The End

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Charlie's POV
I woke up beside Bebe, shirtless and Bebe in her PJs. I stood up and sat on the edge of the bed waiting for Bebe to wake up.
While waiting, I decided to think about what we should do today.
I thought about talking her to Hawaii for a couple of days since our 1st anniversary is near.
She woke up "Good morning, love!" I said as she stretched her arms and yawned "Good morning, love!" She replied getting up and started to lean in for a kiss. I stopped her before she could by putting my hand on her mouth "NOPE! Morning breath!" I joked and we laughed.
We ate breakfast and watched the news afterwards.
*news intro*
Anchor: Breaking news! The singer/songwriter, Charlie Puth has been found roaming around Paris a month ago. It has not been confirmed that it is actually him, until, it was reported that he had lost his left arm because of his rumored girlfriend's ex-boyfriend, James Barron, cutting it off with a chainsaw.
*news outro*
"So, everyone knows that I'm alive?" I asked Bebe "Yeah, but they don't know that you're my boyfriend." Bebe replied "Well, why don't we confirm it?" I asked "Well, we could, but we need to be far away from people." She suggested "What about we go on a trip to Hawaii on my private yacht?" I also suggested "REALLY?!" She shouted "Well, yeah, I mean, our 1st anniversary IS coming, sooo...why not go to Hawaii?" I reminded her "OH YEAH!!! I forgot that our 1st anniversary is already near!" She shouted again "You always forget!" I joked as we both laughed.
I called my private yacht driver, Joel Burris, and told him about our trip. We're gonna leave tomorrow at 7pm and we left the house and dogs, Bear and Brady, to Jared and Margot while we're away.
We started to pack our things a day after. We also kissed our dogs goodbye before going.
It was already 6pm, so we had to go to the port where my yacht is waiting.
We went aboard the yacht so it started. We enjoyed the whole cruise as Bebe and I kept taking pictures, mapa selfie man o just the scene. It was so beautiful!
Bebe and I went to bed at 11pm. We laid down and had a little chat "Babe, for how long is our trip?" She asked "5 days." I replied thoroughly "Can we swim tomorrow?" She asked like a baby (sleeping like a baby, baby😂😂 musicallover_1706) "Sure, why not?" I replied giggling a bit.
I faced Bebe and she thought that I was gonna kiss her cuz she was making this weird kissy face. I looked at her weirdly as she was leaning in towards me. I covered her mouth and she realized that I wasn't gonna kiss her "Bebe, may I speak with you frankly?" I asked "Yeah, sure. What is it you wanna talk about?" She said "Ever since I fell in love with you, my whole world changed. I became a better person. I saw everything so clear, and it's all because of you. Thank you." I said "Awww, I love you too!" She said as she kissed me in the cheek.
We slept snuggly after that and woke up at 9 in the morning "Hmph, did I oversleep?" I asked yawning as I saw Bebe standing right in front of me holding a mug if coffee "Yep. It's currently 9 in the morning, so get up and drink this coffee I made just for you." She demanded as I followed.
I drank the coffee and it tasted TERRIBLE, so I spit it out on her accidentally "IT TASTES SO BAD!!" I blurted "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?!" She asked getting angry "Oh, uhhh I said the coffee tastes great! Thank you!" I lied "Why Don't you go ahead and swim. I'll catch up." I added as she went outside to swim.
I went to the bathroom and poured the coffee on the toilet then flushed it. It was mean/rude, but, what else would I do with it? I can't drink it!
I took off my shirt and wore my swimming trunks then went to swim with Bebe.
4 days later...
We arrived at Hawaii. We rented an apartment at Mauna Kea Beach Hotel.
It was 3pm when Bebe and I swam in the beach, 5 pm when we took a break "I'm gonna get a towel, want one?" I asked sitting beside her "Yeah, ok." She replied as I ran back to our apartment and took our towels.
Bebe's POV
I stood up to get a better signal at my place when a guy came near me "Hey, are you single?" He asked "No, you're weird!" I said as he started to examine my body "PERVERT!!!" I shouted as I slapped him.
Charlie's POV
I went back to Bebe to see her slap a man, so I ran towards them "Who's your boyfriend?" He asked as I put the towel over my waist as part of my plan to get him away from Bebe and if it goes wrong, I always have my fists ready. I knew that it was my cue to get in the conversation "Me." I replied "You? Heh, you don't have the balls to be her boyfriend!" He said confidently "I Don't have the balls?!?! Oh, you wanna see my balls?!!?!" I angrily asked as I held the towel and Bebe looked at me with her 'Don't Do It' face "You're naked?!" He asked "YEAH I AM!! YOU WANNA SEE WHAT'S UNDER THIS TOWEL?!?!?!" I angrily asked again "Oh, nevermind, sorry! Won't bother anymore!" He said as he ran back to his apartment.
I went near Bebe and handed her towel "Are you really naked?" She asked "What?! No! I was just scaring him!" I replied as I took off the towel and saw Bebe closing her eyes bracing for impact.
She opened her eyes and was relieved to see me NOT naked "Hoo! Thank God!!" She said as we went back to our apartment.
Our trip to and fro Hawaii. It was THE BEST DATE by far, according to Bebe as she kept hugging me before, during, and after our trip.
May 21, 2018
I woke up early and woke Bebe up for our FIRST ANNIVERSARY.
I reserved a perfect spot where Bebe and I will be having our dinner.
Bebe wanted to go and eat dinner near the beach, but I told her that I found a better spot in the mountains.
We started climbing the mountain at 6pm and arrived there at 7. There were tribes hiding away from modern people. They call themselves 'The Tribe of San Taubini' to which the world has no record of existence.
After eating our dinner, we danced with the tribe, had a campfire song, tried out their clothing and foods, and best of all, they didn't know who we were! We were treated not like celebrities, we were treated the way we've always wanted to be.
The San Taubini Tribe made their own materials like: clothes, musical instruments, weaponry, and houses.
Their houses are made up of coconut leaves and wood.
Bebe tried their bow and arrow, and believe me she, sometimes sucked at it and she was sometimes good at it. She shot a wild boar down!
The people were glad to have us there, and we were glad that we made friends with such good people. They taught us to cook and eat a wild boar, it tasted DELICIOUS!! Bebe at first, was disgusted, but when she tasted it, she LOVED IT!!
I never wanted to leave that place. We considered the tribe our family and we consider their place, home.
Bebe's POV
May 23, 2018
6 a.m.
It was time for Charlie and I to leave, we were sad so we visited the tribe one last time before we left. We bid them goodbye then left.
We left at night, so we would spend more time in Hawaii.
It was the best date anyone has ever given me. Charlie is the best boyfriend I've ever been with.
While Charlie was sleeping, I suddenly had a feeling that I was gonna puke, so I went to the bathroom and started gagging.
I went to the clinic in the yacht and stole a pregnancy tester then went back to the bathroom. I urinated on it and I was shocked to see the results. I'M PREGNANT?!?!?!?
I decided not to tell Charlie for now and just let it wait cuz I wanted to surprise him. I knew how bad he wanted to be a father.
Charlie would throw a huge party if he knew that I'm pregnant. Not that I don't want to, but I don't want a lot of people surrounding me specially now that I'm pregnant. I went back to sleep after that with a smile on my face.
Charlie and I woke up at 7am "GOOD MORNING, BABE!!!" I shouted as I stood up "Good morning!!" He replied as he also stood up "Why are you in such a good mood?" He asked as my heartbeat began to rise "Well, cuz today is the day!" I replied "Why? What day is it today?🎶Can you tell me what day it is? I'M A FERRARI!!!🎶" He asked again also singing my song 'Ferrari' "To unveil the truth! To confirm all rumors! To be who we really are!" I replied "Bebe, can you please FOR ONCE be more specific!" He demanded "We're gonna tell people that we're officially dating and that you're my boyfriend, remember?" I reminded him "Oh, yeah! Let me grab my phone and tell them!" He said as he grabbed his phone and started typing.
I waited for him to finish. I went to Twitter and saw his post "@charlieputh - Yes, I am now confirming it. It's true, @beberexha is my grilfriend." So I, wanted to jump in "replying to @charlieputh - We've been boyfriends/girlfriends for a year now and it's been THE BEST ride I've been in my whole life!!! I love you, @charlieputh" that's what I tweeted.
It was a long pause so we decided to eat first. While eating, our phones kept ringing. It meant that WE HAVE A TON OF NOTIFICATIONS!!!
When we finished eating breakfast, we came checked our phones.
There were 150 NOTIFICATIONS?!?!?!?
The ones that were highlighted were:

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