Chapter 64

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"Is Nia going to be okay mommy?" Caroline asked

"Yes sweetie she's just a little scared and frightened." Kirstie said holding her

The kids had changed into their pjs and were getting ready for bed.

"Daddy will Nia feel better?" Lilly asked Scott

"Yes baby her dads are upstairs helping her relax" Scott said

Mitch was brushing Lilly's long blonde hair and starting to braid it.

Luca ran out of the bathroom with his shirt stuck over his head "HELP ME!" He giggled

He ran out into the living making everyone laugh.

"Luca Kaplan you stinker!" Avi laughed following him.  He walked to Luca pulling it over his head

He laughed putting it on and spun "Done!"

"Alright kiddos up to bed!" Scott said

The three of them ran upstairs chattering away and Lilly walked back downstairs "daddies.... will you still tuck me in?" She said nervous.

"Of course baby girl we were coming up in a second" Mitch smiled

"Okay" She smiled walking back-upstairs.

"Is she still getting afraid?" Avi asked

"What happened?" Kirstie asked standing up.

"Yeah.... somehow the parental controls on the tv were off for one channel and she was changing channels and saw some scary monster show. She thinks there under her bed now..." Mitch said

"That's tough" Avi said

"Maybe you could by her a night light at the store and say it's monster repellent?" Kirstie said

"We've tried that.. she doesn't buy it at all" Scott sighed

"It will pass, don't worry" Avi said

The four of them walked upstairs walking to their kids rooms. Kirstie and Avi went into Lucas room first. "Goodnight Luca" Kirstie said kissing his forehead.

"No mommy! I big boy! No more kisses!" He said pushing her away.

She sighed looking at Avi sadly "Luca don't speak to your mother that way. She loves you."

"I'm sorry mama...." He said

"If you don't want kisses from me and daddy, we won't " she said walking out "Goodnight"

Avi followed and Luca sat up sadly as they left. They walked into Caroline who was already drifting to sleep.

"Daddy... mommy.... read me a story...?" She said tiredly

"Not tonight sweetie your already so tired..." Avi smiled

"Okay...? Can I have kisses and hugs?" She said rubbing her eyes.

"Of course girly" Avi said smiling. He leaned down kissing her forehead. She smiled hugging him and kissed his cheek.

"Goodnight baby" he said

"Night daddy" she smiled as Kirstie leaned down kissing her forehead. Caroline kisses Kirstie's cheek and hugged her "Night mommy"

"Night little one" she smiled

Caroline tolled to her side drifting to sleep. She cuddled her bear as she laid on her unicorn pillow pet.

Kirstie turned on her night light on that lit up putting stars all over the ceiling.

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