Chapter 32

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Requested by Avinlover 

Hope y'all enjoy it!!!!

Kirstie sat reading her easy book Carissa gave her.... she was trying to get her mind off things..... she couldn't shake the feeling that she cheated on Avi...... she knew Avi said it was just a heat.... she didn't even remember... but she felt immense guilt.... it was the thing that tortured her the most..... not the nightmares... not the scars.... was knowing she did that.... and gave Jeremy what he wanted...

Avi didn't care... but she felt she let him down.... Mitch was watching T.V., Avi and Scott were working out upstairs and Matt and Kevin were reading together.

She wanted to make it up to Avi.... to herself. She knew she had no control.... she had to let go.... she loves Avi with all her heart not Jeremy.....

She smiled to herself.... she did know how to make one thing..... soup. All you do is put it in microwave. How hard could it be?

She turned looking at the glass door that showed outside..... she smiled seeing the forest behind there house.

She could go and grab some wild flowers for him and they could have romantic dinner! She didn't have any money... the beautiful flowers behind her would be perfect!!!!

She smiled getting up and running to go to the kitchen. She grabbed the can opening it. It was an easy open can. She was so excited, she poured water into it sloppily and put it in the microwave, she hit the button for 8 minutes.

She smiled running outside. Mitch laid tiredly "I'm going outback!!" She said standing in front of T.V.

He was already half asleep tired "have.... fun...."

Kirstie ran smiling she opened the back door running out she ran through the back gate leading to forest.

She smiled seeing all the flowers.. Avi would love these!! She bent down picking the flowers and smelling them... not even realizing.....

There was someone standing behind her.... watching her closely.....

Avi and Scott walked downstairs sweaty and hot. Scott and Avi nudging each other, they quieted down when they saw Mitch watching TV.

"Hey bud how are you feeling?" Scott asked

"A lot better. I've been resting... I feel stronger." Mitch said.

"That's good. I'm going to make some lunch for everyone" Scott smiled.

Scott walked into the kitchen, he gasped at the mess. There was something dripping out of the microwave.

"Uhh Av...?" Scott said

Scott walked closer opening it and the noodles dropped out.

Avi walked in "What the heck happened here...?"

"I don't know I walked in on this mess" Scott said

"Mitch,Kevin, Matt, Kirstie!!" Avi yelled walking into the living with Scott behind him.

"Yes sir?" Mitch said sitting up

Kevin and Matt put their books down.

"Who made this soup mess in kitchen?" Scott asked.

"I don't know Matt and I've been reading" Kevin said

"I can't really walk on my own" Mitch said

"Well where is kirst?" Scott asked

"When I was resting tv she said she was going out back" Mitch said

"By herself?"Scott asked

Avis eyes went red and he grabbed his chest "Alpha?" Mitch said

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