Chapter 58

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A few hours later

Luca was still unconscious laying on the floor. Lilly was barely awake and laying in Kirstie's jacket.

Caroline cried softly sitting next to her brother lonely and scared.

The cell opened and Jeremy growled hearing Caroline's cries. He threw Kirstie onto the floor and she laid not moving.

Caroline stood sniffling and crying softer "Momma?"

She walked seeing Kirstie's bloody and bruised face. Caroline gasped and moved down cuddling her "Mommy...?" She cried. Caroline's clothes quickly became covered by Kirstie's blood.

Kirstie's entire body was bruised and there was blood all over her.....

Jeremy groaned "Stop crying you little brat!!!"

Caroline shook her head cuddling Kirstie "Momma it's okay! It'll be ok!"

Jeremy growled grabbing her arm pulling her away from Kirstie's. "I SAID STOP CRYING!!!!"

She screamed and cried trying to pull away terrified to death. Luca slowly opened his eyes hearing Caroline cry "Stop! " he yelled barely

"L-leave her alone!!" He said he tried getting up and crumbled back down as the door slammed shut.

He looked frightened and confused "CAROLINE!" He yelled.

She was gone...... he slowly sat up holding his head "Owie....." he said starting to cry.

He looked frightened seeing Kirstie laying there so badly hurt "mommy!"

He crawled and gently shook her crying "Mommy! Mommy!"

Kirstie whimpered slowly and opened only one eye.... the other was purplish black, swollen and bloody.

"L-Luca thank goodness y-your alright!" Kirstie said crying

"Mommy! " he cried cuddling her as she laid breathing heavily "Mommy! He took Caroline!"

Kirstie's eye widened and she looked around crying when she didn't see her. "No.. no.. NO!!!" she tried getting up to walk to the cell door but couldn't.

Kirstie cried laying on the floor "P-please god protect her... Please I've f-failed.... "

Jeremy stood outside watching and laughed opening the door.

"Where... is my daughter.." Kirstie breathed out

"Don't worry about it. I'm here to get rid of the weak one." Jeremy said looking and Lilly.

Lilly laid her eyes barely open...

"What do you mean by get rid of..." Kirstie said trying to move.

"You know exactly what I mean." Jeremy said walking past her.

"NO! JEREMY STOP!! YOUR A MONSTER!!" She screamed "She's a little girl!!! Don't touch her! I'll take her place!! Stop!! STOP!!

He was going to kill her

Lilly cried softly watching Jeremy walk closer to her.

Luca growled and ran grabbing Jeremy's arm biting it. Jeremy hissed in pain and shoved Luca down.

Jeremy picked up Lilly as Lilly tried moving away.

Kirstie groaned and stood grabbing her rib cage. She limped over angrily grabbing Jeremy by the throat "I said don't touch her!!"

He gasped dropping Lilly to the ground trying push her away.

Kirstie squeezed his throat and didn't even see him pull out a knife from his pocket pushing into her side.

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