Chapter 31

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So I got sick with a cold a couple weeks ago and felt awful. I skipped swim practice that day and caught up on my overwhelming amount of homework and went to bed early. I felt really good  after that but with a bunch of kids at my school sick I got it again which I didn't even know that could happen. My throat hurt slightly but I mainly started coughing every day and my voice slowly disappeared each day. But my cough now is almost completely gone!!!!

Btw this is a realllllly crappy chapter.

Please dm for some requests! I'm going to try to take this on... but I was feel disappointed if I let people down. But please do I'll try anything you want!

I'm loosing motivation because I can't think of anything good right now that's fitting. I have future chapters written out but I don't want to time skip that far.

Please comment more even though  this chapter is crap

Comment of the day is the 2 people who commented!!! Whooo shout out!

Kirstie yawned stretching in their large king bed. She laid against the sheets and rubbed her eyes starting to wake up.

She was still naked from the previous events of last night. She looked frowning seeing Avi not in bed.

"Avi?" She called out.

Avi smiled walking in hold a tray "Good morning princess."

"You made me breakfast?" She said smiling big sitting up. She pulled the sheets to keep herself covered.

"Yes of course sleepyhead. I let you sleep in since it was a long night and I let the others know you had your heat." Avi said setting the tray down.

"Well... that's a little embarrassing....." she blushed.

"Well I wanted to tell them so they knew why  you were missing" he said

"Well I just woke up I'm not missing" She laughed.

"Well you probably don't know it's 1:52 in the afternoon.. it's from your heat... they are exhausting." He said

"1:52?!" She said looking at him shocked.

"Yep.. eat up baby you need it" Avi said getting under the covers and rubbing her bare thigh.

"You wore me out Avi..." she giggled laughing "I'm actually sore..." she said blushing

"I didn't hurt you too much did I?" He asked turning red.

"A good hurt... I'm just I'm sorry..... I hope it was special for you... but I'm sorry if it wasn't... you know I'm not a Virgin... and been raped s-so I'm sorry... " she said looking down starting to cry.

"Hey hey hey there's no need to be sorry... It doesn't matter what happened to you because your mine now. It was special because I shared it with you. And it was amazing I've waited and it was worth it. And I hope it was special for you because you did it with someone you really loved." He said cuddling her

"It was so special.... I never knew what it was suppose to feel like if that makes sense. it feels amazing sharing it with someone I truly love" she said starting to eat the eggs.

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