Chapter 3

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Avi turned to Mitch his eyes wide realizing the damage Scott and him just did "Is that true?! She can't read!!"

"I n-never knew... she never t-told me..." he said saddened. 

Scott sat on the couch rubbing his face "Avi what did we just do...."

"We just scared the shit out of her..." Avi said.

Kevin spoke up "Language around an Omega! Alphas may I offer advice?"

"You may.." Avi said rubbing his face.

"Mitchell go upstairs to Kirstie and see if you can calm her." Scott said.

Mitch nodded and ran upstairs.

"You both made the mistake of getting too angry too fast. I know she didn't explain herself very well but Scott it was uncalled for to yell at her that loud. You know how traumatized they were and what they've been through. You really frightened her and made her feel bad in front of everyone. And Avi you know punishments are not to be given in front of other people unless it's necessary. It's humiliating to be punished in front of others, especially her entire pack" Kevin said sternly.

The Alphas lowered their heads in shame nodding as Mitch ran back down.

"Alphas.. s-she won't let me in..." Mitch said "It's locked"

Avi and Scott stood "We're going to talk to her her" Scott said grabbing her spare room key.

They walked upstairs and Avi knocked lightly. "Kirstie... we are so sorry... Scott and I made a huge mistake. I shouldn't have almost punished you in public.."

"And I'm sorry for getting so mad... I don't know what happened..." Scott said unlocking the door and walked in.

Kirstie screamed lightly moving back on her bed. "I'm s-scared! Don't hurt m-me! Don't yell!" 

"We won't hurt you.. we are sorry..I'm sorry for getting so angry at you that was extremely wrong." Scott said

She looked up scared and her face red from her tears "I-I'm sorry too... I s-shouldn't have made excuses b-but I was so embarrassed to tell you Alphas... not even Mitch knew....." she said hugging her knees.

Avi and Scott sat on either side of her and looked at her. "Kirstie it's ok....we aren't judging you just confused" Scott said

"Confused?" She said softly

"How did you hide it so well..? What about Omega school?" Avi asked

"Well... my parents couldn't afford Omega school till I was a third grader.... I was so behind... but  when I asked for help the teacher just she always said that I don't need to be smart to be an omega. I just had to have the looks and to be able to cook and clean. So I worked really hard with cleaning I memorized the way the bottles looked and what they did and it worked out. I ended with perfect scores..." she said nervously

"What about cooking class... you can't memorize everything in cooking there's too much" Avi said

"Exactly but luckily it was partners.. Mitch wanted to do everything" she said looking down embarrassed. She sighed starting to cry "I'm just s-so sorry... I said no b-because I don't know h-how to cook because I can't r-read the ingredients o-or recipes.. I lied a-and made excuses b-because I was so embarrassed in t-telling you in front of everyone..." Kirstie said

"We're your family Kirstie. We wouldn't care..." Avi said

"Still... a 24 year old omega who can't even read..." she said starting to cry again.

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