The Businessman

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2 years later...
Charlie's POV
Today is December 2, 2025 — my birthday aaaannnndddd also our anniversary so I took Bebe out on a date "So...I was wondering...." I said as I took a sip from my wine glass "You do know that there's nothing in there..." she said while pointing at my wine glass "Ummmm....Waiter!" I shouted as I signaled the waiter to give me some wine and he followed and I took a sip "Now, there is something!" I said as we both laughed "So what were you gonna tell me?" She asked cutely "I was do I put this together? Ummm...I was wondering if you ever wanted to have our own family..." I said while scratching my head.
She went silent and looked at me with shock anf with her mouth open "No...???" I asked "No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Of crouse I want to have a family with you! But...I don't think  I'm ready yet..." She said as I looked down "Oh." I said as she reached in to my hand and held it "Sorry, Charlie, but I'm just not ready yet...parenting is a hard job..." she apologized "There's nothing to be sorry's Just I wanna be a father...but I won't force you to rush it! I can wait." I said as our dinner came and we ate.
Everything was quiet so I broke the silence "Later this month...I'm gonna start a business." I announced as Bebe got shocked "Really?!?! What type of business?" She asked "Gaming and music business...I'm gonna be making video games and gaming consoles and electro-music instruments." I replied "That's great! What's the name of the company?" She asked again "Port Mania." I replied thoroughly "Ooohhhhh....why use the word "Port"?" She asked again "Because of the word airport...." I replied as I pointed at my forehead and made an airplane gesture.
December 14, 2025...
"TODAY IS THE GRAND OPENING OF PORT MANIA FOUNDED BY CHARLES OTTO PUTH JR. AND CO-FOUNDED BY JARED LETO!!!!" Ed shouted as we began the ribbon cutting ceremony. I was the one to cut the ribbon and after I did so, we started the party and ate "Congrats, babe! I'm so proud of you!" Bebe said while her hands were on my neck and she kissed my cheek "Thanks!" I thanked.
A couple days later, we began creating games and the first we created was 'One More Life'. The games represents the life of a ghost trying to bring back itself to life and experiencing horrid adventures.
Everyone liked it but of course, like all creations, there is always hatred hidden within cheerful comments. We got a million downloads under a week so we celebrated and in 4 weeks, the game went top on editors' choice on Google Play.
Everything's been(so messed up here lately 😁😁) really busy lately, but I always try to find time for my wife.
Bebe's POV
February 25, 2025
It's been a day after my date with Charlie. He took me to Michigan in a fancy restaurant and we ate there. We slept in the hotel there, but I woke up back at LA in our house without Charlie beside me. I guess he drove us back here while I was sleeping and I think he's working right now since it's currently 8 am.
I went downstairs and ate breakfast after I showered. I had a dizzy feeling up in my head and I felt like I was about to puke so I went straight the bathroom and I puked. That happened 3 times today.
I began suspecting "Did something else other than the date happened last night??" I murmured to myself as I began having a flashback "Nah, I got nothing! Charlie and I got drunk and after that...I don't know what else happened...OH. MY. GOD." I said as it came to realization "I'M PREGNANT?!?!?!? AGAIN?!??!?!" I shouted in the bathroom as I quickly grabbed 4 pregnancy testers.
After waiting for a while, it started to draw lines "First tester; 1.......2.....2 LINES?!?!?" I got shocked as I looked at the other three; positive. I began freaking out "IS CHARLIE GONNA GET MAD?!?!?! I DON'T WANNA START A WAR!!!!" I shouted as I continued panicking "No, Charlie has no rights to get mad! He's the father of this baby! He's responsible for this! But...why would he get mad? I thought he wanted to have a family?" I asked myself "Oh, well...I'll just let destiny decide what happens next." I said as I kept walking around the room.
A few hours later..
I fell asleep while holding my belly and while waiting for Charlie to come home.
Charlie's POV
"Honey, I'm home!" I called out as no one responded "Bebe???" I called again as I put my briefcase down and took off my coat and went upstairs. I saw Bebe sleeping "She must have gotten tired while waiting for me.." I said to myself as I kissed her forehead and dressed up.
Soon after I changed clothes, she woke up "Charlie, you're home early.." she said as she got up and stretched her arms "Good morning, love!" I greeted as I kissed her cheeks and she greeted back "Babe, I have a surprise for you...You're gonna love it!" She said as she pulled me all the way downstairs "What is it?" I asked as she gave me a box "What's this?" I asked again "Stop asking! Open it!" She demanded as I opened the box and saw a pregnancy tester "1......2.....2 lines.....doesn't that mean......?" I asked "Yes, I'm pregnant!" She replied as we celebrated, shouted, and kept hugging each other "I'M GONNA BE A FATHER!!!!" I shouted really loud "WE'RE GONNA BE PARENTS!!!!" Bebe shouted "I promise that I won't hurt you, I won't mistreat you and I will NEVER get you stressed." I promised.

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