Alexis Wants to be The Purple Girl • The Girl Animatronics' Investigation

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Derek: [sips beer]
Alexis: What is it like to be the Purple Guy?
Derek: [splurge out beer] WHAT!?
Alexis: How is it feel to be the-
Derek: I heard that part! It's not something I can't discuss with you about!
Alexis: Ok? And?
Derek: And you don't care I done these things?
Alexis: Should I?
Derek: (I love my wife...) Before you want to be a Purple Girl, do you hate the animatronics?
Alexis: YES!!
Derek: Then you're on!!


Alexis: How do you like me like this? Got my own style and everything! Am I beautiful??
Derek: [covered his mouth, scoffs, and chuckled] Sure...


Derek: Now, when you strike, give it power in your wrist to stab slash kill someone! But not anyone just yet! We're officially going to train you with test dummies!
Alexis: Like this! [strikes] Eh...
Derek: No, no you can't be cute like! You have to do it forcefully and hard, and really it took me three days... Take your hip and turn fast to strike!!
Alexis: Ok!! Like this!!
Derek: Negative!!
Alexis: Come at them like this!!
Derek: Not necessarily!!
Alexis: TAKE THIS!!!
Derek: FUCK NO!!!

Three Hours Later...

Derek: It's hard to comprehend what the hell is happening with're my wife, I get that... but you got to get your act together!
Alexis: It's hard...
Derek: It's really not if you think about it... It's all about striking! I'll come back later...

At The Interrogation Room.

Fritz: We haven't used this room since Derek got his first job here

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Fritz: We haven't used this room since Derek got his first job here...
Mike: We spent three days trying to find her, shit, it's better than William Afton...
Foxie: Why am I here?
Dr. Cooper: We would like to ask some questions before we let you go back...
Foxie: [snarls] No! What kind of business you want with me?!
Axel: [smack her with pipe]
Fritz: Axel!! Why??
Jeremy: And where did you even get that from?
Axel: Tying her up will make her answer our questions... Tie her to that chair... and this? [chuckles] Details! Am I right? Who cares anymore?

Foxie was strapped to a chair, by waking up for a few minutes, she began to rumble and cry out for Lolbit.

Jeremy: What do you know about Janes?
Mike: And about Michelle?
Foxie: [bites the rope]
Axel: Stop before I shoot!
Foxie: LOLBIT!!! [wrestle with the rope]
Axel: [shoot his shot in the air]
Foxie: [keeps going]
Mike: Woah... Not even a flinch...
Jeremy: She broke free!! Lock the doors!!
Foxie: [bites his arm again more brutally]
Mike: NOT AGAIN!!!
Jeremy: Fritz! Use the "Foxy Love" spray!!
Fritz: It's not in the bag...
Dr. Cooper: Would someone or something to get her off of Mr. Schmidt's arm!?
Mike: The circulation... not flowing...
PG: [tackled her]

Lolbit: [!!!] Foxie?

PG: Sit down!
Foxie: [growls]
Mike: [falls over]

In the streets where we see Derek and his wife walking, but...

Alexis: Now, where is it?
Derek: He should be arriving! Ahah!!
Lolbit: Excuse me! Pardon me!
Derek: Catch it!!
Alexis: On it!!
Lolbit: [dodges without realizing it] Be careful with those ma'am!
Derek: You missed...
Alexis: I missed...


Foxie: [scratches the door and screams]
Fritz: This "Foxie" girl is crazy...
Lolbit: [opens the door] Foxie!
Foxie: [snarls and howl]
Lolbit: What did you do? What did you do to upset her?
Mike: [coughing] Can't breathe...
Dr. Cooper: Jeremy, CPR!! You, woman, we're investigating our victim - you are not welcome here!
Lolbit: Not to remind you that I have a hook for a hand! Don't push me!
Mike: Please? I don't know why I'm saying this but, let us investigate her... for ten minutes! That's all... I'm asking... It'll be quick!
Lolbit: Ok!
Dr. Cooper: WHAT??? JUST LIKE THAT???
Lolbit: Mike is friends with every human animatronic, so am I! I'll keep Foxie under control if possible, knowing her, she'll can get out of hand...
Foxie: [pouts] Fine... I can answer questions as long you don't push me to the limit...
Mike: I'll the infirmary...
Dr. Cooper: Let's go!!


PG: Recording! Headphones are in! Camera, lights, action!
Fritz: Translator, on!
Mike: So, do you know Michelle and Janes?
Foxie: Yes...
Jeremy: Can you tell me more about them?
Foxie: I hated them...
Jeremy: Be more specific, why hate them as much as they do you? I think?
Mike: (You idiot...)
Foxie: I hated them... Michelle was always trying to kill me with a pan, like I'm some sort of... bug, and Janes? Psst, don't get me started with that dyke...
Mike: Oof...
Fritz: Hmm? "Dyke" is a strong word... This, dyke, is Janes right? Why call her that? Is there any reason?
Foxie: She taunts me thinking she's the coolest of them all! She completely ignores me and goes onto Bunny! HOW CAN SHE CHOSE HER OVER FOXIE??? That untrustworthy psycho... taunting me whatever I go! And when it's break time, around six o'clock in the morning, she invites everyone except me... The reason I bit you because you remind me of her, the same bite mark is the same reason for your precious Michelle!
Lolbit: Hey, too far...
Foxie: Michelle hated me because of Janes that she told her... Bunny was always getting under the human's skins, making them good and cooperative; whereas I - on the other hand - am the complete opposite of good! My "friends..." had it coming to them... They suffered... in that mineshaft! Bunny cried, and cried, like a retarded puppy! But you know, Janes was trying her best to get me on my good side! But your worthless, emotionless, bitch of a sister, had her fun tearing me apart! [smirk] I'm glad I returned the favor...
Mike: [clenches fists]
Jeremy: [feels sad]
Foxie: Heh, I'm done...
Lolbit: Why couldn't you tell me about this...?
Mike: [pull his gun out]
Foxie: [prepare her hook]
Fritz: Well, [stood up and flip the chair] Settle down in here you two!!
Dr. Cooper: End the recording!
Fritz: No, keep this record section going!
Mike: Michelle wasn't perfect so don't go talking all that shit!!
Foxie: What the hell are you going to do? Taunt me? Shoot me? Take your best shot!
Jeremy: Bro, put the gun down!!
Fritz: Mike! Don't fire your gun!!
Dr. Cooper: Mr. Schmidt, put the weapon down or you're fired!!
Mike: [hesitating]
Foxie: [grin] Are you going to return the favor as well?
Mike: [lowers the gun and sigh]
Foxie: Didn't think so, once you shoot, you get-
Lolbit: That's enough Foxie!! You need to stay calm before you get the punishment!
Foxie: [sigh, and close her eyes, sit down]
Mike: [sat down but got back up] I'm gonna step out for a bit, finish this investigation without me...
Jeremy: Mike! Hold on!
Fritz: We'll be back right after these messages!

Mike stepped out in the hall to pull out his old photo of his sister, Michelle Schmidt, from his pocket.

Mike: [lean against the wall holding his hat and sigh] I hate this... why did you have to die...? Why did you have die...?
Purple Guy: What is going on here?
Mike: It's none of your goddamn business!

To Be Continued - More To Come

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