Chapter 30

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So I've been grounded and very sick AGAIN IMM SO SORRY

I'm so happy we're together" Matt said

"Me too Scott"

Kirstie sat sitting next to Mitch who was taken out of his wheel chair and sat in the seat next to her.

"Are you.... still... sick" she said holding his hand.

"I'm not sick but I'm not healthy either... I lost a lot of weight I didn't even knew I had and I'm very weak and tired. That's why I'm in a wheelchair because I'm too tired and weak to walk but I'm getting better" Mitch said smiling.

"I was so worried...." she said nuzzling into him  "I was so mad they wouldn't let me stay...."

"I understand Kirstie..." Mitch said kindly.

"You took care of.... me.... when I was.... sick.... I couldn't... do t-the s-same" She said starting to stutter

"Hey it's ok... I know you would if you could... but that disease was so dangerous.... I would be devastated if you got it. I'm not mad or upset" he said

She nodded hugging him tightly the rest of the ride home. They drove all day long... Kirstie didn't realize how far away she was from home.

"You guys.... drove that.... far.... for me.....?" Kirstie asked

"Well of course. We were going to leave you" Scott said.

"We drove to about 5 different places looking and we stayed in so many hotels!" Mitch said.

"I can't wait to go to sleep in a comfy bed..." Kirstie said softly laying her head against Mitch who was already starting to fall asleep. Kirstie yawned falling asleep on his shoulder.

After a few minutes Scott chuckled turning around from the passenger seat. "Tired pack..." he said chuckling looking at Avi.

"Everyone's asleep? That was fast" Avi asked

"Yeah even the Betas" Scott said

"Rest up Scott we have about 45 minutes  left." Avi said yawning.

"Yes sir...." Scott said dozing off.

They drove pulling up to their house. Avi stretches turning off the car. "Scotty were home."

Scott stretched rubbing his face "I'll get Mitchy.." he said tiredly

"I'll get Kirst and wake the betas" Avi said getting out and closing the door. Scott and Avi both slid open the side of the van door.

"Kevin, Matt were home" Avi said softly.

The two of them stirred starting to wake up "thank you sir... for driving us" Matt said

"Your welcome. Let's get in have a good nights sleep." Avi said smiling. Scott lifted Mitch easily "I'm going to leave his wheelchair in here we can get it in the morning" Scott said carrying him and holding him close.

"Ok! Works with me" Avi said carefully unbuckling Kirstie. Matt and Kevin crawled out  the side Mitch was on since he was gone.

Avi lifted her carrying her bridal style. Avi held her close inhaling her scent... he had missed her so much. She stirred waking up and her sweet smell turned to the smell of panic.

"AVI!!" She said waking up startled.

"It's ok I got you. I'm right here darling." He said walking

"I t-thought it w-was all a dream!!" She said gasping and putting her face his neck.

"It's not baby. it's real...we're home and we are going to getting a good nights sleep" Avi said walking in and turning behind in locking the door.

He walked upstairs scanning his fingerprint to get into his room. He laid her down "babe can I undress you?" He asked smiling a little.

"Yes..." she blushed madly.

He started unbutton her uniform while she laid tired. He started pulling her arms out of the sleeves and pulling it down revealing her chest "baby... you are just so stunning..." he said smiling. Kirstie giggled blushing and covered her face. He pulled it  down past her waist. "Oh crap I forgot to take your boots off."

He stopped on the uniform and started untying each boot and dropping them to the ground. He smiled pulling the uniform all the off and he gently kissed her stomach making her giggle.

Avi got up off the bed and went to a drawer he had of her clothes and grabbed her pajama black shorts and one of his t-shirts.

"Alpha can I just sleep in my bra?" She asked

"Of course baby" he said raising an eyebrow. He wasn't unhappy with her decision but it was different. She normally liked covering up and wearing his t-shirts but he didn't mind. Obviously.

He walked over sliding shorts over her legs, sliding them over her. He then took of his shirt "were gunna be twins" Avi said crawling in close next to her. She giggled clinging to him burrying her face in his hair chest.

"I love you so much.... much Avi I missed you..." she said starting to drift to sleep.

"I love you too baby.. let's get some sleep.." he said rubbing her back.

She laid against him closing her eyes when something in her stomach started to churn... she felt the sudden need to touch and kiss Avi. Her breathing quickened and her eyes went blue.

Avis eyes went wide smelling her "babe. You smell like heat."

Kirstie looked at him her eyes blue "Alpha! Please! It hurts so badly... please make it stop! Please me... please me!" She moaned

Avi got nervous "babe are you sure... are you ready for this.... your headspace is different in heat. Omegas crave any Alpha near them. Are you sure?" Avi said

"Please! Alpha I want you! I'm yours!" She whimpered.

Avi's eyes went red as he attacked her neck and felt her body.


Avi growled starting to take her bra off and underwear off.

It was a long.... long... night of love.

During a heat Omegas crave any Alpha. It's an uncontrollable feeling. They can't help it. It is something that happens naturally to Omegas. They don't always have to have sex but it's very painful to not have it. If they don't have sex they have to be locked away because they attract Alphas.  There heats last about 5 to 4 hours.... which a lot happened in with Kirstie and Avi. 

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