Toy Chica and Toy Bonnie Honeymoon • Springs First Year In School

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[Toy Bonnie created this picture if they were robotic animals again.]

Toy Chica: This is so beautiful... Thank you Mr. Marionette! She's beautiful!
Strawberry: Anytime I can be at your service best buddy!
Toy Bonnie: I always wanted my guitar to talk, but it would be less creepy!
Marionette: It's all I can afford now! See you later!
Toy Bonnie: Alright!
Toy Chica: Bye!!
Toy Bonnie: [locks the front door]
Strawberry: I'll be in your room!
Toy Chica: Ok!
Toy Bonnie: Tonight is our honeymoon TC, you ready?
Toy Chica: Where are we going?
Toy Bonnie: We're going to Florida!
Toy Chica: [gasp] Just like you promised!!
Toy Bonnie: You want to come along?
Toy Chica: Of course I'll come with you!
Toy Bonnie: Because guess what? I've already got the tickets here!
Toy Chica: [crying in tears of joy]
Toy Bonnie: [wrap his arm around her] We're going to explore your whole place there, together!
Toy Chica: I'm so... happy...!!

Meanwhile, Goldie took Bonnie onto his deathbed and ran into the hospital.

Goldie: Coming through- nothing to see here!!
Bonnie: You are not going to put me in there with these... people!!
Nurse: Goldie! [gasp]
Goldie: Yes I know!! His face needs some recovery!! I know just the face he needs!!
Bonnie: I don't need any assistance from you assholes!!
Doctor: Take him to the surgeon, down to your right!! Give me the photo!!
Goldie: [hands him the photo]
Doctor: [took it] He might be a stubborn one, but with these darts, he won't be able to withstand them!

3 hours later, on the plane to Florida.

Toy Bonnie: Here, a present to my beloved wife! Open it up!
Toy Chica: [tears up the present]
Toy Bonnie: Well, I didn't get you a nice present... so I created a picture instead...
Toy Chica: My... goodness... TB!
Toy Bonnie: Woah, that's all I can do!
Toy Chica: You really are my childhood crush forever, and my husband in love!
Toy Bonnie: Bring it in baby!
Toy Chica: [inhales and hugs him tightly] I wonder what's happening with our friends are doing...

Mike: Yes, sign his name here...
Springs: Daddy, my friends are here!
Mike: Go have fun, sport!
Springs: Yay!! Bonnet!! Bon-Bon!!
Bonnet: Oh wow, hey!
Bon-Bon: I didn't know you were attending here with us!
Springs: This is going to be the best school year of our lives!
Bonnet: We'll make new friends among the way!
Alexis: Alright kids! Let's go!
Springs: Who?
Bon-Bon: Oh, we forgot to tell you, we're adopted!
Springs: By who?
Mike: Derek!! What are you doing here?
Derek: Mike? Hmm, why are you still doing here? Wait, is that... SpringTrap?
Mike: Why do you care?
Derek: (My suit... that golden animatronic made it alive somehow...) I care because... kids!! Why are you hanging out with this little brat?!?
Mike: [draw his gun out]
Bon-Bon: Dad, that's our friend...
Springs: [holds Bonnet's hand]
Bonnet: It's ok Springs...
Mike: Walk out of here Derek, and leave my son out of this!
Derek: Oh I will, unless you get that animatronic away from my family!
Mike: He's not an animatronic, Derek!
Alexis: Why does everyone hates Derek?
Mike: [lower his gun down] Springs, we're leaving now... Tell your friends goodbye...
Bon-Bon: Bye Springs...
Bonnet: Take care...
Springs: [sniffles] Bye...
Derek: Good riddance...

In Florida
At night...

Toy Bonnie: What do you think?
Toy Chica: [touch his hand]
Toy Bonnie: Oh? [looks at his wife]
Toy Chica: Hey TB~ [purs]
Toy Bonnie: [gets close]
Toy Chica: [cuddles him] Oh hey, a shooting star! [whispers] Let's make a wish together!
Toy Bonnie: On the count of three!
Both: One, two... three!!


Toy Bonnie: You got it?
Toy Chica: Yes...
Toy Bonnie: But I'm not sleeping without a gift...
Toy Chica: What kind of gift?
Toy Bonnie: Something you will mostly love about me... [touches her butt]
Toy Chica: [moans~] Oh TB~... Squeeze it!
Toy Bonnie: Your wish is granted!

Doctor: Hmm, you got the straps tight?
Goldie: Yes sir!
Doctor: Ok, so the face... I see, so his face needs to look like this! Then I just need a pill to make him drift off to sleep...
Bonnie: You are NOT going to make me sleep you peasants!!! Let me OUT!!!
Goldie: I got it sir! [uses his powers]
Nurse: Quick thinking Goldie!!
Goldie: [blushes]
Doctor: Alright team, we have a lot going on! Fixing the face will be our most difficult job, but we'll give it a try! Dig in!!

Two days later.

Toy Bonnie: [carries Toy Chica on his back] You were the best girl I've ever have in my life... Never leave me...
Toy Chica: [snores] TB...

To Be Continued - More To Come

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