Chapter 57

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Kirstie laid on the ground gasping for air and clutching her stomach and Luca's eyes went red.

"Don't hurt my mommy" he yelled getting up bravely

"Luca no!" She said starting to get up

Luca ran and kicked Jeremy in the shin.

Jeremy cried out and roared slapping him across the face and to the ground. Luca fell and his head hit the wall..... He laid unconious with blood dripping out onto the floor. Caroline gasped starting to cry frightened "Luca!!"

Kirstie stood up shakily beyond pissed "Don't lay a hand on my son!"

Kirstie then punched him in the face "Ever."

Jeremy  gasped clutching his face and then grabbed her hair pulling her out as Caroline screamed for her mother.

Avi paced around the house "I'm  freaking out dad! I c-can't!" Avi said his breath quickening.

"Son it's going to be ok..... we are so close to finding them" Michael said

"I just c-can't handle it dad! I want my kids! I want my girlfriend!! I want Mitch to be ok!" Avi said falling to the ground.

Scott looked down at Avi and him and Michael lifted him up.

"It's okay sir..." Scott said softly

"I want everything to be ok!" Avi yelled crying

"I think you should rest. When's the last time you slept? " Michael said

" I have no clue! I can't sleep!! What if there's an update or I miss something!" He said getting sleepier.

"We wouldn't let that happen"  Scott said softy

"Fine.... you better not.... just palease.... tell the doctors thank you for coming for Mitch" Avi said softly starting  to fall asleep.

Scott pulled the blanket over him and rubbing his scruff.

"How's he doing Scott?" Michael asked

"Not good..... the doctors are in there with him right now...." Scott said shakily.

"I know it's hard... but we're so close to finding them. The detectives have a few ideas." Michael said

Scott rubbed his eyes "I know... I just want my little girl.... I want my omega healthy."

The doctors walked down the steps and Michael and Scott walked over "Well..?" Scott asked politely.

"He doesn't seem to be getting him better. We did find out it is the stomach flu so we have medication for that. We believe the reason he isn't getting better is from stress and not enough rest so please allow him to sleep whenever he wants and there may be times you have to force him to go bed, every time you sense him being tired make him sleep" the doctor said

"Of course. I will, thank you so much" Scott said shaking their hands.

"Our pleasure." The doctor said as Michael started thanking them and leading them out.

Scott walked upstairs to Mitch's room smelling his tiredness from outside the room.

Scott took a deep breath trying to compose himself in front of Mitch.

He opened the door and Mitch smiled weakly "Any n-news on our girl?"

Scott shook his head "Not much but Michael said the detectives were close... Babe can i nap with you?" Scott said starting to cry

Mitch's heart broke and nodded quickly "come on Alpha."

Scott ran and crawled in bed holding him closely crying. Mitch laid rubbing his back trying to soothe him until Scott was asleep....

Mitch kissed him deeply before falling asleep next to him.

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