Chapter 17

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Comment of the day is Avinlover and inlove_ptx


They were the only two people commented on the last chapter!

Mitch stood in line looking at all the food options.

"What sounds good baby?" Scott said pulling him closer.

"Well I can smell the salad and it smells soooo good! So do the cookies sir!" He smiled

"Let's get in line for those then. Whatever the princess wants I'll get it too"

"You have too if you don't like salad..." Mitch cuddling into him.

"Well I'm actually not hungry but I need to eat so something light would be good" Scott smiled leading him to the line.

They were standing when an intercom went off "Attention all patients and packs of patients. You are to return to your rooms immediately and turn on the news. That is an order sent from the council." She lady said.

"Scotty?! What's going on" he said

"I don't baby but it's ok.... I'm gonna protect you no matter what..." he quickly led Mitch back to the rooms. Everyone was rushing around trying to get to their rooms quickly. Mitch was getting pushed and tossed around from all the people. Scott's eyes went red at Anyone who near him and he picked Mitch up and set him on his hip walking faster.

Mitch smiled softly cuddling up to Scott. Scott kissed his head and walked in quickly setting Mitch next to Kirstie.

Mitch cuddled up next Kirstie and hugged him back unsure what was going on. Avi and Scott were watching the TV. and talking in hushed tones.

"What do you thinks going on?" Mitch asked.

"I have no idea but Avi smells worried" she said

"Wait?! How can you smell his worry?! He only can smell yours!" He said

"Not if your bonded..!" She said smiling and pulling her hair back revealing the two fresh holes from Avis fangs.

"Whoa..." Mitch said touching it.

"I know right! I have a feeling Scott's going mark you soon! The way he walked in with you was couple goals" she laughed causing Mitch to laugh with her.

Kirstie sniffed the air and could smell Avis sadness. "Alpha..."

Mitch sniffed the air and eventually could smell Scott's and Avis overwhelming sadness. Avi closed his eyes covering his mouth and Scott held him tightly.

Kirstie got up and tried walking carefully with her cast towards him. "Alphas What is it?"

Avi turned and opened his arms holding her his breaths getting heavy. Kirstie looked at the t.v as did Mitch.

"I can't read it... what does it say?"

"Head of council, Michael Kaplan, his wife and 12 other council members captured by Zema" Mitch said.

Kirstie looked at Avi her face softening "Its ok... baby I got you!!"

Mitch looked at Scott hugging him "What are Zema? Why did they capture the council!" Mitch said panicky.

Kirstie wobbled leading Avi to her bed and cuddled him.

"Zema.... are evil.... they are Alphas who go rogue." Scott said

"R-rogue...?" Mitch stuttered.

"Alphas who want more power... they were the ones banished. They banded together... and they are starting a war... that's why they captured Avi's father... so they wouldn't get in the way...."

Kirstie held Avi, kissing his cheek and his face over and over.

"What are they s-starting a war for...?" Mitch asked

"O-Omegas...." Avi said holding her

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