Tempting To Commit Suicide • Goldie & Mike To The Rescue

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Springs running for his life by Mr. Williams, something in Mr. Williams scares Springs and by throwing him to the chalkboard. Bon-Bon tries to catch up with him, but attempting his timing while running, he stop for a brief moment, looking back to see Mr. Williams picking up his desk chairs, so he come to check up on him.

Bon-Bon: Mr. Williams, what happened in this room?
Mr. Williams: I-I don't know! I was just talking to Springs and all of a sudden, he took off running! I wanted to help but I guess I was too late...
Bon-Bon: Sir, I'm his best friend, can you tell me what to do to get him back?

A little hesitation in Mr. Williams while he stared back at Bon-Bon, then one glare out the window, the kids were at the door. Noticing that it is raining heavily.

Mr. Williams: [ahem] Excuse me, Bonnie, but I have to let the kids in... Maybe just go find your friend!
Bon-Bon: I'm not sure where he went, I lost track because I came to talk to you!
Mr. Williams: Well, my bad for stopping you kid... but find your best friend... your goal is today...

The rain was pouring down hard, as Mr. Williams lets in his children to his classroom. Meanwhile, Mike Schmidt is drinking coffee as he is watching the news.

Jeremy: Sup Mike! Derek is here, you want to make fun of his name?
Mike: Not now man, I had a busy day...

For a few minutes, irritating Derek and hanging out, Dr. Cooper is leaving his workers to do their work.

Dr. Cooper: Alright you hard-working folks, I want someone to be in charge here... I'm talking a vacation for Thanksgiving with my family! Wait, Mr. Schmidt, is that your son on T.V.?
Mike: What?

On the news, there was a broadcasting helicopter recording Springs on top of school rooftop, looking down at the ground, crying. Everyone was entering out of the building and looked back to check; one student looked up to see Springs was about to jump. Then shouted at everyone to look up at the top of the school.

Mike: I'm sorry you guys, but I have to go save my son!
Derek: You adopted an animatronic!
Mike: He is NOT an animatronic! He is a real life boy, and I'll prove that to you!
Fritz: Mike, do you need a fishing net to catch your son!?
Mike: No! [rans out the door]
Jeremy: I'm calling Goldie!

On the top of the school, Springs was about to jump, but behind him, Bon-Bon ran out and sees him on the ledge.

Bon-Bon: Springs! Please don't jump! You have much to live for!
Springs: You don't know what is like to be locked and trapped in a suit... that's why everyone calls me a SpringTrap... the whispers, and the echoes, are saying its name through my head...
Bon-Bon: Ignore them Springs, because it's not who you are anymore! You're no longer a SpringTrap, you're Springs, and that what matters!
Springs: Easy for you to say when you're not a spring lock! I was an animatronic with the Purple Man, I was talking but wasn't really saying anything at all! Do you know how it feels to be controlled and you can't stop it? It's like me, but much worse in this condition!
Bon-Bon: Springs, just please... don't jump... you have more life experiences ahead of you...
Springs: I do want to believe that... but nothing works than killing myself... it's the least I can do...
Bon-Bon: [shook his head and cry] Springs... please Springs...


Goldie: How long!?
Mike: Hold on! I'm almost halfway there!
Goldie: I should've used my teleportation, but I'm out of power from yesterday!
Mike: Well I'm sorry this piece of shit of a car doesn't go faster than it could man! Now stop pressuring me damnit!
Goldie: We're here! Stop the car!!

Springs: Bye...
Bon-Bon: Springs!!
Goldie: [runs towards the school]

In slow motion, Goldie ran fast as he could, as Springs jumped off the school ledge. As everyone panicked and screamed, no one tried to help; Bonnet tried to get close but the guys were acting like jerks. Goldie, from his point of view, push the amount of little girls and boys out the way to get close, close enough to catch Springs. At this moment, Springs' body flipped to his back side, making it for him to look up at the sky, as he closed his eyes. On Goldie though, he jumped before his head hits the ground, caught him in his arms, rolled over and said, "Got you!!". Everyone cheered and clapped, praise for Goldie who save poor Springs from falling off the school ledge.

Springs: Goldie?
Goldie: [panting] Never go to school again ok? For now, you're homeschooled...
Springs: [crying]

Tears out of Springs -- tears and joy of happiness that he sees his friend/big brother to the rescue at his service. Mike ran to them and hugged them both. The crowd kept cheering on, but Mr. Williams wasn't pleasant to see none of it.

To Be Continued - More To Come

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