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Charlie's POV
Bebe and I ate lunch and packed our things. We went straight ahead to the airport and rode the plane to London.
We arrived there at three and rested in a hotel near Camden Beach where Bebe and I are gonna meet this guy, Tray.
I never saw a picture of him, but I am surely glad to meet him.
Bebe was hungry and asking for food "What do you want?" I asked "I WANT MEAT!!!!" She shouted with an intense deep voice(heh, Gillian...arin na deep voice? An pang aswang o an pag nangingisog an bakla?😂😂) "Ok...I'll try my best to get some." I said and went out of the room to look for the "meat" she's looking for.
Bebe's POV
Bebe: Hey, we're here in London. Where are you?
Tray: I'm at home here near the Big Ben. I'll meet you at Camden, just wait. By the way, what do you mean by "we"? I thought you were alone.
Bebe: Oh, sorry, I forgot to inform you! It's Charlie!
Tray: Charlie what? Don't tell me Charlie Charlie!!! I thought he was a myth!!! He must be haunting me!!😱😱
Bebe: Why the hell would Charlie  Charlie be haunting you? Like you said, he's a myth...and by the way, it's Charlie Puth, not Charlie Charlie!
Tray: Oh, thank God! I thought it wwas--wait did you just say Charlie Puth?
Bebe: Yeah, why? You don't want him to come?
Tray: No, its just, he's my idol! I'm like his biggest fan!!
Bebe: Oh, well then it's all settled?
Tray: Yeah, I'll see you at 5 then?
Bebe: k, bye.
*end of call*
Charlie came inside the room with some MEAT!!! "Who were you talking to?" He asked putting the food on the table near him "Tray. I told him you were coming. He's fine with it. He's actually a huge fan of you!" I replied thoroughly "Well, I'm glad I could finally meet him!" He said as we ate the food that he bought which was called 'Bangers and Mash'. It was a popular dish here in London, and it tasted SO GOOD.
Charlie's POV
Bebe and I were preparing to see this guy named Tray at Camden Beach today at 5.
It was 4:48 when we were done preparing, so we left the apartment.
Paparazzi were there when we got outside obviously asking about our relationship, but we said we were busy and don't have the time to  answer not even one question. We only said that our schedule was very hectic, even though it wasn't.
We arrived there at 5:04 and saw a man in a black jacket standing at the beach "That's Tray!" Bebe said as she pointed to the man "At least he didn't stand us up, like what others do!"(Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, been wishing for you, ooh, oooh, tryna do what OTHERS do!😂😂) I joked as we both laughed and came near him.
Bebe went ahead and called him "TRAY!!" she shouted as he looked at our direction looking at us.
He has a blonde hair and he's a white man. Hey Caucasian. He looks like this:

Bebe came near him and gave him a hug "Bebe! How are you!" Tray said "Good! You?" She asked back "Life is nice." He said as he looked at me and his eyes grew "You're serious about bringing Charlie here!!!" He shouted and gave me a bro-hug "Hi, I'm--" I cut him off "Trevor McCain. Bebe introduced me to you, so, why did you pick Camden Beach as our meeting place?" I asked giving him a handshake "Well, I work here. I basically own this place." He replied "Wow! You must be rich!" I said "Not richer than you!" He joked and we all laughed "Why'd you bring him? Isn't he supposed to be busy?" He asked getting skeptical "He's my boyfriend." Bebe replied "I'm not your boyfriend..." I said as Bebe got confused, so I held her hand "I'm your fiance." I added raising Bebe's hand up showing the engagement ring "Wow! You're engaged! How come I'm not informed?" He asked giggling "Well, I guess you were a little under the rock!" I joked.
He held Bebe's hand and I looked at it getting all skeptical "Can I borrow Bebe for a sec?" He asked "Yeah, ok" I agreed "Thanks! Feel free to explore this place!" He said and pulled Bebe further away from me while running.
Bebe's POV
Tray pulled me and brought me to a place where Charlie can't see us "Tray! What the hell are you doing?!?!" I angrily asked as I stopped "I wanna tell you something..." he said "What is it?" I asked again "I'm in love with you!" He shouted as he kissed me.
I pushed him away "I...I have a crush on you too, but I have Charlie.." I said rubbing my arm "I understand, and I'm sorry if I did it wayy to quickly...I couldn't hold it back anymore!" He explained as Charlie interrupted "Why the hell are you two hiding?" He asked as everything went silent "I thought you two just wanted to talk, why hide from me?" He asked again "Charlie....I fell in love with Bebe..." Tray said looking down "Really?" He asked as my heartbeat began to rise "Nice to hear that!" Gladly said "What?" I asked in confusion "I mean, you understood when I got a crush on Liza and Anna. Why won't I understand your crush on Tray?" He explained giggling "Phew! For a second there, I thought you were gonna get mad!" Tray said wiping his sweat off "*laughs* Bebe's responsible. I trust her!" Charlie said as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.
We all went home after that, I was about to get inside the car when Tray once again grabbed my hand "Wanna hang out tomorrow at 2pm at the Big Ben?" He asked "Yeah, sure! You said you're house is near there. Can I go and see it?"I asked "Yeah, after I tour you around." He said as I bid him goodbye and rode the car.
Charlie drove the car. It was silent, so I decided to break it "Can I go and hang out with Tray tomorrow?" I asked "Hang out with...the person or the object where you put food and/or other things on?" He asked joking "*laughs* Let me rephrase that sentence. Can I hang out tomorrow at 2pm near the Big Ben with Trevor McCain?" I asked again "*laughs* Yeah, go ahead and have fun while we're still here. Oh, and, try not to come home pregnant!" He joked as we both laughed.
Charlie's POV
A day after meeting Tray, Bebe hung out with him like she said so. She cane home at 6pm with a cap, shirt and most importantly, FOODS for me "Are you mad at me for coming home at 6?" She asked getting all nervous "Nope. I was gonna get mad, but then I saw you bring me food, and plus, you're responsible, and it's not that late." I explained "You REALLY are obsessed with food!" She said then laughed.
She went close to me with the food in her hands then she sat on my lap. She started to lean closer to me asking for a kiss, but I got distracted with the smell of them tasty nachos, so I leaned closer to her also. When we were about to kiss, I interrupted it by diving my head into the delicious nachos(WARNING!! The author's getting hungry at this section😂😂) and took a bite.
Bebe didn't take it well, she thought we were gonna kiss, but no. She was wrong, so, she decided to slap me afterwards and I laughed "Charlie!!" She shouted as I continued to laugh "Oh, it's not JUST funny, it's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious fun!!" I said and continued to laugh.
Bebe's POV
Charlie and I went to sleep, but I just couldn't sleep because of what just happened between me and Tray. My feelings for him started to enlarge. It started to keep up with my feelings for Charlie, now, I don't know who I really love; Charlie or Tray.
Everything just kept playing back and forth on my mind until I slept.
I arrived there exactly at 2 and Tray was there waiting for me,at the Big Ben. Without saying  aword, he pulled me to his "secret place" under the Big Ben and started to kiss me.
I pushed him "Hey! Someone might see us!" I said "Don't worry! No one ever comes here. That's why I kept this place to myself." He explained as his face started to lean towards mine again, but I stopped it "Hold up! I thought you were gonna meet me up with your family!" I reminded "Oh, I am! In fact, we're gonna go there now!" He said as we went outside getting aware of the paparazzi. Luckily, there was none.
We arrived at his house so I started to greet them "Tray, who is this beautiful woman you brought here?" His dad asked taking off his reading glasses and started to examine me "Dad, she's Bebe, remember? Bleta Rexha, my high school friend." He introduced me "Oh! Bebe! Sorry, I flrgot. You've grown a lot!! You look more beautiful than ever!" He complimented me "Thank you!" I thanked him "Is she your girlfriend?" He asked as Tray started to turn red "Mr. McCain, he's not my boyfriend. I'm actually engaged to Charlie Puth." I informed him "Oh, sorry." He apologized.
*end if flashback*
I slept snuggly in Charlie's arms feeling really safe.
Charlie's POV
I woke up to see Bebe NOT in my arms. I normally wake up earlier than her. I just assumed that she's downstairs eating breakfast.
I went downstairs to check if she's there, but she wasn't. Then I saw a letter on the fridge. Sorry, if I didn't inform you, but Tray asked me to hang out with him again. I promise I'll make it up to you -❤Bebe I read the letter in my mind, so I assumed that it was just another one of those reunions, but longer, so it wasn't a problem for me. Until, I knew that it was not just a reunion. She came home at 9 in the FRIKIN' EVENING!!! and do you know what's the best part of it? SHE'S F*CKING DRUNK!!!
This continuously happened for a whole week, but not the drunk part.
I was sitting on the corner of the room drinking heavily and thinking to myself Why did I let this happen? I think they have a secret relationship behind me. If really love her, I'd choose to set her free and love who she really loves, and I'd choose to hurt myself rather than to see her get hurt or suffer, like how I'm suffering right now...I just wish that this would end already...

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