Chapter 54

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3 years later

Luca is 7, Lilly is 6, Caroline and Nia are 4!!

Nia ran through the house squealing "AHHH!!!"

Caroline laughed and giggled "I'll get you!!"

"Ladies what did we say about running in the house...?" Scott said

"Sorry Alpha Scott " Nia said

"Yeah we're sorry! Can we play outside?" Caroline asked

"Yes stay away from the pool" he said

They cheered running outside as Luca walked in sadly.

"Hey Luca How was school? Where is Lilly?" Scott asked

"Not good....." Luca said crying and hugging Scott.

Lilly followed him sadly "he had a bad day daddy!"

"Okay... okay Lilly go get Kirstie and Avi" Scott said

Lilly nodded running off and Luca sobbed harder.

"Hey bud what's wrong?" Scott said lifting his head.

"Mommy and daddy are gunna be so mad!" He said holding a couple of papers

"How come?" Scott asked concerned.

"I got bad grades on all my tests... my teacher is calling mommy and d-daddy tonight " he said softly.

Kirstie ran downstairs quickly "Luca baby what's wrong?! Are you hurt!?" She bent down hugging him multiple times looking him over.

Avi followed quickly standing behind Kirstie. Luca just looked down embarrassed. Avi looked to Scott confused.

"He said he's embarrassed to tell you... he's been doing bad on his tests and the teacher will be calling you tonight" Scott said

"Well let me see your papers" Kirstie said still bent down.

Luca reluctantly handed them to her and she stared at them with Avi looking down at them also.

"Reading huh...? Avi I think I have this one." Kirstie said smiling

Avi kissed her head smiling and walked out back with Scott to watch Caroline and Nia closely.

Luca was still hiccuping and wheezing from being so upset.

"Luca it's ok.. mommy and daddy aren't mad. Reading is hard. It's a lot to remember" Kirstie said

He hugged her tightly and she stood sitting on the couch with him in her lap.

"There was a time Luca where I didn't know how to read at all... my family was poor and I didn't get to go to school till I was in 3rd grade." Kirstie said

"You didn't know how to read either?!" Luca said shocked,

"Nope. It wasn't till a little after I met daddy that I started learning, I was old and a grown up too! It was so hard and I stopped for a long time.... but something made me want to start again" Kirstie said

"What?" Luca said wiping his face.

"When I found out I was going to have you! I thought and thought how will I be able to read this baby awesome stories?! After that I worked so hard to learn and when you were born I was ready." She smiled

"You do read the best stories mommy!!" He said

"So I'll talk with your teacher and we will give you extra help so that one day you can get one of your first grade books and read to me!" She said

"Oh my gosh!! That would be so cool!!" Luca said

"So what you need to do to is work extra hard everyday in reading and practicing with me or daddy ok?" Kirstie asked

"Okay!" He smiled big

"Right now why don't you go play outside with Caroline and Nia?" Kirstie said

"Okay! We could play in the tree house!!"

He ran out laughing excited and Kirstie smiled. She knew she didn't have to be to worried about his grades it was just 1rst grade.

Mitch walked down holding Lilly's hand. She smiled at Kirstie twirling "LOOK KIRSTIE! Daddy braided my hair all the way down"

"You look like a beautiful princess!" Kirstie smiled

Lilly giggled and ran out back. Every time Kirstie looked at Lilly she saw Scott and Mitch in her.

Mitch smiled watching her run and looked at Kirstie "I love her so much... her and Scott are my everything."

"She looks so much like you and Scott it's crazy... she has Scott's eyes but your face, Scott's nose but your dimples" Kirstie smiled

Mitch smiled taking Kirstie's hand and walking out with her "We have a families..."

"I love our lives"

They sat in chairs watching the kids in the tree house.

They chatted and watched when Caroline came down the ladder and they could smell her sadness.

"Caroline what's wrong?" Avi said

She sighed looking down "I d-don't want to p-play anymore..."

"Honey what happened?" Kirstie said

"N-Nothing I'm just going to play with my dolls" she ran inside quickly.

Kirstie Scott and Avi stood confused and Kirstie started running after Caroline when Nia and Lilly started coming down.

Kevin and Matt stood up worried "Nia baby are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm ok but Caroline sad"

Lilly ran to Scott and Mitch "Luca was mean to Caroline!"

Kirstie walked over "What did he do girls?"

"He made fun of her eyes" Nia said

Avi's eyes went red "Luca! Come down here!"

Luca slowly emerged from the tree house climbing slowly down the ladder.

He walked over dragging his feet "Yeah...?"

"You wanna tell us what did you to your little sister?" Avi asked

"Nothing!" He said

Kirstie crossed her arms and Lilly spoke up "He's lying. He said her eyes were freaky and weird!"

Mitch bent down shushing her softly "Let Avi handle this"

"No it's okay. Thank you Lilly." Avi said look down at Luca

"She's a tattle tale!!" Luca said stomping his foot

"No she's not! You hurt our friend feelings!! my daddies say that's something you tell a grown up about!" Nia said

Matt lifted Nia up "I'm just going to take her inside."

"It's ok.... I'm just disappointed Luca couldn't even tell me himself" Avi said

"Mitch you wanna come with me and take Lilly? I was thinking we could bake some cookies with the girls" Matt said

"Okay!" Mitch said taking Lilly's hand

"Daddy can we decorate them too? We could make one for Caroline!" Nia said

"Caroline loves cookies!!" Lilly said as the four of them walked inside.

"I'm going to check on Caroline" Kirstie said worried.

"Can you wait for me I would like to be there too" Avi said

"Of course Alpha" Kirstie said walking back.

Avi looked down at Luca with Scott at his right side "Why would you say those awful things to your sister"

Luca shrugged "I don't know...."

"Well since you don't know. Your going to your room for the rest of tonight with early bed time." Avi said,Scott nodded agreeing.

"But it's movie night!" He said

"You get to miss it. That was something very mean you said to her." Kirstie said

Luca ran inside as fast as he could and they started following him. "Why would he say that Avi?" Kirstie asked worriedly.

"I don't know.... maybe he'll tell us later" Avi said

All of them walked inside and Kevin and Scott went with the others making cookies.

Kirstie and Avi went upstairs opening Caroline's door.

They could hear her crying under the covers. "Baby girl daddy and mommy are here" Avi said

She popped her head up slightly to reveal her stunning eyes.. one was brown like Kirstie's and the other was as green as Avi's.

They had no idea how it happened.. but they noticed one eye was changing and eventually turned green. The doctors said it was nothing to be worried about health wise and that it caused no harm to her so they didn't worry about it.

Tears fell from her eyes "C-can we c-cuddle?"

Kirstie teared up hearing her so upset "Of course we can. Your are our little cuddle bug!"

Kirstie walked scooping her up in her blanket holding her.

"Honey your eyes are far from weird... they are the prettiest things I've ever seen." Avi said

She cried clinging to Kirstie "I t-thought they w-were too b-but Luca s-sai-" she started

"Luca just messed up. He didn't mean it. He really loves you..." Kirstie said

She sniffled softly not looking up.

"Remember when that time when you got mad at me and mommy for taking you to the doctor and you said you hated us?" Avi said

"Yeah.... I was sorry I don't mean it" she said

"See? You didn't mean it just like Luca didn't!" Avi said

Caroline wiped her face smiling a little and cuddled Kirstie "you both think my eyes are pretty right...?"

"They are gorgeous" Kirstie said kissing her forehead

"You know why I like them?" Avi said

"Why?!" She said kinda excited, starting to feel better

"You have mommy and daddy's eyes. See this one is like mommy's and this one is like mine!" Avi said

She looked at Avi amazed "I never even thought that before!" She squealed

Avi chuckled and Caroline moved cuddling him "I think I heard your friends were making you a surprise downstairs" Kirstie smiled

Caroline squealed and started running out of the room.

Time skip to movie night

"I love the little mermaid!!" Nia said

"This was such a good pick Caroline!!" Lilly said

The three girls had blankets, pillows and stuffed animals all over the floor. They sat watching the tv holding there bowls of popcorn.

The grown ups sat in chairs or on the couch watching the movie. They were quietly chatting with each other during the movie since this one was they've all seen thousands of times.

During the movie no one really noticed Caroline had slipped away...

"Avi... Caroline is gone." Kirstie said standing up.

"She said she had to go grab something from her room but that was a long time ago" Nia said

Kirstie walked upstairs quickly, Avi close behind.

They saw the door open in Caroline's room but she was no where to be seen.

Tears felt Kirstie's eyes thinking the worst. Avi started running back downstairs but heard voices. He walked back up following the voices .

They were coming from Luca's room... Kirstie and Avi carefully cracked open the door slightly seeing Caroline laying in bed with Luca.

His face was red and his eyes were puffy... they listened closely.

"H-how come you a-aren't watching the movie?" He hiccuped

"I thought I could come up and spend time with you!" She smiled

"I'm s-suppose to be in t-trouble" he said

"I didn't want you being all alone.. movie night was not the same.." she said

"C-Caroline I'm so s-Sorry" he cried hugging her.

"I know you are mommy and daddy told me you did not mean it" she said smiling

"I just... I had a bad day today" He sniffled

"What happened bubby?" She said worried

"W-well in art i m-made this cool p-painting and this kid s-spilt water on it w-which I was sad.. b-because it was for daddy to hang in him and mommy's room. And then I g-got bad tests" he said

"Oh... that is bad... but I have a secret. You can't tell mommy or daddy" she said whisper smiling

"Okay What is it?" He said

She moved under the blankets and handed him a cookie. "I snuck one for both of us so we could eat them together!"

Luca smiled big taking it and eating it "I love you Caroline."

"I love you Luca!" She smiled eating hers.

Kirstie covered her mouth to hide her tears at how sweet the moment was. Avi smiled closing the door and hugged Kirstie tightly.

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