An Upcoming Party For Toy Chica • Mangle's Proposal

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Goldie and the Marionette went shopping to find something fancy looking. It almost took like an hour being there for so long, not to mention -- they've never be able to take a tour going around the building. So they finally get what they wanted and head out. The Marionette looked excited by getting a new suit and new shoes, but Goldie didn't find the hat that he wants, he was so sad. But then, something happen to his powers, he spawn him a hat he wanted for a long time. A top hat. Goldie was happy and both returned to their home. A few minutes past unto the other characters, everyone was getting ready for their day with Toy Chica's party. Smiles on their faces with joy and happiness, except Goldie and the Marionette, they are not going to have a great time when introducing themselves. Plus, Goldie brought a yellow balloon for Toy Chica. He still look down though but this IS his first time going to an actual UPCOMING PARTY. Freddy and Chica, on the other hand were shocked to see this all goes down. Toy Freddy, didn't have to go but just to be there for his toy human animatronic action figure to give it to Toy Chica. Few nights past because the people didn't have the time for it, everyone welcomed each other to the party.

Toy Bonnie: Hello Goldie! Mr. Marionette! Glad for you to come down to this!
Goldie: Um... yes...
Toy Bonnie: It's great to see you guys again! Like you just got back and I'm still stoked about it!
Marionette: Heheh...
Toy Bonnie: Well, babe is over there if you want to see her! I'll be with Toy Freddy and many others!
Marionette: So, what are you going to do now? I have to go to the bathroom...
Goldie: You go do that but I have to retrieve this balloon to Toy Chica!
Marionette: Alright then... [kissed him and walked the other way]

Goldie walked to Toy Chica where she is standing, where the food is placed down.

Goldie: Hey...
Toy Chica: Hello! Oh! Is this for me?
Goldie: ...yes...
Toy Chica: Thank you so much!
Goldie: ...
Toy Chica: [takes the balloon] Are you ok?
Goldie: I'm still surprised about seeing you pregnant like this... We didn't stay here for that long... It hasn't been a year yet...
Toy Chica: I know this is your first time experiencing this but it's ok! You want to hug on it?
Goldie: NO!
Toy Chica: It won't kill you to just hug on it!
Goldie: I never wanted this to happen in this moment! I dreamt about it when it hits January, but these things are fast and it's killing me to see it happen... so fast...
Toy Chica: Well, um, sorry? I wanna have a family! Oh! Toy Bonnie and Balloon Boy wants me! Bye bye!
Goldie: (Balloon Boy's back? Since when?)

Right after looking down, someone came behind him and hugged him. It was Chica. Not only does he know that he is crying to see her smiling, so he got on the ground covering his eyes.

Chica: Goldie! Hold my hand!
Goldie: [tries to find her hand]
Chica: [grabs his hand and runs outside with him]
Marionette: [looks at Goldie] Did I took too long in the bathroom?

Goldie: I can't do this... I can't... Not like this... You know how this go for homosexuals like me and Marion right?
Chica: That's what I want to know...
Goldie: [sniffs] Homosexuals fear when they see another couple who is married... The homosexuals wants to do it first but since I saw it with my eyes... I'm afraid what Marion will say next... What if he say no?
Chica: Hey, come on, Mr. Marionette will never say no! You two lovebirds will never separate, you both are there for each other! Listen, you think I should give you some tips for marriage?
Goldie: Yes please...
Chica: Ok then! We'll do this for another time alright?
Goldie: Thank you...
Chica: Aw, you're crying a lot... [grabs a handkerchief out from her purse, and wipes his eyes then his cheeks] Goldie, everything will be fine... Did something happen in Sister's Location?
Goldie: A lot, yeah, but... it's hard to explain everything that actually happened! You know...?
Chica: I know what you mean...
Goldie: Chica, I can tell that you can keep a secret right?
Chica: Sure thing!
Goldie: So can I tell you this one?
Chica: Go ahead, I got nothing else to do!
Goldie: I feel so incomplete when I am in depression mode... I don't want to tell Marion this before we are married...
Chica: I understand! [uses his hand and place his hand on her chest] You are secret safe with me...
Goldie: Thank you... You have been a good friend since the start...
Chica: I'm a woman of my word! I know what is best for a friend, like you!

Goldie and Chica hold hands before walking back into the party. Everyone gasped at Foxy for proposing to Mangle. Even Foxie gasped as well.

Goldie: [stop holding hands] Again...?
Chica: Goldie, wait outside! Trust me! Mr. Marionette, go with him!
Foxy: Mangle, I never like to do this because I'm terrified, but as my fine little thing that you are, I would like to do it in front of everyone! [kneel down on one knee] Mangle, will you marry me?
Mangle: I... uh... I uh... I don't know what to say... dear...
Foxy: Yes or no?
Mangle: ...umm... uh... yes?
Foxy: [slides the ring on her ring finger]
Mangle: It's so pretty... Aw, Foxy... [jumps on him and makes out]
Foxy: Ahh~

Goldie: So... Marion...
Marionette: I'm sorry!!
Goldie: What do you mean?
Marionette: I wait to see if you are getting food while I was on my way into the bathroom, but then I saw you crying... Did I wait too long...?
Goldie: No... it's the animatronics we still have with us... Don't you remember?
Marionette: Oh... Bon-Bon...
Goldie: But I might go back if I have to, just so I can retrieve everything I wanted! And uh, don't be sorry for you taking forever! I wasn't myself today...
Marionette: Yay... [kisses him]
Goldie: [kisses back]

{This was the one out of all episodes I struggle with the most so I apologize. I hope you still enjoy as much as I personally do.}

       To Be Continued - More To Come

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