Chapter 74

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They were all belting and singing on the way home all enjoying their milkshakes.

Nia smiled singing to Caroline and she blushed madly.

The parents were quick to notice and smiled to each other.

Lilly sat in the back not enjoying herself at all....

"What's wrong lil....?" Mitch asked

"I can't believe Luca would do that.. I j-just thought.... he was better than this...." she said

"I know.... but it is what happened..." Kirstie said

She sighed looking out the window and Harlow giggled next to Mitch "I WIN!!"

"Fine...." Mitch laughed

"You two better stop doing that one of these days your going to throw up!" Scott said

Mitch slurped his milkshake "Done! Second is the best!"

"Is not!!" Harlow said

They drove all the way home everyone having a blast but the happiness soon ended when Luca's car was in front of the house.

"Kids... I want parents only for this... Nia your the oldest beta your in charge. Go through the back gate and hang outback" Avi said

"Yes sir" Nia said starting to get out with Caroline.

"Don't worry Harlow. I got you" Lilly said

"Lilly I'll take her " Scott said

"Why not me?!" Lilly turned angry

"Sweetie you haven't held her since she was little she's a 14 year old now" Scott said

Lilly crossed her arms. "If it's okay... I would be more comfortable with your dad doing it.... I won't be able to help you at all.. my legs are dead weight" she said

Lilly's mood changed the minute Harlow asked "Of course I'm okay with it Har.... but... what does dead weight mean" she asked

Scott started taking Harlow out and walking with Lilly "It means that it's going to be really heavy because I won't be able to help you carry my legs. Since I can't move them it's all on you" Harlow said

"Oh I guess your right." Lilly said following them.

Scott set Harlow in the chair and walked back to join the parents.

Lilly sat next to Harlow chatting about random things while Caroline ran to the flowers...

"These are so beautiful!!" She said bending down.

Nia walked next to her "Not as pretty as you...."

Caroline blushed madly looking down "You don't really mean that do you.....?"

"Why wouldn't I.... your stunning..." Nia said playing with Caroline's hair.

Caroline looked nervous as Nia sat next to her in the grass.

"Why do you smell nervous precious....?" Nia smiled

"I just... I wanna come out to my parents... that we've b-been dating b-but I'm scared what my dad will think....." she said and Nia wrapped her arms around her.

"Why....?" Nia asked

"I think he'll be disappointed... because I think l he wants me to be with an Alpha" She said

"You think or you know?" Nia said

"I just think....." she said

"Well we won't know if we don't try right?" Nia said

"Your r-right... you'll be with me r-right?" She said cuddling into her.

"Of course..." Nia smiled kissing her head.

Avi and Scott walked into Luca's room angrily to find Luca passed out on the bed.

"GET UP" Avi roared looking around the room. Scott pointed at the ground to find cans of beer on the ground.

"Beer...." he said.

Avi stomped over grabbing Luca by the collar. "GET UP!"

Luca groaned opening his eyes "Yeah..?"

Avi growled grabbing him and pulling him to his shower and sitting him down.

He turned the spraying freezing cold water on him.

"DAD!" He screamed more alert.

"Your being punished! Luca your fucking 18!! 18!! Where did you get alcohol?!" He said

"MY FRIEND GOT IT" he screamed

"Why would you treat your sister like that?! Why would you let you "friend" treat her and Nia that way?! You made Harlow like she was a disgrace to the family!" He said

"I DONT KNOW!" He said starting to cry.

Scott walked in as Avi turned the water off.

"Luca..." Scott said

"What's going on...." Avi said crouching down.

"I hate school! I hate being an Alpha! It's been happening for years being teased and treated like shit.... I struggled in doing well in Alpha courses.... I wanted things to change and to feel better! I started hanging out with a bad crowd..." He said crying.

"Luca why didn't you come to me or Scott" Avi said

"I knew y-you would be disappointed dad.... grandpa is the h-head of the council... a-and you work w-with him.... a-and I can b-barely even p-pass the classes.... I'm s-so sorry dad... I m-made a mistake.... a h-huge one..." he said

"I could never be disappointed in you..... I would've loved to help you.... I would enjoy it.. doing activities with my son... but your punishment is severe...." Avi said

"O-Of course." Luca nodded quickly.

"Your getting a job immediately. You have pay for your sisters wheel chair. We will pay for it since she needs it now but you will pay us back. No car at all for two weeks. No more hanging out with that friend of yours anymore. No cell phone for a week. You will come with me and Scott to work out every morning at 5 to 7. And most importantly... your going to apologize to everyone. And explain yourself.... you hurt Harlow and Nia.... you scared me, your mother, Kevin and Matt. You never picked up Lilly and Caroline.... which made Scott and Mitch have to get them.... " Avi said

Luca cried wiping his nose "O-okay! I'll do a-anything to get y-you and mom to l-love me again..."

"Hey! I still love you Luca.." Avi said hugging him him in the shower. "I lost a lot of trust and respect for you today... you have to earn it back.... I know you can with hard work and time okay?"

Luca nodded slightly.

"Now take a warm shower, clean up the beer cans, and come downstairs. We will be waiting for an apology" Avi said walking out

It will be coming......  the bad things that will happen will mean the beginning of the end for this story....

But fear not!

If you haven't already go read my other Alpha and omega book which will be a much much slower pace!!!!

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