The Marionette's New Design Face • Marino's New Developing Powers

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Nurse: Are you going to be ok, Goldie? Your boyfriend won't have the same face, but about your ribs...
Goldie: My ribs can last... but Marion is the same but with a different face?
Nurse: Yes I'm sure... You want to go see?
Goldie: Yeah, I hope for the best...

In the surgery room, the Marionette wasn't feeling himself today. After what that humanoid animatronic did to him, he seems to look different somehow... his hand is a metal claw, his face is painted, he can't no longer walk, and a few extra strings that covers his cuts/bruises.

Marionette: Hello Goldie, you are still... cute like always...
Goldie: Wait, his voice is different! Why is his voice is different?
Nurse: That guy you named was, Yenndo? Yeah, he strike through his neck and his other vital areas, he is in deep pain sir!
Goldie: Marion, how are you feeling?
Marionette: Like I'm dead...
Goldie: [hold his right hand] You feel this? I'm real, and so are you...
Marionette: [smiles] Goldie... let's go home...
Goldie: Alright... Thanks for having us for this, Nurse! By the way, I didn't notice we never got your name!
Nurse: My name is actually Shepherd Harper!
Goldie: That's a wonderful name! I'll see you next time!
Nurse: [waves]

Goldie was wondering why won't the Marionette isn't walking anymore, he asked him and said, "I don't know, maybe that Yenndo guy did something I couldn't defend myself to..."; Goldie felt really upset, he really did thought he had his boyfriend back, but that's against the line from the way he calls it -- The New Marionette -- it's not the same anymore. Finally reached the neighborhood, every house was still burned down. He used his metal claw which use to create things that were damaged/destroyed, but then again, he rebuild it with a flick of his claw. Goldie was surprised but also was wondering what was that all about him. Why was he just done something that he didn't even try to say anything so sad? If this is the Marionette that Goldie dated, then why does he feel so different?

Goldie: Marion, we need to talk...
Marionette: What for?
Goldie: You always seem upset when your friend houses are destroyed, and now you didn't say anything about it... Marion, tell me, what's wrong hon'?
Marionette: It's not like I don't care what happened to their houses, my mind is still focused on that humanoid animatronic...
Goldie: Your voice is different, your hand was chopped off and became a metal claw, your strings is attached to your back and now, I get the feeling that we might not make it through this year as a couple!
Marionette: Why would you think something like that?
Goldie: You've changed...
Marionette: You want me to be the same? He did something with my throat to make me talk like a manly man... You have to get used to that...

The sound on the door was being knocked by someone who's waiting outside, the Marionette is opening the door. It was Marino.

Marino: Hello!
Marionette: Hey...
Marino: Woah! Your voice! What happened to it?
Goldie: Is Springy with you?
Marino: Nah, she's visiting her grandparents today!
Goldie: And another thing, where were you on the last few holidays? You missed out on Halloween, Thanksgiving, and most importantly, Christmas!
Marino: Me and Springy went across the world and traveled everywhere when the holidays came up!
Goldie: Did you had the money?
Marino: Nope! I used my teleportation power to get there with my girl!
Marionette: I can sense this overwhelming power, where did you get this amount of power from?
Marino: At the haunted house!
Marionette/Goldie: Huh??
Marino: There's a animatronic name Jack-o-Bonnie and he's the boss of everything! But he's getting stronger every time, he can't die though, because you know -- he's a Jack-O-Lantern filled with unlimited light sources, collective of power!
Marionette: Can you spare me some?
Marino: Sure!
Goldie: This is weird...

While the Marionette's sister is giving him a lot of containable power, we head over to Chica and Freddy's house doing their sexy time.

Chica: Ok Freddy! I'm ready!

Freddy: I am here m'lady, shall I get to my massaging treatments for you?Chica: Oh yes, I'll get on my hands and knees to get down with the sickness!Freddy: Never fear of what am I about to do, it's about to be exciting! Here's your poppy flower!C...

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Freddy: I am here m'lady, shall I get to my massaging treatments for you?
Chica: Oh yes, I'll get on my hands and knees to get down with the sickness!
Freddy: Never fear of what am I about to do, it's about to be exciting! Here's your poppy flower!
Chica: Aw! A poppy! You shouldn't have!
Freddy: You think you can slide over your back for a bit? I have a surprise for you!

Freddy has a box, and thrown a lot of sweets, flowers, and a bunch of other stuff, but only one ring -- a golden engagement ring. Chica was looking at it and look at Freddy why was it in a box. But before she can ask him why, he got on one knee and said...

Freddy: Chica, ever since the Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, I had a dream about you and me becoming a very special couple, besides Bonnie! And, I can see us traveling across the whole wide world and buying things left and right -- expensive or cheap, doesn't matter! I don't got a lot to say but all I know is that I love you, and, will you accept my hand in marriage to be my wife?

Chica didn't cry but did said yes, she wasn't sure how Freddy thought for her since she is a little confused about what happened. She thought they were going to have sex, but Freddy did a outcome of doing the opposite.

Freddy: Yes? You're not... excited?
Chica: This is totally out of nowhere...
Freddy: Well Chica, you could've said no or I don't know, instead of me being heartless by my stupid speech!
Chica: Freddy, I didn't mean it like that...
Freddy: I'll be out the house for a little bit, I'm going to stay away from you as possible because this marriage was my dream! But now that it's crushed, I'm going to cry in sorrow...
Chica: Wait! Freddy!! I'm sorry!!!

Marino: Sorry it took a while, it was too much for you to, you know, handle...
Marionette: Hmm...
Goldie: Hey, Marino, do you know Springs?
Marino: Do I know Springs?
Goldie: Yeah!
Marino: No!
Goldie: I think you should go and see him!
Marino: I don't think so...
Goldie: It's time for you to explore for friends!
Marino: No...
Marionette: Do what my beautiful boyfriend tells you to do before with this power you gave me...
Marino: Do it and I can retrieve it back when you try something on me!
Marionette: Whatever...
Goldie: Trust me... you'll love him!

To Be Continued...

???: Nowadays I need to get my buddies back,,!, no one bypass me without paying any money.. It's not time for it but,,,!,,, Happy Halloween!!'! Boo hoo hahahahaha!!?!?'

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