That One Jerk With The Phone! • Terrible Day To Be Partners With

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Dr. Cooper: Alright listen up!! We have a very busy schedule so I don't want no fooling around!! Jeremy and Fritz!!
Fritz: Sorry about that sir...
Jeremy: What?!?
Dr. Cooper: You heard me!! Today I'm setting you in partners!! And I swear, if you complain then I'll give you something to complain about! Mike, you and Fritz go together and find out about that old place, Freddy Fazbear's Fright! Derek, you and Robert go there to investigate that old place, Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria! Jeremy, you and the Phone Guy investigate Sister's Location and find clues!
Jeremy: No!! NO!!! Anybody but the Phone Guy!! You know how much suffer he put me through??
Dr. Cooper: Are you complaining Mr. Fitzgerald? What did I tell you!?
Mike: I never liked him either since I started this job!
Phone Guy: Why do you guys don't like me? Shit, even Derek and Dr. Cooper likes me! Why wouldn't you? What makes you two so special?
Jeremy: Because you talk so damn much! Once we get information, you talk nonstop about you or me or anything in your life!
Phone Guy: Or you're just jealous of me having a better life instead of being stuck up like you, stuck in the house and wasting your life away! Eating chips and watching tv!
Jeremy: Oh that's not true-
Dr. Cooper: ENOUGH!!! I had enough of you two bickering over your hate or love, like or don't like, or something that makes me forget I was here right now!!
Derek: Same...
Mike: [groans and gets a phone call] Excuse me...
Derek: Oh, getting a call from your son?
Dr. Cooper: You have a son???
Mike: Shut up jackass!
Derek: Oh, am I getting you mad?
Mike: Hello? Hey, what's up?
Jeremy: Is it a boy or girl?
Mike: [whispers] A boy! [stops whispering]
Derek: Are we going now?
Dr. Cooper: Not after Mr. Schmidt gets off the phone...
Mike: I'll come pick you up! I can't believe those cheap bastards! What? Th-That's not it, it's just the three of us! You might like him!
Fritz: I hope it's a animatronic I like because if it is, I'll fanboy!!
Jeremy: Jesus kid... grow up...
Mike: I'm sorry boss but my child is going to this investigation, come on Fritz!
Fritz: I can't wait to see!
Mike: I can't wait to tell you everything that happened a year ago!

Mike told Fritz everything of what happened a year ago before they go in the house, to pick up Springs on their journey.

Fritz: I want to believe you but no, I don't believe in you anymore!
Mike: Six minutes discussing this and you don't believe me! Fine! Suit yourself! I'm going to talk to Golden Freddy first and then I'm talking to my son!
Fritz: Golden Freddy is dead, Mike! Along with the building too!
Mike: [rings the doorbell and waits] Just you wait Fritz! The Marionette is here too!
Fritz: I swear if they are people in masks, and costumes, I'll kill you!
Mike: Doubt it!
Goldie: [opens the door] Hi Mike! And who's this? A new friend you made?
Mike: Goldie, this is the person you fought before, you know, in custom nights! His name is Fritz Smith!
Goldie: Oh yeah, I remember you! You are in love with my friend, Foxy the fox! If you ever want to meet him then he's right over that block!
Fritz: Goldie? Golden Freddy? This is all just made up! I get it, it's all a prank!
Goldie: You want to meet my boyfriend?
Fritz: You're gay?
Goldie: I'll call it homosexual to not be so rude! But I'll go get him! Marion! We have a visitor! Someone you like!
Fritz: I can't take it anymore!
Mike: They have powers Fritz! Respect them!
Fritz: Bullshit! If they're humans, they don't have powers! They can't immediately teleport or immediately going to pick me up and say see! Watch!
Marionette: Hey Fritz! Goodness it's been forever!
Fritz: The mask... It's still on his face...
Marionette: I can take it off but it doesn't look the same without it!
Fritz: Let me tell you one thing, do you have powers?
Marionette: Before I answer that, did Mike told you yet?
Fritz: I don't believe him!
Marionette: Mike?
Mike: Show him!
Marionette: Well uh, don't say I didn't warn you... [uses his powers and picks him up] Familiar?
Marionette: Oh, now you believe us?
Goldie: Springs is walking with Chica right now, just to let you know Mike!
Mike: Thanks! Bye you guys!
Fritz: [runs with Mike] Never explained this to me ever again! I want to know myself for now on!
Mike: I was never going to!

Mike and Fritz picked up Springs and went to Freddy Fazbear's Fright. Meanwhile, we're looking at Jeremy and the Phone Guy.

Jeremy: This place is deep... So much ash and fire... Did someone destroy this place already? It was already new!
Phone Guy: They say they were going to build a new one before it hits Christmas!
Jeremy: And about that, I could've sworn Derek went to this job instead of our job!
Phone Guy: No, not really! He picked the first Freddy Fazbear's Pizza then got fired, then picked this place for two years then got fired, and now here we are, I don't know he'll get fired! Since the boss loves him so much!
Jeremy: Yeah... Uh-huh... Hey, I found something!
Phone Guy: Yes, very interesting! Purple and black smoke! What does this mean?
Jeremy: Dr. Cooper, we found some evidence!
Phone Guy: We found some smoke! But not like regular smoke! Like purple and black smoke forming together! Do you have any chance of knowing what it is?

Dr. Cooper: I'm not quite sure! Check around the area a little more!

Jeremy: I was going to say that!
Phone Guy: Well, if I was there right now, we'll have a fight now!
Jeremy: Oh I know hot shot!
Phone Guy: On the bright side, you're there alone, already about to be spooked!
Jeremy: Fuck you! Go to hell!
Phone Guy: I don't think so!
Jeremy: [hears a can rolling around and hits his feet] What the hell? Someone is in the kitchen? Keep an eye out!
Phone Guy: Why? You're there so give me information!
Jeremy: [groans]
Phone Guy: Its not my fault of me not going over there when my work is here by my office! So you may have to deal with it!

Jeremy pulled his camera out and slowly walked into the kitchen. He saw a man laying down on the couch and watching the animatronics being built.

Phone Guy: Is he moving?
Jeremy: Not so loud dumbass! No, he ain't moving! He is just sitting and watching!
???: Ah, perfect. You will be my children. All I have to do is not get spotted by the golden bear and his little dope headed freaks.
Jeremy: I know who said that! And it can't be! It's... Shadow Freddy!

Dr. Cooper: I'm getting everyone on speaker!

Phone Guy: That's impossible! Some guy in a golden suit killed the dark purple suited bear! How can he be alive?
Jeremy: Listen, he said golden bear! He's alive!

Dr. Cooper: Then what are you doing? What are you waiting for? Arrest him!

Jeremy: I want to see what is he planning on to do!
Shadow Freddy(Ghost): Baby. Funtime Foxy. Funtime Freddy. BonBon. Everyone. Welcome home! [plops on the couch and looks at Jeremy]

Jeremy: [took a picture in shocked]Shadow Freddy: AHH!! I am guessing you are one of those people who investigate situations like these ones? Hmm, that is too bad

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Jeremy: [took a picture in shocked]
Shadow Freddy: AHH!! I am guessing you are one of those people who investigate situations like these ones? Hmm, that is too bad. My plan is almost complete. But just to give you a heads up, you have forty eight hours to shut that new restaurant down, Sister's Location. You have at least four days to get it over with. Trust me, you will not like it, and once you see golden bear. Tell him I have returned to Seek and Detroit again. Anyway, do not mind me when I leave, so, Mr. Fitzgerald and the Phone Guy, either arrest me or leave me alone until I am gone from this world. It is your choice.

Mike: Shadow Freddy?
Springs: [getting scared]
Fritz: That's impossible! I'm insane if I'm believing that!

Derek: You got to be fucking kidding me!!
Robert: I'm getting too old for this shit...

Shadow Freddy: You have two options. Choose your pick. I will not do anything.
Jeremy: [stands there confused]

To Be Continued - More To Come

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