Chapter 10

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Comment of the day: @uriyah_ptx

Avi opened his eyes waking to up to yelling. Was it all a bad dream..?

"K-Kirstie!!?" He cried out. The yelling stopped and his eyes adjusted more. When his eyes adjusted all the way he was looking up at his father.

"Dad...?" He asked sitting up. He looked around he was in a hospital bed and next to him was Scott feeding Mitch in the bed next to him and Mitch had a pink cast on.

"Hey son.... I'm here now...."  his dad said.

Avi broke down into tears for the first time and cried into his hands. "I t-thought it was a dream.... she's gone... k-Kirstie....."  Avi sobbed and his father held him and Scott got up, putting Mitch's food down and hugged Avi. Mitch looked heart broken seeing his lead Alpha cry for the first time.

"I swear to god Avi we will find them. And whoever did this will have hell to pay." His father said growling. His father let go and turned to the police officer that Avi didn't notice was there till now.

"Now... before I get even more pissed... you and your team go and don't stop searching!!! You will do whatever it takes to find her and I will pay any amount of money to find her. I WANT MY FUTURE DAUGHTER IN LAW FOUND ALIVE" His father roared causing the room to shake.

"Y-yes sir the d-detective is coming in now." The police chief ran out.

Avi sat up slowly his head hurting "I'm confused... why am I in a hospital bed"

"You passed out... they said it was shock and your emotions.. when you fell. You hit a rock and needed stitches."  Scott said

"Where's Mom?" Avi asked sadly

"She's getting us a bunch of food from chic-fil-a"  his dad said.

The detective walked in "Hi I'm Mrs.Rogers! Let's get started. "

"Good it looks like your the only one wanting to work around here" Michael said.

Avi laid back staring at the ceiling zoning out... all could he could think about was her. He already missed her dearly and he was praying she was okay.....

Kirstie groaned sitting up... she felt like she was hit by a bus. "H-hello....? C-can anybody hear me....?!"

She looked around it was freezing cold... she was confused. Why was it freezing cold in July.  She looked around. Her "room" looked like a really old jail cell. Everything looked moldy and old.

She got holding her head "I w-want to go home....."

"Kirstie?! Kirst where are you !" Kevin said. Kirstie stood up running to the little slot she could see out of. She could see Kevin's dark eyes in the cell across from her.

"Kevin!? Is that you?! How are you here?" Kirstie asked.

I was kidnapped too... is Mitch here?" He asked

"I don't think so. He's the one who signaled me he heard footsteps. Kevin.... I'm really scared... a-am I going to d-die like Scott's sister...."  Kirstie asked

"We're going to try not to... Besides Scott's sister was kidnapped by her Alphas"

"Kev... I think...these are my Alphas.... who else would be out for revenge....." Kirstie sighed. 

They was a sounded slam and footsteps "Here kitty kitty....."

"I knew it..... Jeremy Michael Lewis....." she said

"I knew you couldn't forget me baby." He opened up her cell door quickly grabbing her and putting handcuffs on her.

"I've been waiting years to fuck you senseless . It's finally time...." he growled happily.

"Please! No!! She screamed

"Stop!! Don't touch! LEAVE HER ALONE!!" Kevin yelled banging on the door.

"Shut up Beta or I'll beat you." Jeremy growled Kirstie was trying to pull and squirm away.

"Do it! I'll take her place!!  Please leave her alone!!" Kevin said

"I'd rather do both. I'll rape her and then beat you" he laughed

"KEVIN!!!!! Kevin!!!" She screamed getting taken outside of the jail cell area.

Kevin crumbled to the ground crying into his hands.

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