Who came in?" I asked again "We don't know, but he was looking for Ms. Bebe." John replied "Why is he looking for Bebe?" Liza asked "I think I know who it is..." I said as I went inside to look for Todd.
I kept calling his name, until I found him. I found him on the kitchen floor, helpless and in pain. We went near him and helped him stand up "Todd! Did you see who it was?" I asked "No...but he was looking for Ms. Bebe" He replied "Was Bebe home when all of this happened?" I asked "No, sir, she said that she'll be going to the park with her friends." He replied as I hopped him, John and Bob into my car and drove them to the hospital.
We rushed them to the E.R. ASAP and waited. While waiting, I took my phone out and started to text Bebe.
*text message*
Charlie: Bebe, where are you?
Bebe: Going home. I rode my friend, Stacy's car back home. Why?
Bebe: What?! Why?
Charlie: Someone broke in our house and came looking for you...and I think I know who it is. He attacked our security and escaped. He might come back and take you!
Bebe: Okay, coming! What hospital are you at?
Charlie: Jonas District Hospital.
Bebe: I'm coming.
*end of text message*
Bebe's POV
As soon as I finished texting Charlie "Stacy, I need to go to Jonas District Hospital, now!" I demanded "Why?" She replied "Charlie's there and it's not safe going back home! Our security has been attacked and they're now in that hospital!" I replied as Stacy drove to JDH.
We arrived and I ran towards Liza and Charlie. I gave Charlie a hug and a beso-beso to Liza "I think we ran out if time...did you tell him that you're my girlfriend?" Charlie asked "I haven't. I think he knows about the rumors..." I replied "Who are you guys talking about?" Liza asked "James Barron." Charlie and I replied in unison "He's my crazy ex. He's the reason why I met Charlie cuz I escaped him." I added as John, Bob and Todd were rushed outside and to their rooms.
Their family came so we bid them goodbye and went back home. Charlie drove his Lamborghini back home "We need to check the CCTV to confirm that it's him." Charlie said "Agreed." Liza and I both agreed.
We arrived at 6:47 at the house and quickly checked the footage.
We went to the hidden room inside our room behind the closet where we reviewed the video.
It was confirmed. The guy who broke into our house was my crazy ex-boyfriend, James Barron "I KNEW IT!" Charlie shouted as we heard a loud thug downstairs "Stay here while I go check downstairs." Charlie demanded as he grabbed a broom "Charlie, what if it's James? I don't wanna lose you!" I said as I cried then hugged Charlie "Don't worry about it! I've got this!" He replied as I let go of him and he went downstairs locking the doors behind him.
It was scary and silent night, until a sound broke the silence. I heard Charlie scream really loud. I think he's in pain.
Liza and I started hugging each other while crying.
James broke the door to our room and started calling my name.
Charlie's POV
I got up from the floor and tried to run upstairs to stop James. I couldn't run well, I was in deep pain, but I knew that my girlfriend's life depends on me, so I ignored the pain and rushed upstairs without making a noise.
I took my gun(yes, I have a licenced gun) before going upstairs.
When I sas James inside our room, I quickly shot him  before he could even feel my presence.
He fell down on the floor, so I tied him to a strong wood thing so he wouldn't escape.
Liza's POV
Bebe and I heard a gun shot from outside the hidden room. Our hearts began to rise as the entrance to the room we were in was opening.
Charlie's POV
I opened the door to the hidden room to see Bebe and Liza crying and hugging each other.
I fell on the floor as they both opened the light. They were shocked to see that my left arm was gone, and I was bleeding on the floor. Like A LOT OF blood "Call the ambulance...." I said as I passed out and I heard Bebe and Liza shout "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" then cried again.

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