A Lover's Discussion • A Happy Marriage

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Marionette: Yes...
Goldie: You are? Thank you!!
Chica: He's not smiling... Mr. Marionette, why aren't you smiling?
Marionette: Everything's... happening... too fast...
Goldie: Don't worry! We'll take things slow! We're going to have a bachelorette party for our wedding!
Marionette: Goldie... [blackout]

And then I was like... wait! Toy Freddy! Where am I?
Toy Freddy: At my bachelorette party for Goldie's invitation!
Marionette: No hold on! Where's Goldie?
Toy Freddy: Backstage!
Marionette: Where am I?
Toy Freddy: Two blackouts and you still can't keep track? Whatever! [walks away]

All: CHUG!!! CHUG!!! CHUG!!! CHUG!!! CHUG!!! CHUG!!! CHUG!!!
Marionette: Goldie!!
Goldie: Iced tea all day baby!!
Marionette: What happened?
Goldie: We're married! Don't you remember? You fainted before I got your hand with the ring to kiss you with!
Marionette: [shocked]
Goldie: So, we're officially married!! Aren't you excited, or are you still figuring things out?

The Marionette looking around the crowd and screams, freaking out as he goes into the bathroom to calm down. But in the bathroom, he wasn't alone, Foxy(New Advanced) and Mangle are chatting in the bathroom stall.

Foxy(New Advanced): Yer a cute one, what yer name little boy?
Mangle: He's a quiet boy, his name is Choppy!
Foxy(New Advanced): Cause yer chops a lot and scared fer' everything that startles him?
Mangle: Yeah, how did you know?
Foxy(New Advanced): Cause of yer Tangle!
Mangle: [roll her eyes and smiles] Figures...
Marionette: [panicking]
Foxy(New Advanced): It's Bastardo Marionette! Yer going fine fer' yer aye? Savvy?
Marionette: What?
Mangle: Sorry, you're listening to the Bite of '87 over here! This is the New Advanced Foxy! Foxy, this is the puppet!
Foxy(New Advanced): Aye, the puppeteer! Ser salute to yer, aye can send you down in the depths of the poop deck!
Marionette: I'm sorry guys!! I need to be alone!
Mangle: I know a place! It's right-

Springs: Marion! Look at us!
Goldie: I honestly don't like it because it's made by SpringTrap...
Springs: I got the makeup right! Right?
Goldie: Ugh...
Marionette: Goldie!! I keep having a blackout! What is happening?
Goldie: You're freaking out! Just stop! It's not a good look for you!
Springs: You also say that!
Goldie: You're missing my phrase here!
Springs: What can I possibly miss?
Marionette: I need to get out of here!

The Marionette hold his chest and fell to the floor, crying. Goldie started to help him up and dust off the dust off the floor from his knees.

Goldie: Marion, control yourself! Get a hold of yourself!
Marionette: I can't... I can't do this... I got to go home! Take me home!
Goldie: If you wanted to go home then teleport... You forgot to do that?
Marionette: [gasp and teleports]
Goldie: There he goes...

The Marionette looked in the mirror and cried even more, he couldn't take the pressure. He lay in bed to imagine what happened in the situation he was in. Was he freaking out over marriage or that was him? Was he never wanted to get married before he almost said, "I guess," and pausing? The Marionette finally realized for a short amount of time he took in to calm down smoothly:

He stood there with Goldie as he exchanged rings to kiss him with, and kissed him too, but only for a second before he fainted after the ceremony was about to begin. Goldie carried him into the limo and drove to Toy Freddy's city, Nirvana. It was gloomy and dark before, Toy Freddy made everybody happy after. And the both of them completely invited people to eat the wedding cake.

He understood now, and got back up off the bed to teleport back into the party and sees Goldie dancing with Chica.

Chica: And that's how you do it for your husband!
Goldie: I've never been so relieved since Shadow Freddy destroyed the town!
Marionette: Goldie!!
Goldie: Hey Marion! Nice to see you again! How was your-
Goldie: You mean your suit? Your tux? It's in our suitcase over there, right next to the vehicle...
Marionette: WHICH ONE???
Goldie: By... Toy Freddy's limo...

The Marionette teleported to the limo and unzip the suitcase to see his tuxedo and a leftover wedding cake. He cried, and cried, and cried all over the tuxedo, but before he was about to touch the cake, Goldie stand next to him and tap his shoulder. He spoke: "I saved it just for you to eat so you wouldn't be sad!"

Goldie: WAIT!!! Save that cake before my husband wakes up!!
Chica(New Advanced): I thought you would've not said anything, my good sir, I could've warned you!
Goldie: It's a good thing I said it just in time! I'm going to put this in my suitcase!
Bunny: Would it smush?
Goldie: Hell no! It's all puffy and the case keeps everything from being smushed, thanks to Fredbear!
Bonnie: [snort] Fredbear can pretty much solve anything... What a dunce... [drinks beer]

Marionette: Then...
Goldie: Yeah, why do you think I be waiting on you to say something about it?
Marionette: We're not boyfriends anymore?
Goldie: No... Accordingly, we're husbands! It's the same thing! Well, in my opinion...
Marionette: Then... I'm happy to be married to you... I should of said yes instead of, "I guess..."
Goldie: I still took it as a yes!
Marionette: I'm glad...

The Marionette opened his eyes and begin to cry.

Goldie: You ok Marion?
Marionette: I love you Goldie... [giggles] I love you so much...
Goldie: [sit next to him on the bed and hold his hand] I love you too, Marion...

To Be Continued - More To Come

Mangle: Aw, look at them...
Foxy: They're good... it's good...
Mangle: Sleeping together! Like babies!

Foxy(New Advanced): Yer so adorable!
Bonnie(New Advanced): Yeah whatever...
Foxy(New Advanced): Come right down in the poop deck with me!
Bonnie(New Advanced): WAIT NO!!!
Foxy(New Advanced): [kisses him]

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