Look Who Returns From The Franchise! The Tales Of The Shadows

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Goldie: (Alright Shadow Freddy, it's time to pay a visit to our old homes...)

And now, Goldie returns back from Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria to return how it all started. The front door were locked, chained, but Goldie found a way to open it, not only his powers, but breaking it. {Let's face it, Goldie is basically the new main character and he's strong!} He open the front doors and walked in. The place was pitch dark but Goldie is the only one who can see in the dark so no flashlight for him, and Marino but not in this episode. Security guards all over the place, blood dripping off ceilings, blood puddles over the room. Then hear a slight creak from the kitchen, the sound of someone making food. Goldie checked and it was no one there, but sees a knife going up and down, chopping the security guard's head and other body parts. Goldie looked back with his eyes and attacked an shadow. It was Shadow Bonnie! He vanishes and Goldie teleported with him, suddenly he found him again and Shadow Foxy. The other shadows appeared all around him.

Goldie: Jeez, I know you took over our bodies but ugh, you look disgusting!
Shadow Foxy: Heheh, like you would know what happened to us!
Shadow Freddy: Everyone, let us not attack this golden bear. Well well golden bear, you haven't changed much. How is your boyfriend Marion?
All: Ohh~
Goldie: Don't ever bring his name up ever!
Shadow Freddy: So, what do you want from us? You want a story what happened a day ago or what happened to us?
Goldie: Both Freddy!!
Shadow Freddy: Well, I am going last! Everyone, you other shadows go first! This will be fun!
Shadow Chica: It all started when you animatronics died by the Purple Guy and that robotic rabbit, SpringTrap! When your precious souls went to heaven, our perfection was completed!
Shadow Foxy: Until then, our master order all of us to get in your bodies! The bodies feel great, how could you hate it? Hahah! And you know the Purple Guy right? Heheh, he threw the fox in the meat grinder, but I already know you have heard about it!
Shadow Bonnie: What really happened was the security guards and night guards keeps coming back, back and forth to get paid, but our egos, our rage kept boiling up to kill for some flesh! We didn't care about the game anymore, all we need is to eat more human so we can take this whole world! They will rule all of us!
Shadow Freddy: Now you know. And also about your boyfriend, the puppet, and that pathetic sister he has, I sent the letter so they could fight. No more being their siblings anymore, and allowing them to join us from this place from this disaster!
Goldie: That's not how it works!
Shadow Freddy: Please Goldie, do not cut me off in the middle of my sentence! Now, like I was saying, I want them to join us so our family can be reunited with one. If we eat more human species, we can make more animatronics as we know. Hahahah!! What do you think?
Shadow Bonnie: Does this sounds familiar to you? It's all just a game...
Goldie: You are evil and disgusting! You can't eat humans! Not if I can stop it! AND I thought you said this isn't a game!
Shadow Bonnie: I think I would call it, "Five Nights at Freddy's: The Shadows Made Their Combat!"
Shadow Chica: You know Bonnie, I actually loved that idea! What do you think of that master?
Shadow Freddy: I was going to say the same thing. Quick thinking Bonnie!
Shadow Bonnie: All in the days work!
Goldie: You know what? Since I'm human, I'm not going to be eaten alive by you disgusting terrifying horrifying ugly-looking unnecessary hideous not-worth-to-see shit-headed animatronics!
Shadow Foxy: Wow...
Shadow Chica: That was out of the park...
Shadow Bonnie: That was uncalled for...
Goldie: I'm getting the hell out of here!
Shadow Freddy: You are not going anywhere, you will get eaten.
Goldie: Make me! [teleports]
Shadow Freddy: [puffs and smirks]
Shadow Foxy: What do we do now master? Your command awaits!
Night Guard: Hello?
Shadow Freddy: Eat him...
S.B./S.F./S.C.: [snarls and attacks him]
Shadow Freddy: [arms behind his back and laughs] Heh! Just a few more humans and we are making more nests.

Goldie went back in his car and drives home safely. He is going back but for another time, if he has a plan.

5 hours later...

Goldie finally made home safely but something was completely wrong with him. After a short battle with Shadow Bonnie, his skin has a little blood from Shadow Freddy, making him go crazy for a short period of time. [Also make the words to be almost exact like the shadows!]

Goldie: Marion! I'm home!
Marionette: [opens the door] You're back! You're back alive!
Goldie: Yeah, so am I!! You wish...
Marionette: What?
Goldie: Nothing! So, what do you want to do instead of... killing you... making out?
Marionette: Goldie? Are you ok? Whatever you're saying underneath your breath is freaking me out!
Goldie: [cover his mouth]
Marionette: What is it now?
Goldie: If you can hear me speak when I'm not actually talking then... then... Hold on!!
Marionette: Wait! Tell me! I want to know to! Is it you who fought the shadows?
Goldie: Did they tell you to?
Marionette: The shadows? I don't think so!
Goldie: Excuse me... [pull Marionette away from him gently and ran to the bathroom]

Goldie looked at himself in the mirror and sees a reflection of him, but a slightly changed from the mirror, it was Shadow Freddy. Goldie was freaking out! He ripped off his right sleeve and see tiny blood mix with tortured soul of a human tears was all over his arm, it was starting to spread even more. Goldie started to cry, and cried out Marionette's name.

Goldie: [loudly crying] Marion!!! Marion help me!!
Marionette: Goldie!! Open the door!!
Goldie: [opens the door and jumps on top of the Marionette]
Marionette: What's wrong Goldie?? I want to help you but, I don't want to be a burden on you...
Goldie: I'm sorry...
Marionette: [kisses]
Goldie: [kisses back] Marion, I'm serious now... I'm freaking out Marion...
Marionette: Talk, I'm here pretty boy...
Goldie: Ever since I went to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, I met the shadows, I got into a fight with them and... and...
Marionette: Say it slow... You can say it...
Goldie: They drool so much... Shadow Freddy... drool on my arm... and... it affected me to say words...
Marionette: Why wasn't it happening now? It is gone because you are here with me?
Goldie: I don't know... and... if I had sex with you right now, it would spread through your body...
Marionette: Darn, I was just thinking of that... sorry, got off topic... So, what am I going to do with my pretty boy is affected by this... [sniffs it] tortured soul tears and blood...?
Goldie: Kill me and join them...
Marionette: There it goes...!
Goldie: I didn't mean to!!
Marionette: I'm not mad... For now you are not going outside anymore before I find the cure for it!
Goldie: [wipes his tears, lay on his chest, and laughs] Ok dad, you're not the boss of me!
Marionette: Hahahahaha!! There's my prince... Just lay in bed for a long time ok?
Goldie: Right...
Marionette: 😝

To Be Continued - More To Come

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