A Trick Or A Treat? • Haunted House Is Really Scary

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Freddy: Ugh... My head...
Chica: You sound weird...
Foxy: You sound weird...
Bonnie: You all sound crazy...
Freddy: Ahh! My hands! They are small!
Foxy: My hook! So tiny!!

Bunny: I'm a kid again? How is this possible?
Foxie: [checking herself out by looking at her butt, breasts, body and much more] Ohh! Oh wow! I forgot how beautiful I've become over the last six years!
Freddie: I'm actually surprised being a kid again! Who's not?
Chico: Not me...


Goldie: ...
Marionette: What happened...? Golden Freddy, is that you?
Goldie: [wakes up and sees the Marionette] Woah... my voice...
Marionette: Goldie... We passed it...
Goldie: We're kids again! I'm so proud of all of this! Now we can definitely go and see the carnival!
Marionette: But we're kids...
Goldie: We can turn back if you want...
Marionette: I wanna stay as a kid... besides, you look even more cuter as a baby boy...
Goldie: [blushes] Aw, you too Prince... For all I know, I'm going to stay as a adult for now, and pretend like you are my son! How does that sound like to you?
Marionette: Sounds... AWESOME!!!
Goldie: [laughing]


Freddy: It sucks being a kid...
Bonnie: You'll get used to it...
Freddy: No like really, I can't even love Chica with this voice!
Chica: Me?
Freddy: Yes you!
Chica: What? I still love you! But since Foxy is still my number one loyalty friend, I want him to hold my hand!
Freddy: What? Him over me? Not holding hands? Why? I've always been there for you!
Chica: Well, Foxy never did have my back, he always loving Mangle!
Foxy: She does have a point Freddy...
Freddy: Fine! Then as all of us as a team, we're finding Goldie by ourselves!
Bonnie: (I hope Bunny isn't no kid... I could tell it'll be a nightmare...)

Freddy and the rest of the gang started walking on their journey to find Golden Freddy. Speaking of Freddy, he tried to keep his cool side because of Chica holding hands with Foxy; and aside from that, he tried to forget it until he find his brother. One hour and five minutes, they found Goldie and the Marionette, just chatting about their sorting out thoughts of what's next.

Freddy: Goldie!
Goldie: Hmm?
Freddy: Wait, you're not a kid? But the Marionette is though?
Marionette: Umm...
Goldie: What did you say to me boy?!
Freddy: [gulps]
Chica: Goldie, don't you remember us?
Goldie: Yes I do, I'm just kidding with you!
Bonnie: So let me get this straight... Freddy and all the others were going to find you to see what's happening to us! But apparently, you are not a kid but the Marionette is! Which ending I'm looking at here to sorted this out?
Goldie: There is none... I just need the rest of you go to this carnival for me!
All: All of us?!?
Goldie: And the girls included!
Foxy: But what about Mangle? We, uh, barely talk about her...
Goldie: [sighs] Yes, Mangle is coming to Foxy... Don't you worry...
Marionette: So when do we go at?
Goldie: Like we always do, back like we were animatronics! We stay at midnight!
Freddy: And what do we got to do?
Goldie: Just walk back home and enjoy yourself as being a kid!
Bonnie: I'm down with that!
Goldie: Good! Then wait until midnight! Goodbye! [teleports them to their houses]
Marionette: So, what about TC and TB?
Goldie: Who?
Marionette: Ahem, Toy Chica and Toy Bonnie? The ones we didn't transform them into kids?
Goldie: Oh! Them! Right! I'll keep them as adults for now! I'm just gonna head over to the carnival and have them as a surprise! Did you know that I'll be volunteering too?
Marionette: At the haunted house?
Goldie: Yes!
Marionette: When did you get in?
Goldie: Two days ago! While you were still sleeping!
Marionette: Well then, have a fun time being a haunted handsome zombie!
Goldie: Come here you!

Freddy, his crew, the human girl animatronics are all waiting till midnight to go over the carnival. How did they know that is because I, Golden Freddy, sent them an invitation to the carnival. At midnight, all of them went there and waited for me to apply for the haunted house with tickets. Finally, waiting in line to see the haunted house and for a minute, the Marionette saw Dave and ran to him; told him to let us in and it actually worked. All of these human animatronics slowly walking into haunted house, they were looking at the sign and says, "Stay Close or Split Up? (Separated Ways)." Finally, they have spoke.

Freddy/Freddie: Well obviously stay close/split up!
Bonnie: Hahahah!
Freddy: You want your group to split up? That's a horrible idea!
Freddie: No! We split up in a group! Your team goes left and our group goes right!
Chico: Because right is always right!
Foxy: [snarls]
Foxie: Psst... [narrow her eyebrows to him to her]
Foxy: [smirks]
Foxie: I'll go alone... I don't like the feeling of being in a group...
Freddie: Then! Bye! Shoot!
Foxie: [walks to a tunnel]
Freddy: Then we go left! Let's go!
Mangle: Foxy! Psst! Foxy!
Foxy: [shushes her and told her, quietly, to follow him]
Mangle: Ohh!
Freddy: So do we have the whole group?
Toy Freddy: I can't believe I'm saying that Toy Chica, Toy Bonnie, and Goldie are not even kids...
Freddy: Yeah... I know...
Bonnie: We're missing Mangle and Foxy!
Balloon Boy: I could've sworn they went together down that tunnel!
Chica: Will find them again!
Bonnie: They say this place could get you lost, or maybe even captured!
Balloon Boy: Captured?!?
Chica: I'll stay with you!
Freddy: Well then, we're on our own now...

And everyone was set off. The first group hold each other's hands and continues walking side to side, down the tunnel to the deck of the house. The second group were looking around to find any clues, even though it IS a haunted house, what is there to look? Foxy, Mangle, and the girl Foxie made a stop and seeks the first group, then they turned to look at them surprisingly.

Freddy: You were with Foxie this entire time? You left us in this house?
Foxy: I have to protect these two!
Foxie: I can take care of myself, mind you!
Mangle: I love being with the both of them! But staying with you guys, it doesn't feel right...
Balloon Boy: What is it to feel?
Mangle: Happiness! All I see is sadness...
Chica: Aw!
Bonnie: Heheh, I got nothing to say...

Everyone jumped when they heard a music box playing with the grandpa clock was ticking. All of them look forward and see the curtains lit up. Me. Holding a fake version of an animatronic who is my brother, Freddy Fazbear. Just staring at them as they get spooked in their pants. They're looking at me, so fearful in their eyes, they ain't running either. The blood was constantly splattering, but it was only dripping from the animatronic suit I was carrying. I have blood on my face just to watch them squirm.

Freddy: Goldie?
Foxy: I don't want to be here anymore!!
Chica: Ahh!! Freddy!! Foxy!!
Foxie: At least it ain't all that scary...
Mangle: Foxy...
Foxy: Yeah Mangle...?
Mangle: I think I need a fresh new pair of underwear...
Goldie: [laughs evil and teleported]
Freddy: How did they get Goldie to scare us? That's... ridiculous!!
Chica: You'll be ok Mangle...?
Mangle: It's so scary...
Foxy: He's gone Mangle...
Foxie: Foxy, may I speak to you?
Foxy: Ok, I'll be back Mangle...
Freddy: Ugh!!

Freddie: Alright, now we split up!
Chico: Are you crazy?!?
Bunny: [still singing to herself]
Freddie: Bunny! Stop singing to yourself and help us out here!
Bunny: I'm scared you guys... I wanna go home...
Chico: Why do you want to go home so bad? You're missing out all the fun here!
Bunny: I'm just a kid...
Chico: We're kids too, you're not the only one...
Freddie: Besides, what's the worst part that can happen to us?
Bunny: I act like a baby when I was a little girl... You won't like me like this... I'm going home...
Chico: Bunny!! Wait!!
Freddie: Bunny! You can't go that way!
Ghost: BOO!!! A-Boo-Ga-Boo-Ga-Boo!!!
Bunny: [screams in fear]

Then the time went on and finally made to their homes safe and sound. Although Freddy is still a little terrified of me but it'll past on. I made them turn back into their adult selfs again and I walked away, until...

Chica: Wait! Goldie!
Goldie: Chica?
Chica: That was pretty awesome back there! You did it!
Goldie: [scratches the back of his head] Oh, heheh... Somehow I'm getting these flashbacks from Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria!
Chica: You were so cute back there! You might be a villain for all we know!
Goldie: [blushes and nervous laugher] ...
Chica: But I have a surprise for you! Something you want to have from me... [holds a flower crown] I know it's not much and I know I wasn't there when you needed the most... So I want you to be a best friend to me! Or you? I dunno! Heheh!
Goldie: [kneels down and smiles] Do it...
Chica: What did you say?
Goldie: Put it on me! I bet I look beautiful!
Chica: Hahahahaha! I thought you'll never asked! Here I go!
Goldie: [takes the hat off] ...
Chica: Now give me the hat!
Goldie: [hands her his hat] ...
Chica: The Marionette will be so flustered when he sees this!
Goldie: I bet...
Chica: Always tipping your hat!
Goldie: Hey! Don't blame me! Blame the people who invented me!
Chica: [giggles]

To Be Continued - More To Come

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