Bonnie's Charming Impressions • Freddy's New Job

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Bunny: [calls Bonnie] (I'm so nervous! I don't know how to pull this off!) [gasps] (Am I blushing?!?)
Bonnie: Hello?
Bunny: Hello how are you I'm fine!!
Bonnie: Sounds like you're in a good mood! So, why did you call me?
Bunny: I wan... wanna... go on... a... da...
Bonnie: Date? You want to go on a date?
Bunny: Eek!!
Bonnie: I'll come pick you up alright? Don't be afraid of meeting me!
Bunny: (No way...)
Bonnie: Get ready! I'll be right over!
Bunny: WAIT!!
Bonnie: What is it?
Bunny: I've... missed you?
Bonnie: [chuckles] I miss you too Bunny, but get ready ok? I'll be there for the next three hours!
Bunny: I'll find something to wear too!
Bonnie: Good... Bye... [hung up]
Bunny: This will be tough... (What is love?)

Later On, At Goldie's House; banging on the door.

Marionette: [opens the door and fell]
Goldie: Freddy? What do you want now? I'm not going to buy anymore pizza!
Freddy: I WANT A NEW JOB!!!
Goldie: Can you say it real slow?
Freddy: Goldie, big brother, I want to have a new job! This can maybe increase my attention or influences to people! I can make jokes and make them laugh, cry, and passed out from, you know, laughing!
Goldie: [unamused]
Marionette: So you want a karaoke job?
Freddy: Is that what it is?
Marionette: Yes, it is...
Freddy: Then let's go!
Goldie: Slow down skipper, it's not ten o'clock yet...
Freddy: Aw!!! How long do I have to wait?
Goldie: Three hours...
Freddy: But that's all day!!
Goldie: Get with the program! Marion, I will love to show you a special surprise in the bedroom...
Marionette: I hope I know what you're thinking of...
Freddy: What about me?!?!?
Goldie: You can go back with Chica you numb nuts!
Freddy: [groans]

Three hours has pass and both of Bunny's POV and Freddy's POV are setting off to a great start. Bunny was waiting on Bonnie and Freddy waits for their lovey dovey on his door. We wonder what happens next!

Bunny: [shivering] Brr!! So cold!! I think he'll never make it in time!

Bunny sees a car and stops where Bunny is standing. He got out the car and show his reveal.

Plus it was halfway till Halloween so he wanted to dress up nicely.

Bunny: Wow... [surprised]
Bonnie: Eh, it ain't nothing... You want to go and do you want do something before we go?
Bunny: Umm, yes! I need to go to the bathroom!!
Bonnie: How bad?
Bunny: Very bad!
Bonnie: Hold my hand, we'll walk there...
Bunny: [shivers and takes his hand]
Bonnie: [wraps coat around her to stop her from shivering] Better?
Bunny: I was shivering because of that, yes, but also wanted to go potty...
Bonnie: [thinking about it]
Bunny: You know what I mean right Bonnie?
Bonnie: Yeah, let's hurry Bunny, we don't want you to wet yourself from outside now would we?
Bunny: [leans on his arm and smell his scent of gasoline]

Freddy's POV.

Goldie: This is the place!
Freddy: Oof!!
Marionette: Goldie, I don't think I can be in here with you...
Goldie: Marion...
Freddy: [squeals] Oh my gosh! I can't
Goldie: [kiss Marion] Snap out of it Freddy, if you want a job here, now is the time to get a job here!
Freddy: Then let's do it!

Everyone walks in.

Goldie: [holds Marion's hand and went to the stand] Hello my good sir!
Man: Hey, my name is Nick! Oof, about time I've found one person who is nice!
Goldie: Is everybody being mean to you? Even police officers?
Nick: Oh you wouldn't believe they were all being so mean to me! I had to give them a job here, they were trying to KILL me!
Goldie: I'm so sorry to hear that, you'll be fine right?
Nick: Oh I wish... So, what can I do for you two love birds?
Marionette: What? No, I-I-I wasn't-
Goldie: [shushes him not to talk] It's ok! It's not about him, it's about my baby brother Freddy! He loves doing stand up comedies!
Marionette: Goldie, I don't see him...
Goldie: Wait, he was right here...
Freddy: [on the stage] Hello!! Look at her!! Here's Bonnie and Chica!!
Chica: Oh wow Freddy! Nice entrance!
Goldie: [face palm]
Nick: That's your brother?
Goldie: Ridiculous, I know that...
Nick: He looks like the guy who sings!
Marionette: He does, a lot! Trust me- it's so annoying to hear him sing...
Nick: Well I'm going to sign you up for presenting! Freddy Fazbear right?
Goldie: That's correct!
Nick: And can you enter your name right here to pick him up when the show's over?
Goldie: John... Schist...
Marionette: [whispers] That's your name?
Goldie: [whispers back] Silly I know, we have to keep our names hidden so the world doesn't know we're alive! Remember the shadows, they took our bodies from Freddy Fazbear's Fright...
Marionette: I'm sorry...
Nick: Thank you and come again! See you later!
Goldie: Come on Freddy!
Nick: Unfortunately for this is a karaoke bar, it's up to him to decide!
Goldie: Wow really? Well, hey Freddy, stay or leave?
Freddy: I'll stay here!
Goldie: We're leaving Marion...
Marionette: [looks down]
Goldie: Let's get you on outside first... See you later Nick...
Nick: See you next time!

Bonnie's POV.

Bunny: [panting and holds her crotch] Bonnie, I can't hold it any longer...
Bonnie: I know, but I found a portal potty but I can't pry it open!! Come on!! [shoulder bumped the door] it's no use! Bunny, follow me...
Bunny: [breathes heavily and looks sad]
Bonnie: Can you do it on the ground? And I promise I won't look at you...
Bunny: Ohh, Bonnie, you're a lifesaver! Thank you... [pull her pants, panties, then squats down, covers her mouth from embarrassment]
Bonnie: [close his ears] (I can't believe I'm having this... At a time like this...)
Bunny: (I can't stop crying from this embarrassment! I hope Bonnie's not too mad, then everything will be over as I know it will...) [gets done and pulls her pants up, a little wet spot was in front of her pants] (I think I should be fine now...)
Bonnie: Bunny, you ok?
Bunny: I'm fine Bonnie, I'm sorry you have to hear that...
Bonnie: I didn't hear anything...
Bunny: You didn't? How couldn't you... I mean- [covers her mouth]
Bonnie: Hahahahaha! Let's go somewhere else besides here, I know exactly where to go! Don't be afraid!

Bonnie drove Bunny to a karaoke bar, a famous restaurant, then to his house. Bonnie took back his coat from Bunny's back then hangs it up on a coat hanger.

Bonnie: Don't be shy, come on in...
Bunny: This house... is beautiful...
Bonnie: Well, it ain't all that but sure... So Bunny, you wanna hit my room?
Bunny: Your room?

In The Bedroom.

Bunny: WOW!!! I love it so much!! The posters of Doki Doki No Poki and Literature Club! The rug of the sea! These girls from Clannad!! You owned it all!
Bonnie: What do you think about our first date...? Was it any good then the others?
Bunny: Yes but, I want to know something! How are you getting so much money?
Bonnie: Hustling...
Bunny: What's that?
Bonnie: Well, do you like popsicles?
Bunny: Yeah?
Bonnie: There! I go to a store where you get drinks right? Then I pick what's my favorite color, so I got myself 10 drinks a day!
Bunny: Do you be drinking it?
Bonnie: No no no listen, so I have 10 drinks with and keep them outside where the sun will shine! As for that, I use these bamboo to make the frozen drinks go onto this popsicle stick! And there you have it! I be making 20 dollars per day!
Bunny: That's so cool!!
Bonnie: Just like you my little sugar plumbs!! [kiss her cheek]

Bunny was so embarrassed and never knew what to do next, she started to squeal.

Bunny: [squeals]
Bonnie: Hmm?
Bunny: Bonnie, what is love? What is a couple? What is there to do to make love? Girlfriend or boyfriend? Girlfriend to girlfriend? Boyfriend to boyfriend? So many questions Bonnie, you've got to help me! I'm so stubborn and so stupid to know anything about everything!
Bonnie: ...
Bunny: Please Bonnie, what if I said I'm in love with you? Will that change anything?
Bonnie: Yeah, it does...
Bunny: [sniffles]
Bonnie: And because you know nothing more about love, we start with dates before we move to basics! Like how we are far now, I kiss your cheek to make you come back for me, or even I will come back but sometimes I'm always busy so...
Bunny: Bonnie... My heart is beating... What does that mean...?
Bonnie: You are falling too deep with me, you want to stay here with me before you go back to your friends... You think I'm trustworthy to be around with and no other than me can take care of you the right way...
Bunny: And... and... if I feel like... I... want you more... What should I do...?
Bonnie: You kiss me...
Bunny: A smooch?
Bonnie: Yes, I'm waiting for your exclusive right moment for you to kiss me...
Bunny: [hold his hand and kiss his hand, then rub his chest, gets on her tippy toes and kiss his lips]
Bonnie: [smiles slightly]
Bunny: Was that bad?
Bonnie: No, it was perfect!
Bunny: Bonnie, I'm sleepy...
Bonnie: You can get in my bed! I'll be in the living room...
Bunny: Ok... [takes her clothes off]
Bonnie: [looks away and went to the living room] (Not only she's not smart enough to know anything, I'm happy to be with her! Screw Chica, I have her in my life!)

To Be Continued - More To Come

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