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2 weeks later...
Bebe's POV
So, I got pregnant 2 weeks ago during our time spent in LA. We are back here in Sacramento and Charlie's going on tour in a week, and do you know what's worse? I HAVE NO FRICKIN IDEA HOW TO TELL HIM THAT I'M PREGNANT. And it gets even worse! HE'S GONNA BE GONE IN 9 MONTHS! 9 FCKING MONTHS! I'LL LABOR MY CHILD AT THE TIME HE'S ON TOUR!

I can't tell him, not now. I don't wanna get in the way of his tour and fans and love for music. I know that I should be Charlie's number one priority, but I just can't ruin this whole sht for him. He prepared so much for this and he was so excited because he can visit exotic places! I'm a failure...

It's currently 7 in the morning, Charlie's supposed to go to work and do rehersals. I woke up and saw Charlie still in the kitchen.

"Why are you still here? Aren't you late for rehearsal?" I asked.

"A little bit. But you know, Filipino time." He replied as he drank the last chug of coffee in his mug, "Well, I'm off to work." He said as he kissed my forehead and went towards the door.

It was killing my insides knowing that I couldn't tell him. I wanted to, but I didn't want him to just cancel the tour.

"Charlie...Wait!" I blurted and he turned around. Sht.

"Yeah? What is it, babe?" He asked.

"Umm...stay safe and...get home early, ok?" I demanded as he went near me. Right now, he was just 3 feet far from me

"Of course! But...I feel like there's something you wanna say but you're too afraid to." He said. My heartbeat began to rise.

Why does this man know whatever the fck I feel?

"Nothing! That's all." I replied nervously as he went closer. He was 3 inches away from me. I could feel his breath.

"Are you sure? Because, I can see it in your eyes that there's something else you wanted to say." He said. Ahhh sht.

"Umm...I'm....ummm....I'm hungry for chocolates!" I nervously said.

God, I hope he doesn't notice my nervous tone.

He went closer to me and his body was pressed against mine.

"I can feel you breathing." He creepily said.

"Me too." I replied bitting my lip trying my best not to let out my emotions using my mouth. He came closer to my face and I covered his mouth.

"Nuh-uh, I still have morning breath!" I said while smiling.

"I wasn't going for your lips." He explained as he kissed my forehead and turned around.

"Well, I best be going then!" He said as I smacked his butt and laughed.

"OUCH! HAHA! THAT STUNG LIKE A BUTT CHEECK ON A CAMEL TOE!!!" He shouted as we both laughed.

"Now, get out of here before you wake the kids!" I said as he left.

1 week later...

"Call me if there's any trouble or any important matters." He said as he took all his luggage out his car, "I'll be calling you every 12:45pm and 6:40pm, alright?" He reassured as I nod.

If you're wondering, no, I haven't told Charlie that I'm pregnant. I never had the urge to, and now, it's too late.

I hugged him tight, "I'm gonna miss you so fcking bad." I said and cried.

"I'm gonna miss you too." He said as I pulled apart and kissed him on the lips. After what seemed like an eternity, I pulled away.

"Stay safe alright? I'll be waiting for your calls." I said as I wiped the tears away, "Oh, and don't drink alcoholic beverages." I added.

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